Character Discussion Who’s The Most Annoying Among the 4 Females

Who’s the Most Annoying ?

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Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
I have to agree that Tashigi is annoying.
What's her purpose in the story? At first,she seemed to have been introduced to be a example of female power,Zoro's rival and the proof that Koshiro's claim and Kuina's fear were wrong,but she is just a pityful punching bag. Lolda made OP's whole female cast a big joke,thus the inferiority of women to men is a truth set in stone. (Only in the universe of this shitty comic. Real-life woman shouldn't believe that or allow it to impede their ambitions.)
@RobinsFeet @grey matter @ZenZu @RayanOO @Sir Yasheen @NAMELESS @KageFumi
@Daikenki @BlackLegFring @Le Fishe D. Tomdou @matt245 @Moegara
Trashigi was never an exmple of so-called female power lol
She was always a weak comedic relief character and now she also a babysitter :suresure::suresure::suresure:
I also find Hancock to be quite annoying, I know that many won't share my opinion but I find her misandry, spoiled brat attitude, "Everyone will forgive me because I am beautiful" catchphrase and mad love for Luffy to be annoying. Made even worse by the fact that she almost always get away with everything without facing the consequences of her attitude and actions.
I also find Hancock to be quite annoying, I know that many won't share my opinion but I find her misandry, spoiled brat attitude, "Everyone will forgive me because I am beautiful" catchphrase and mad love for Luffy to be annoying. Made even worse by the fact that she almost always get away with everything without facing the consequences of her attitude and actions.
I Can tell you that many people share your opinion on Hancock. I already prefer S-snake over her.