Character Discussion Who’s The Most Annoying Among the 4 Females

Who’s the Most Annoying ?

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100% this one is Yamato for me. The "I am Oden" - really? First Yamato - you are a woman, not a man. Secondly, its weak-minded to market yourself as the second coming of someone else. Why not just be your own person? What is so shameful about "I am Yamato, Kaidou's daughter?" You inherit the strength the strength of your father, the beautiful inner-strength of your femininity and if you persevered to still choose to live for a righteous cause rather than being molded into the image of the oppressive overlord that was your father, it speaks to your own strength of character, or strength of soul. That's character.

On the topic of Pudding, let me say I am not sure if her initial hostility towards Sanji was a bad thing. This man is literally fantasizing about sex with her moments after meeting her and acting like they have this deep bond which was totally absurd. In the very least, Sanji was slap-worthy. Plus, she's only 16. 21 to 16 may not be the most massive age gap, and Japanese may have slightly different ideas for age of consent, but for me it is still creep factor.

If anything, Pudding was too lenient in falling head over heels after the third eye ordeal. Sure, Sanji showed a measure of character, but he's still a horny pervert who self-describes as a dog.
Yamato, I remember when the popularity contest was going on, Yamato ranked 11 after just one appearance. People liked her more than half of the straw hats and it took a while for people to see her personality was just wanking Oden non stop for them to finally get sick of her. in general, I hate characters that just get propped up just because of their appearance
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Yamato is by far the worst.
It pains me to see Tashigi being put in the same bracket as Rebecca/Shirahoshi/Yamato/Pudding.

She's far better lol.
Shirahoshi's crying is so fucking annoying

Tashigi is not annoying
Yamato. Nobody but powerscalers and simps bother defending this actual waste of ink.

Tashigi doesn't really deserve to be here.
How the fuck tashigi and nami are annoying they are literally the best females in the cast
I have to agree that Tashigi is annoying.
What's her purpose in the story? At first,she seemed to have been introduced to be a example of female power,Zoro's rival and the proof that Koshiro's claim and Kuina's fear were wrong,but she is just a pityful punching bag. Lolda made OP's whole female cast a big joke,thus the inferiority of women to men is a truth set in stone. (Only in the universe of this shitty comic. Real-life woman shouldn't believe that or allow it to impede their ambitions.)
@RobinsFeet @grey matter @ZenZu @RayanOO @Sir Yasheen @NAMELESS @KageFumi
@Daikenki @BlackLegFring @Le Fishe D. Tomdou @matt245 @Moegara