Carrot the last strawhat
In early Strawhat designs, we see a hammer-wielding entity that is the soul of the Merry. This entity is called a Klabaurmann, it warns its crew of danger, but is also the cause of shipwrecks.
I think Carrot is the incarnation of this one
when the SH acquire the Merry, a child named Carrot is present
when the Sunny is being built, a blonde child and a rabbit are present, and she can be seen carrying a hammer.
Carrot is called a Lion, which may remind us of Sunny
But she also replaces the goat on the cover of volume 105, which may remind us of Merry.
Carrot was inspired by the mochi hammering moon rabbit, and is literally seen hitting a mochi man with katakuri.
Carrot is literally the Strawhats' lookout and warns them of danger, but she also caused the sinking of the BM fleet
So here's what I think: Kuma goes to Egg Head to save Sunny, or more precisely Carrot, who is his incarnation and who has been captured by Caribou. You can say cope, I don't care.