Future Events On Zoro vs Shiryu

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He proved that he can sense Shiryuu invisibility, because he knew where exacctly Shiryuu was going.

Meaning, in a pure 1v1 he won't get hit from invisibility.

Yea, you just talking to talk
Yea how did that prove he won't get hit by Shiryu lol. Biy oncev
again your just talking
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Shiryu's not trading blows with KoH, but he'd be a challenge to pre-KoH Zoro. And Shiryu's a threat to even the top tiers thanks to invisibility. Only the likes of Kaido and Big Mom wouldn't fall for his attacks.
He going to fight a even stronger Zoro then the one in Wano. So idk what your even talking about
Did Greenbull look worried at all about Yamato in a 7 vs 1? She came in with a complete cheapshot to the head, failed to scratch him and he didn't give a rats ass about her, just another pest in his way.
Are you reading two piece? Yamato was explicitly told not to fight. Greenbull was nearly going all out against Momo lol. Best of luck to old and retired Garp low diffing Yamato


The only one who can beat me is me
Are you reading two piece? Yamato was explicitly told several times not to fight. Greenbull was nearly going all out against Momo. Best of luck to old and retired Garp low diffing Yamato
Yamato posed zero threat to Greenbull, that much was made clear. She got an advCoC freebie on him and couldn't even scratch him. Even if Greenbull stood there and let her get 20 free attacks before he starts fighting, he beats her comfortably.

But that wasn't the point. I don't care for what term you want to use, low diff, mid diff. Point is they are only pests for top tiers. Yamato is not much different. Shiryu was never going to be worth Garp's full time, that doesn't make him a scrub. He can still be in Yamato's range or even stronger.
Yamato posed zero threat to Greenbull, that much was made clear. She got an advCoC freebie on him and couldn't even scratch him. Even if Greenbull stood there and let her get 20 free attacks before he starts fighting, he beats her comfortably.

But that wasn't the point. I don't care for what term you want to use, low diff, mid diff. Point is they are only pests for top tiers. Yamato is not much different. Shiryu was never going to be worth Garp's full time, that doesn't make him a scrub. He can still be in Yamato's range or even stronger.
Yamato's one nameless attack had GB acknowledge her Haki. She didn't used her hybrid or any named attack.

After that she was not allowed to fight.


The only one who can beat me is me
I would like to revisit this after Shiryu's full skillset has been demonstrated against a character stronger than Garp... :sanmoji:
It's possible if Shiryu levels up. The way Hachinosu was portrayed is that Shiryu's abilities alone are not enough even with so many distractions and the numbers on his side, the very fact that even with a massive numbers advantage Shiryu felt the need to get to Garp through Coby instead of just going after a busy Garp directly, is a big stain on his stealth.

I originally thought he would cheapshot Garp while Garp was busy with Kuzan and the rest of the BB pirates, but Oda wasn't even willing to give him that much. Which means Garp when fully focused on Shiryu in a 1v1 comfortably deals with him.

So there's two options, either Shiryu gets an awakening later on which he didn't have access to, or Shiryu did not want to use this so called awakening (which is the only way he could be a threat to Garp) for whatever reason.
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Yamato's one nameless attack had GB acknowledge her Haki. She didn't used her hybrid or any named attack.

After that she was not allowed to fight.
That attack was with her full strength/momentum and laced with even more advCoC than 99% of her attacks, her going into hybrid just means she has more strength behind her swing. So she goes from not scratching Greenbull to scratching him or having him drop some blood. Congratulations.

Gol D. Roger

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Garp wouldn't be able to handle Yamato as easily as Green Bull. Forget Garp, most top tiers can't do it. GB and Kuzan are well-equipped to deal with numbers quickly. It doesn't apply everywhere.


Kitetsu Wanker
It's possible if Shiryu levels up. The way Hachinosu was portrayed is that Shiryu's abilities alone are not enough even with so many distractions and the numbers on his side, the very fact that even with a massive numbers advantage Shiryu felt the need to get to Garp through Coby instead of just going after a busy Garp directly, is a big stain on his stealth.

I originally thought he would cheapshot Garp while Garp was busy with Kuzan and the rest of the BB pirates, but Oda wasn't even willing to give him that much. Which means Garp when fully focused on Shiryu in a 1v1 comfortably deals with him.

So there's two options, either Shiryu gets an awakening later on which he didn't have access to, or Shiryu did not want to use this so called awakening (which is the only way he could be a threat to Garp) for whatever reason.
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That attack was with her full strength/momentum and laced with even more advCoC than 99% of her attacks, her going into hybrid just means she has more strength behind her swing. So she goes from not scratching Greenbull to scratching him or having him drop some blood. Congratulations.
In Beehive incident, Shiryu got involved only once and was a crucial factor that weakened Garp.
All of that with a nameless attack while the narrative focus was on the teacher and the student.
Imagine playing the most important feat that weakens Garp through nameless attack by getting 2-3 panels only and still being considered insufficient... lol

Yall are acting like Shiryu got a full fight's worth of panels and wasnt good enough, lol.
Yall didnt learn from Marco vs King+Queen scene... Fooled ya there, he is gonna fool you again...
The man has literally shown nothing and yet was the most important factor while the focus wasnt even on him.
Only the likes of Kaido and Big Mom wouldn't fall for his attacks
You sure Big Mom doesnt fall for Shiryu's attacks? :watchout:

Garp was fucked thanks to Kuzan lol.
Is that why Oda kept highlighting within a short span of two chapters what Shiryu did to Garp? =>

Point is they are only pests for top tiers.
Luffy thought "its reassuring" that Yamato stayed back to protect Wano from guys like Greenbull, doesnt sound like a pest to me

We will see about Shiryu, what we know right now his one attack has enough AP to fuck up Garp, which commander did that to a "top tier"?


The only one who can beat me is me
In Beehive incident, Shiryu got involved only once and was a crucial factor that weakened Garp.
All of that with a nameless attack while the narrative focus was on the teacher and the student.
Imagine playing the most important feat that weakens Garp through nameless attack by getting 2-3 panels only and still being considered insufficient... lol

Yall are acting like Shiryu got a full fight's worth of panels and wasnt good enough, lol.
Yall didnt learn from Marco vs King+Queen scene... Fooled ya there, he is gonna fool you again...
The man has literally shown nothing and yet was the most important factor while the focus wasnt even on him.
I literally learned from that, that's why I know Shiryu isn't a bum just as King wasn't a bum, but he also isn't beating Garp.

His whole gimmick is stealth, and he couldn't even do that properly on Hachinosu despite all the numbers on his side, that's the issue as it concerns facing Garp alone.

Everything you said could be true, Shiryu could simply have stabbed Garp in the back while his focus is elsewhere, and nothing would have changed except it would make Shiryu look more competent. Yet Oda did not want to make even a distracted Garp get hit by Shiryu, he needed to add another layer. Maybe he was just protecting Garp, but it definitely came at the cost of Shiryu's devil fruit.

And really, I don't see how Garp would even look bad if he got hit by Shiryu while he was focused elsewhere. It would be reasonable, but the way it was portrayed made it seem like if Coby and the others weren't on the island, Shiryu couldn't even find an opening on Garp. Which tells you what Oda thinks of Shiryu vs Garp.


Kitetsu Wanker
His whole gimmick is stealth
Feels like I have been talking to walls all these years... :lusalty:
Stealth is useless against all top tiers, at least the basic invisibility of the fruit.
Everyone CoO user can detect him.
My point is that despite showing nothing, Shiryu was the most important factor despite getting only 2-3 panels.

Just like he didnt make King show off early, he isnt letting Shiryu show off before Zoro fight either...
As I said, I would like to revisit Shiryu vs Garp once we have seen all Shiryu is capable of.
Also, it's useless that Oda praises the people like Great Pirates when King's arsenal makes one of those great pirates look like a toddler.
In the end, what matters is what he gives them in fights. He can use all the words to praise LinLin, King simply has better everything.
Shiryu's not trading blows with KoH, b[/B]ut he'd be a challenge to pre-KoH Zoro. And Shiryu's a threat to even the top tiers thanks to invisibility. Only the likes of Kaido and Big Mom wouldn't fall for his attacks.
I'm gonna enjoy the excuses or new copium when shiryu trade blows with KoH


World's Strongest Swordsman
I literally learned from that, that's why I know Shiryu isn't a bum just as King wasn't a bum, but he also isn't beating Garp.

His whole gimmick is stealth, and he couldn't even do that properly on Hachinosu despite all the numbers on his side, that's the issue as it concerns facing Garp alone.

Everything you said could be true, Shiryu could simply have stabbed Garp in the back while his focus is elsewhere, and nothing would have changed except it would make Shiryu look more competent. Yet Oda did not want to make even a distracted Garp get hit by Shiryu, he needed to add another layer. Maybe he was just protecting Garp, but it definitely came at the cost of Shiryu's devil fruit.

And really, I don't see how Garp would even look bad if he got hit by Shiryu while he was focused elsewhere. It would be reasonable, but the way it was portrayed made it seem like if Coby and the others weren't on the island, Shiryu couldn't even find an opening on Garp. Which tells you what Oda thinks of Shiryu vs Garp.
The whole NARRATIVE was blatantly for kuzan vs garp not shiryu.
The fact shiryu got such a decisive blow on garp is massive for him


The only one who can beat me is me
Feels like I have been talking to walls all these years... :lusalty:
Stealth is useless against all top tiers, at least the basic invisibility of the fruit.
Everyone CoO user can detect him.
My point is that despite showing nothing, Shiryu was the most important factor despite getting only 2-3 panels.

Just like he didnt make King show off early, he isnt letting Shiryu show off before Zoro fight either...
As I said, I would like to revisit Shiryu vs Garp once we have seen all Shiryu is capable of.
Also, it's useless that Oda praises the people like Great Pirates when King's arsenal makes one of those great pirates look like a toddler.
In the end, what matters is what he gives them in fights. He can use all the words to praise LinLin, King simply has better everything.
Garp didn't go down to a single stab lmfao.

Y'all kill me. Kidd endured a stab and tons more in the middle of battle.

Obviously majority of the fight was offpanelled. The stab was to give Garp a justification for losing as fast as he did, but that alone wouldn't even come close to putting him down.

Even at the end Kuzan could freeze the sea rendering all of the marines efforts useless, but Garp likely held Kuzan off for long enough for the rest to escape, which would need to be a substantial time. As Kuzan can instantly freeze the sea far as the eye can see. So their ship had to have sailed for god knows how long, before Kuzan put an end to Garp.

Out of the commanders, Shiryu by far was the most important factor, but Kuzan was like ten times a bigger factor in the entire event.

If I had to put a percentage on it.

It'd go Kuzan 90%, Shiryu 10%. Without Shiryu's intervention Garp is most likely still not winning, without Kuzan's involvement Garp is leaving Hachinosu on the ship eating a bag of crackers, and maybe a couple injuries. While the BBPs are buried six feet deep.


The Rogue Prince
Shiryu alone was singled out from the rest of the goons from Impel Down.
Blackbeard Pirates are basically Teach + Kuzan + Shiryu + Original Members (4) + Impel Down Recruits (4).
Here we had Kuzan, Shiryu and 3 of the 4 Impel Down recruits v. Garp & SWORD.

And outside of Kuzan, Shiryu was clearly singled out from the crowd. He wasn't just another nameless "mere Commander" like Wolf or Shot or Pizarro but even Garp recognized him as Shiryu the former Warden of Impel Down.

Shiryu is strong, he has his own Hype separate from BBP and is better than 99% of Commanders. He just isn't better than the Beckmann/Zoro types (CoC using Vice Captains) imo.