Should Gojobros apologize to Kinyagi?

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This shit made me re-read this part of stormlight. Lightyears ahead of manga stuff

He sped up, then lunged between two of the Shardbearers, ramming his spear into Relis’s cracked vambrace. The man let out a shout of pain and Kaladin pulled his spear back, twisting between the attackers and getting close to Adolin. The young man in blue armor glanced at him, then quickly turned to put his back toward Kaladin.

Kaladin put his own back toward Adolin, preventing either of them from being attacked from behind.

"What are you doing here, bridgeboy?" Adolin hissed from within his helmet.

"Playing one of the ten fools."

Adolin grunted. "Welcome to the party."

"I won’t be able to get through their armor," Kaladin said. "You’ll need to crack it for me." Nearby, Relis shook his arm, cursing. The tip of Kaladin’s spear had blood on it. Not much, unfortunately.

"Just keep one of them distracted from me," Adolin said. "I can handle two."

"I - All right." It was probably the best plan.

"Keep an eye on my brother, if you can," Adolin said. "If things go sour for these three, they might decide to use him as leverage against us."

"Done," Kaladin said, then pulled away and jumped to the side ... .

The prince fought desperately against his two opponents, swinging his Blade back and forth between the men on either side of him. And storms he was good. Kaladin had never seen this level of skill from Adolin on the practice grounds - nothing there had ever challenged him this much. Adolin moved between sweeps of his Blade, deflecting the Shardblade of the one in green, then warding away the one with the hammer.

He frequently came within inches of striking his opponents. Two-on-one against Adolin actually seemed an even match.