Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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All of that shit without awakening.
Imagine Kaido with awakening. God, I already miss Kaido. Dude was such a freak of nature. Probably the closest version of Broly which we'll ever see in One Piece. :steef:
My headcanon is, that through Shuron Hakke (getting drunk), Kaido was mimicking awakening, seen by his more beastly form. His mind probably never caught up to his DF due to his violent nature being opposed to the azure dragon's benevolent nature, but the alcohol and his mental shift while in drunk mode might've granted Kaido this awakened state.
You realise your first paragraph made no sense right?

"The main advantage of G5 wasn't blunt immunity"
"Kaido tried every attack in his arsenal and none of them worked"

Why didn't they work? Because of Luffy's blunt immunity. All of Kaido's attacks are garbage outside of his club attacks and Blazing Bagua, ergo, Luffy negated the vast majority of Kaido's moveset. This is not up for debate.

It stated Luffy's physical strength increased. That means nothing in terms of its relation to G4's AP, which increases AP through haki and spring force. So idk what your point is. Fact of the matter is the strongest G5 attack is an imitation of G4.
Luffy was literally grinding his teeth and bleeding from Kaido wind attack in G5.
My headcanon is, that through Shuron Hakke (getting drunk), Kaido was mimicking awakening, seen by his more beastly form. His mind probably never caught up to his DF due to his violent nature being opposed to the azure dragon's benevolent nature, but the alcohol and his mental shift while in drunk mode might've granted Kaido this awakened state.
That was my headcanon that you supposedly disagreed with at first
regular zoan awakening just makes you stronger and with more stamina. don't think oda had in mind of giving every zoan a unified look before gear 5 so kaido is awakened, just not like gear 5 but like the impel down guards
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