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The Rogue Prince
ACoC aint making Snakeman faster or slower...
If he dodged it with or without aCoC, dodging feat is the same.
Agreed, CoC makes it's punches more powerful - that's it.

Tbf, Kizaru dodging Snakeman's strikes are almost a given for me, zero surprise about that one.
The only thing that'd surprise me if he does that W/O being a Fs user.
Ability scaling is the bane of this fandom. I guarantee you Oda does not sit there and determine how strong he wants to portray a character in a fight based on how long the haki streaks from their attacks are. He just draws what looks cool 99% of the time.
It's just a grab.

Kizaru did not even react to that to be fair. He was the only one without eyeballs popping out.

A part of me is saying that he may pull a similar feat, will he use his awakened powers?

We'll see.
I don't really care that much. But like to see these overhyped fans yelp a bit. Too much fun.

Honestly. Depends how he grabbed Kizaru. Not much has been shown yet.

Did Luffy learn to apply his Haki properly yet or will this drag out a bit?
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