Anime & Manga Titty Kubo Has Defeated Lee (Remembering the Fallen)

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
@Owl Ki @Light D Lamperouge @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

That’s right my guys, my Bleach hiatus officially endith, and now I return to Titty “Tommy Wiseau” Kubo’s manga magnum opus. It’s been a few weeks so bare with me as I reacquaint to the characters and feel of this series.

Now, you may be asking “Lee, what exactly put you on a Bleach hiatus?” And that’s a great question, I’m glad you asked.

You see, the Arrancar arc was going…………fine. Nothing disastrously awful in an offensive way. Ulquiorra was enacting the dumbest fucking evil plan in Shonen history, Titty was finding every excuse in the book to sexualizing his females unnecessarily with every panel he drew them in, Chapter 199 Inoue vs Megatitty still lingered in my mind as the dumbest chapter in manga history…everything was going just fine. We entered Mondo Duke and fought that Sand Guardian or what the fuck ever, which I actually thought that fight, while short, was almost shockingly intelligent for a Bleach fight. We met some disposable and forgettable comic relief hollows, we charged into the hollow fort…yes, everything was going just fine.

Until Ichigo vs Nino.

You see, I’ve expressed my confusion in the past with Titty’s fascination with the Spanish language. Like, Titty isn’t fascinated with Spanish culture, or Spanish art, or Spanish anything, he solely likes the sound of words in Spanish. So because Titty thinks Spanish words sound cool, he names all of his villains Arrancars and Espada and shit despite them having absolutely no other Spanish themes or elements. That’s fine, I’m confused but no real complaints yet.

Again, until Ichigo vs Nino.

Ichigo vs Nino was straight up the most annoying fight I’ve ever read in a manga. Literally every other fucking word this guy said was “Nino.” I actually started to get angry after the 34th time he said the word “Nino.” I started to go back to where this character was introduced so that I could count exactly how many times this motherfucker said the word “Nino,” at which point black smoke started coming out of my ears and I was hospitalized for severe head trauma.

The doctors did everything to save me, they did the best that they could, but ultimately Titty annoyed me beyond the point of no fucking return. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but then I remembered that it is my destiny to push through this shitty ass manga at all costs.

And so I defeated my archenemies Titty Kubo and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.

And thus, my Bleach hiatus ends.

Ichigo vs Nino verdict: 0/10 purge this shit from your mind at all costs.

So anyway, I return to this manga to find Uryu vs El Pollo Loco, a completely forgettable yet inoffensive fight, save for the fact that El Pollo Loco weirdly has my favorite Hollow Design. I was like, shame Titty is going to waste this pretty cool design on a nothing-villain. And sure enough I still don’t really understand or care exactly how Uryu won that fight. Something about his spirit dildo vibrating 3 million times a second or some stupid shit like that. Who cares.

Anyway. There may come another day in the future where Titty robs me of my will to press on.


Since you made it pass Nino, I'm now betting on these 3 to break you lol

EDIT: Oh and of course Ichigod on atleast 4 more occasions before the next arc starts for you
@Owl Ki @Light D Lamperouge @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

That’s right my guys, my Bleach hiatus officially endith, and now I return to Titty “Tommy Wiseau” Kubo’s manga magnum opus. It’s been a few weeks so bare with me as I reacquaint to the characters and feel of this series.

Now, you may be asking “Lee, what exactly put you on a Bleach hiatus?” And that’s a great question, I’m glad you asked.

You see, the Arrancar arc was going…………fine. Nothing disastrously awful in an offensive way. Ulquiorra was enacting the dumbest fucking evil plan in Shonen history, Titty was finding every excuse in the book to sexualizing his females unnecessarily with every panel he drew them in, Chapter 199 Inoue vs Megatitty still lingered in my mind as the dumbest chapter in manga history…everything was going just fine. We entered Mondo Duke and fought that Sand Guardian or what the fuck ever, which I actually thought that fight, while short, was almost shockingly intelligent for a Bleach fight. We met some disposable and forgettable comic relief hollows, we charged into the hollow fort…yes, everything was going just fine.

Until Ichigo vs Nino.

You see, I’ve expressed my confusion in the past with Titty’s fascination with the Spanish language. Like, Titty isn’t fascinated with Spanish culture, or Spanish art, or Spanish anything, he solely likes the sound of words in Spanish. So because Titty thinks Spanish words sound cool, he names all of his villains Arrancars and Espada and shit despite them having absolutely no other Spanish themes or elements. That’s fine, I’m confused but no real complaints yet.

Again, until Ichigo vs Nino.

Ichigo vs Nino was straight up the most annoying fight I’ve ever read in a manga. Literally every other fucking word this guy said was “Nino.” I actually started to get angry after the 34th time he said the word “Nino.” I started to go back to where this character was introduced so that I could count exactly how many times this motherfucker said the word “Nino,” at which point black smoke started coming out of my ears and I was hospitalized for severe head trauma.

The doctors did everything to save me, they did the best that they could, but ultimately Titty annoyed me beyond the point of no fucking return. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but then I remembered that it is my destiny to push through this shitty ass manga at all costs.

And so I defeated my archenemies Titty Kubo and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.

And thus, my Bleach hiatus ends.

Ichigo vs Nino verdict: 0/10 purge this shit from your mind at all costs.

So anyway, I return to this manga to find Uryu vs El Pollo Loco, a completely forgettable yet inoffensive fight, save for the fact that El Pollo Loco weirdly has my favorite Hollow Design. I was like, shame Titty is going to waste this pretty cool design on a nothing-villain. And sure enough I still don’t really understand or care exactly how Uryu won that fight. Something about his spirit dildo vibrating 3 million times a second or some stupid shit like that. Who cares.

Anyway. There may come another day in the future where Titty robs me of my will to press on.

:kobeha: I had to look up those names ngl. Yeah the Privaron Espada were just glorified fodder.
One of the dumbest moments in this manga occurs between Aizen and Gin. That moment is part of the reason I can't take Aizen seriously and the whole reason why I can't take Gin seriously. You will know it when you see it. Lol.
Alright @Lee Ba Shou , since Kubo hath defeated ye, shall I reveal the moment that made me completely lose any and all interest in Gin (lanky Shinigami that is Aizen's right hand man)?
*Googles Gin*

Ah yes, that guy, the guy who was secretly good all along lol. Yes, go ahead
So you already know that he's a good guy. Fair enough.

Thing is, he waits so long until the last minute to reveal this that when I first read this manga, I actually thought him being secretly good was a red herring and that he was actually genuinely loyal to Aizen the whole time. Literally four pages after that thought of mine, he skewers Aizen.

Did it ever occur to Gin to snitch on Aizen at some point over the past century? No.

Did he skewer Aizen when he was completely surrounded by the Shinigami at the climax of the Soul Society Arc? No.

Did he skewer Aizen during the latter's 12v1 fight against most of the Shinigami Captains + Vizards? No.

Did he skewer Aizen while he was fighting Yamamoto? No.

Did he kill Wonderweiss to allow Yamamoto to focus on Aizen? No.

Did he skewer Aizen while he was fighting Isshin, Urahara and Yoruichi? No, he actually fought Ichigo and prevented him from getting to Aizen while he was fighting in a 3v1 disadvantage.

No, he doesn't do any of that. He stabs Aizen after the latter has fused with the Hōgyoku (nonsense plot mcguffin that makes Aizen a god or something), after Aizen has already won and beaten literally everybody.

How was Gin able to skewer him? Because he knew how to bypass Aizen's utterly hax Shikai ability that allows him to control all the senses of anybody and everybody who so much as looks at his Zanpakutō sword.

How did Gin figure out how to bypass Aizen's trump card ability?

Now here is the best part.

You ready?

He didn't figure it out. :risicheck:

Aizen feckin told him how to bypass it in a flashback. :rolaugh:

Aizen, the oh so smart, ultra giga brained mastermind manipulator known for his paranoia and his disdain for any concept so much as resembling trust or friendship, told Gin how to bypass his sensory manipulation ability. :shame:

You wanna know what Aizen says after his magic plot mcguffin ability near instantly revives him? :saden:

"I already knew all along that you were going to betray me Gin!" :smart:

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. :ihaha:

He informed the bloke that he supposedly knew wanted to kill him, on how to bypass his greatest ability. :yodaswag:

The smartest man in the manga folk. It didn't occur to Aizen to just lie to Gin and it didn't occur to Gin that Aizen could just simply lie. :nicagesmile:

These are what Titty Kubo thinks are intelligent, scheming characters. :risitameh:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
So you already know that he's a good guy. Fair enough.

Thing is, he waits so long until the last minute to reveal this that when I first read this manga, I actually thought him being secretly good was a red herring and that he was actually genuinely loyal to Aizen the whole time. Literally four pages after that thought of mine, he skewers Aizen.

Did it ever occur to Gin to snitch on Aizen at some point over the past century? No.

Did he skewer Aizen when he was completely surrounded by the Shinigami at the climax of the Soul Society Arc? No.

Did he skewer Aizen during the latter's 12v1 fight against most of the Shinigami Captains + Vizards? No.

Did he skewer Aizen while he was fighting Yamamoto? No.

Did he kill Wonderweiss to allow Yamamoto to focus on Aizen? No.

Did he skewer Aizen while he was fighting Isshin, Urahara and Yoruichi? No, he actually fought Ichigo and prevented him from getting to Aizen while he was fighting in a 3v1 disadvantage.

No, he doesn't do any of that. He stabs Aizen after the latter has fused with the Hōgyoku (nonsense plot mcguffin that makes Aizen a god or something), after Aizen has already won and beaten literally everybody.

How was Gin able to skewer him? Because he knew how to bypass Aizen's utterly hax Shikai ability that allows him to control all the senses of anybody and everybody who so much as looks at his Zanpakutō sword.

How did Gin figure out how to bypass Aizen's trump card ability?

Now here is the best part.

You ready?

He didn't figure it out. :risicheck:

Aizen feckin told him how to bypass it in a flashback. :rolaugh:

Aizen, the oh so smart, ultra giga brained mastermind manipulator known for his paranoia and his disdain for any concept so much as resembling trust or friendship, told Gin how to bypass his sensory manipulation ability. :shame:

You wanna know what Aizen says after his magic plot mcguffin ability near instantly revives him? :saden:

"I already knew all along that you were going to betray me Gin!" :smart:

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. :ihaha:

He informed the bloke that he supposedly knew wanted to kill him, on how to bypass his greatest ability. :yodaswag:

The smartest man in the manga folk. It didn't occur to Aizen to just lie to Gin and it didn't occur to Gin that Aizen could just simply lie. :nicagesmile:

These are what Titty Kubo thinks are intelligent, scheming characters. :risitameh:
Wait…so does Gin kill Aizen?

Why would Aizen tell Gin his weakness if he knew Gin was going to betray him? Lol
Wait…so does Gin kill Aizen?
As hilarious as that would be, unfortunately not. Aizen's body immediately regenerates from being obliterated by Gin's poison blade due to the Hōgyoku. He then kills Gin. Gin achieves a grand total of absolutely nothing. What a dumb arse.

Aizen gets beaten by Ichigo because the latter got stuck in an impromptu Hyperbolic Time Chamber and did some training + inner monologued to his pet demon.

Anyway, this training makes Ichigo a super god that can trounce Aizen head on. Aizen then goes into a Perfect Cell style meltdown due to how much stronger SSJ 2 Ichigohan is than him. He then gets hit by Ichigo's only named attack before giving up because all he really wanted all along was a friend to hug him or something. :handsup:

Also Aizen completely forgets to use his Shikai ability on Ichigo and we never see his Bankai ability... Ever... In the entire manga. :pepeke:
Why would Aizen tell Gin his weakness if he knew Gin was going to betray him? Lol
I can't remember an in-universe explanation for this, he just seemingly did it for no reason.

Out of universe explanation is that this was the best Titty could think of as to how Gin could get past Aizen's nonsense hax. :joker:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
As hilarious as that would be, unfortunately not. Aizen's body immediately regenerates from being obliterated by Gin's poison blade due to the Hōgyoku. He then kills Gin. Gin achieves a grand total of absolutely nothing. What a dumb arse.

Well at least Aizen didn’t die from it lmfao. That would’ve made him seem almost as dumb as I recall Ulquiorra being. Lol

Yeah, Gin sounds like a huge idiot. If you’re going to betray someone, probably a good idea to do it before they achieve godlike power. Preferably when your target is surrounded by other warriors who could assist you in taking him down, and ideally when you’re not in a 1v1 scenario with him. Lol

Aizen gets beaten by Ichigo because the latter got stuck in an impromptu Hyperbolic Time Chamber and did some training + inner monologued to his pet demon.
Yeah, why am I not surprised. The most powerful motherfucker in the story gets defeated because someone locked Ichigod in his room and introduced him to some highly advanced concept that he masters in 30 minutes. Probably. Lol

Anyway, this training makes Ichigo a super god that can trounce Aizen head on. Aizen then goes into a Perfect Cell style meltdown due to how much stronger SSJ 2 Ichigohan is than him. He then gets hit by Ichigo's only named attack before giving up because all he really wanted all along was a friend to hug him or something.

Didn’t he already have subordinates who loved and devoted themselves to him before any of this even started? Lol

Also Aizen completely forgets to use his Shikai ability on Ichigo and we never see his Bankai ability... Ever... In the entire manga. :pepeke:

This would’ve been the point where I officially dropped the manga, if I even made it that far lol. Titty, as the mangaka of a battle manga targeted at 12 year olds, has one job. And that is to draw big stupid battles.

You mean to tell me he doesn’t even give his most powerful character one of the fundamental Powerups of the story?

I can't remember an in-universe explanation for this, he just seemingly did it for no reason.

Out of universe explanation is that this was the best Titty could think of as to how Gin could get past Aizen's nonsense hax.
Well, this sounds like a clusterfuck characteristic of how dumb the parts of Bleach I did read were. Lol