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im also confused about your relation with nat which you clearly know can be faked because im going to assume we don't have lie detect which makes vouching for you two difficult unless there's a flip or a way to find if one of you are being truthful

so imma move past that unless you have suggestions

you understand you appear scummy and there's also a possibility if nat is town and you two aren't scum mates, she could be deceived by you being a potential godfather?
you seem confident, too, despite how much you stick out when insisting you are town

what posts have you ISO'd personally?
Did you actually believe Tac was an invest, though? It was said by a few players that he pulls that kind of stuff with Nat specifically. Why are two town invests pingy to you? Looks like we might have a bunch of one or two shots of abilities this game.
I believed it yes. I was busy last eod. The one I saw was flowa saying that he and bat vounched each other as scum in the past.

Tac claiming refill on top of invest, and the Nat tac past game stuff from flowa is what pushed me to vote him again before I had to leave.
let's be real

1. the game doesn't revolve around you
2. there are other candidates to take into consideration to invest (nat) that may take priority in upcoming decisions
3. sometimes you invest poorly, it happens to everyone
4. yes, you should have been investigated
it was a logical move, most invests should probably be the secondary lynch candidate the previous phase to see what the fuck is up
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