Since I am sure Lucci will join the SHP, it would interest me, how you are currently thinking about Kaku's and Lucci's realtionship.
Not sure why Oda decided to backtrack them into being cipher pol fodder again instead of doing something new and interesting with them. He even made them subordinate to Spandam again and completely abandoned CP9's intent to kill him, and Oda even abandoned Spandam and his dad's plan to take down CP9 which I thought would lead up to something interesting like an unwanted alliance between CP9 and the Straw Hats during an arc, not like the Vegapunk one but something more like an arc revolving around just these two groups trying to survive and working together against a WG antagonist(s).

Best argument ever! 
I didn't even know that the voice actors did that. Is that in the japanese version? Or

I didn't even know that the voice actors did that. Is that in the japanese version? Or

Its the only way for things to not get awkward for the next opening theme or for his very loud squeaky shoes not to annoy his fellow crewmates. For me tho, I just hope Kuma "passes on" his devil fruit to whoever will be the real next nakama.