Yall dont get what atheism is. Pretty funny

atheists dont necessarily reject all kinds of the supernatural btw, like ghosts for example, or god/higher power in the deistic sense. . .

Atheism in essence is just the answer "no" to the question "do you believe in god/gods?"
Never said atheists don't believe in the supernatural you just assumed that i did too bad

i said they deny a supernatural source where existence stems from and that is their disbelief that they deny existence of a creator. A that is what atheism is

And you keep redefining atheism without really explaining what it is

Doesnt apply to atheism in general, applies to atheists who subscribe to materialism or something.

But then again, thats philosophy, you dont need to care or know about philosophy to be an atheist.
You dont need to know anything to believe anything
You can believe whatever and it can be true or false.

Idk what else is there to associate existence to for folks that don't believe in a created universe other than natrual causes.

Doubt Philosophy would differ as it has to be rooted in an assumption other than theism

In the end an atheist's explanation of existence, of oneself, and the universe is based on natrual causes

That is the fundamental belief of atheism
said they deny a supernatural source where existence stems from and that is their disbelief that they deny existence of a creator. A that is what atheism is
Thats still as wrong

And you keep redefining atheism without really explaining what it is
No im not, and i and others explained it plenty
Post automatically merged:

In the end an atheist's explanation of existence, of oneself, and the universe is based on natrual causes

That is the fundamental belief of atheism
Still not necessarily. . . .
Thats still as wrong
Idk what atheism means to you, you seems to be deriving rediculous interpretations out if the definition

Its seems like to you disbelief in god is not following commands or adhering to a god

Which isn't atheism as it has nothing to do with denying existence of a god

That's the mainstream well understood pretty universal definition idk whats cooking in the cave you came up with that

No im not, and i and others explained it plenty
You literally defined atheism as a rejective retort to the answer "do you believe in a god".

Which is basically the definition with no interpretation expounded from it ie: no explanation

You haven't defined "belief" in an existential sense and you seem to be alluding to rejection of adhering to a god than claiming its existence

You're all over the place

Still not necessarily. . . .
Ok then provide me with an alternative aside from the 2 opinions
What would an atheist (generally regardless of whether they are materialists or not) base their idea of universe and its creation upon? Intelligent being or nature

what other options are there aside from a greater intelligence or natrual causes.
It's a mental illness , that's all I would say

BTW i'm still waiting for an answer to that:

This doesn't answer my question, you don't invent the knowledge. So where would you be taking the knowledge ? Toward flat earthers or toward scientists ?

@Herrera95 also for that:

SOrry I thought you were ignoring me, it happens a lot when I'm debatting here.

No, real scientist. Doing real science :)

This doesn't answer my question, you don't invent the knowledge. So where would you be taking the knowledge ? Toward flat earthers or toward scientists ?

Sorry, there is a consensus, you can ask many scientists about that. Especially psychologues biologist, doctor sociologue and psychiatrist.

OOOOowww... Ok.. this is a whole other problem. Two in fact. So I will deconstruct this step into two more questions:

Let's recenter the problem around scientific knowledge and not climate change. Let's take the shape of the earth for example:

1 - Do you believe scientist knowledge and flat earther knowledge are equal ?

Then (because we need to stay on the subject) another question that will help us deconstruct another belief:

2 - Do you believe that men and women are equal into the understanding of what women live during their live and what they have to endure (social pressure / Patriarchy / Sexual abuses / Wistleling in the streets / Periods / Giving birth etc..) or in other word, do you believe a man can understand as much as a woman what it is to be a woman ?


This doesn't answer my question, you don't invent the knowledge. So where would you be taking the knowledge ? Toward flat earthers or toward scientists ?
You don't invent knowledge? What If I become a scientist myself? I'll figure it out myself , regardless of how much time it takes.

I really don't care who's correct , I'm more into the satisfaction of figuring things myself out.
You don't invent knowledge? What If I become a scientist myself? I'll figure it out myself , regardless of how much time it takes.

I really don't care who's correct , I'm more into the satisfaction of figuring things myself out.
Nice dodge but I won't let you go mate.

All scientist's knowledge rest on the knowledge of previous scientists before them. So answer me honestly (and don't try to dodge yourself out of the question):

Do you believe flatearther knowledge and scientific knowledge have the same value ?


All scientist's knowledge rest on the knowledge of previous scientists before them.
Only weak minded people do that.
One exception is enough to bring down the whole System which is being used for years.

And what comparison even is this, scientist and Flat earther? Like I don't understand.
Why discussing flat earther in the first place.....
Flat earthers ~ People who Identifies as something.
Only weak minded people do that.
One exception is enough to bring down the whole System which is being used for years.
I think you don't understand how the sciencetific method work here...

Which would explain why you are trying to put on the same level flat earther knowledge and scientific knowledge
You said you like op

But I don't see you discussion op at all
Mainly because this is not a space to discuss One Piece but mainly a space to hate on One Piece
You were the one who started to mention Flat earthers
I took the example of flat earther to put into evidence the problem behind your statement "I do my own research". So I gave you a clear exemple: scientific knowledge VS flat earther knowledge (what knowledge would you seek?)


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Mainly because this is not a space to discuss One Piece but mainly a space to hate on One Piece

You also say many people here are sexist and hateful towards what you advocate....

Yet, you spend lot of time arguing about it.

Then why not for OP?

Also, there are lots of threads which aren't about how good or bad OP is but about plots and PL