Who will be the next SH?

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Since I am sure Lucci will join the SHP, it would interest me, how you are currently thinking about Kaku's and Lucci's realtionship.
Well to be fair I was mostly referring to Kaku since Lucci still feels like too much of a sociopath to ever join; no disrespect to your support of him intended, he's just too much of a psycho IMO. Lucci defending Shirahoshi's enslavement feels in line with his views on dark justice after all, but I expected better from Kaku and some of the others though.

Not sure why Oda decided to backtrack them into being cipher pol fodder again instead of doing something new and interesting with them. He even made them subordinate to Spandam again and completely abandoned CP9's intent to kill him, and Oda even abandoned Spandam and his dad's plan to take down CP9 which I thought would lead up to something interesting like an unwanted alliance between CP9 and the Straw Hats during an arc, not like the Vegapunk one but something more like an arc revolving around just these two groups trying to survive and working together against a WG antagonist(s).

Best argument ever! :milaugh:

I didn't even know that the voice actors did that. Is that in the japanese version? Or
If Kuma by some chance does join, maybe he's going to die minutes after joining and he will be remembered as the honorary dead Straw Hat who never got to sail with them, kind of like the Cyborg 009 anime did with Cyborg 0013 who was honored by the other cyborgs in a similar way.

Its the only way for things to not get awkward for the next opening theme or for his very loud squeaky shoes not to annoy his fellow crewmates. For me tho, I just hope Kuma "passes on" his devil fruit to whoever will be the real next nakama.
Hum, yes Carrot is inspired by Goku/DBZ (and Alice in Wonderland), so are the minks in general, i mean it's not hard, she's named Carrot and sayans have vegetal puns in their names and the Minks turn into uncontrollable monsters when they look at the full moon... Besides growing long hair and getting stronger.


I mean it's pretty obvious, loads of things in OP are inspired by DBZ/monkey king, Luffy, Nami, etc..

She doesn't do kamehamaha's tho no.
Turning into a monster during a full moon wasn't invented by DBZ, wherewolves have existed as a concept for centuries. They don't own vegetable names either (I'm not even convinced their names are supposed to sound like vegetables anyway). Unless you want to claim the Ussop pirates were also inspired by goku, the name carrot is just a reference to her being a rabbit and nothing more. And like you said, she obviously never did the kamehameha. No part of Carrot or the minks are based on Goku.
Maybe you're right. Still it kind of bummed me out when I first saw Kaku and Lucci just coldly approving of Shirahoshi's enslavement without even a panel showing an up-close shot of Kaku's face sweating with mild concern. It really cheapened the sympathy I felt for Kaku in the anime when Zoro gave him Paulie's message or when we saw how normal and caring they could be in their cover stories.
Their Cover story to CP0 is still one of the most jarring mysteries. They went from:

- Hey we're kinda good now and want revenge against the WG.


- Defenders of CDs and following every whim of the WG.

Its absolutely weird Oda has not explained this double shift in character for all of them. I assume theres a lot more going on though, because while Lucci/Kaku are here, the rest of their group is in Marijoa or near it, so I cant see them falling here and never being relevant again.
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Not gunna lie, Kuma being on the crew would be weird as shit.

He would have to sing the "We are" opening since the SH voice actors do that periodically, i think that's grounds enough to disqualify him.

Oh and you know he would actually have to show a positive emotion in his face.
This is what im talking about.....he is literally shown smiling and happy in flashbacks but everyone just pictures the robotic/dead version.

If he gets his memories back and/or a new body, this shouldnt matter. He also has a pretty average voice lol, the VA just does monotone because he's essentially emotionally dead.
No ones baiting you...its just silly points to make
What that my half-joking post about Kuma and Lucci having to sing the anthem makes it weird for them to join? Or the obvious DBZ inspired thing nº 51584 being in One piece?

Not sure what's silly, Zeus and Nami's weapon are also based on the Monkey king, is that silly? :seriously:

That's why it's bait, the refutations are non-sense or about an obvious joke.
What that my half-joking post about Kuma and Lucci having to sing the anthem makes it weird for them to join? Or the obvious DBZ inspired thing nº 51584 being in One piece?

Not sure what's silly, Zeus and Nami's weapon are also based on the Monkey king, is that silly? :seriously:

That's why it's bait, the refutations are non-sense or about an obvious joke.
No, read my response to you, it was about you argument against his personality.....

The VA thing is whatever
No, read my response to you, it was about you argument against his personality.....

The VA thing is whatever
Oh that, i mean sure. Again it's half-joking, but yeah he hasn't display any emotions basically, sure you can say in theory he gets not be a souless robot but again, being against that isn't silly. That's just how Kuma as been all this time.

Whatever happened in his life was probably some past trauma, so i don't think he can sudenly just become happy, i dunno, i assume he's going to die anyways
Their Cover story to CP0 is still one of the most jarring mysteries. They went from:

- Hey we're kinda good now and want revenge against the WG.


- Defenders of CDs and following every whim of the WG.

Its absolutely weird Oda has not explained this double shift in character for all of them. I assume theres a lot more going on though, because while Lucci/Kaku are here, the rest of their group is in Marijoa or near it, so I cant see them falling here and never being relevant again.
Exactly. I really hope Oda is leading up to something with CP0 like revealing that they have their own agenda in all of this, because if their only purpose in this arc is just to be fodder villains again and that Oda completely abandoned the cover story plot, its going to feel so cheap. Damn seeing Spandam still alive instead of as a mounted trophy over Lucci's fireplace will never stop peeving me off.

Its like if by some chance the Straw Hats fight Enel again but no mention is ever made about the Spaceys or the ruins he found on the moon, or that Gedatsu is working for Enel again for some reason and never became a friendly co-owner of Hot Spring Island.
Well to be fair I was mostly referring to Kaku since Lucci still feels like too much of a sociopath to ever join; no disrespect to your support of him intended, he's just too much of a psycho IMO. Lucci defending Shirahoshi's enslavement feels in line with his views on dark justice after all, but I expected better from Kaku and some of the others though.

Not sure why Oda decided to backtrack them into being cipher pol fodder again instead of doing something new and interesting with them. He even made them subordinate to Spandam again and completely abandoned CP9's intent to kill him, and Oda even abandoned Spandam and his dad's plan to take down CP9 which I thought would lead up to something interesting like an unwanted alliance between CP9 and the Straw Hats during an arc, not like the Vegapunk one but something more like an arc revolving around just these two groups trying to survive and working together against a WG antagonist(s).

If Kuma by some chance does join, maybe he's going to die minutes after joining and he will be remembered as the honorary dead Straw Hat who never got to sail with them, kind of like the Cyborg 009 anime did with Cyborg 0013 who was honored by the other cyborgs in a similar way.

Its the only way for things to not get awkward for the next opening theme or for his very loud squeaky shoes not to annoy his fellow crewmates. For me tho, I just hope Kuma "passes on" his devil fruit to whoever will be the real next nakama.
Why do all of you expect Kuma to die. :pepehands:

Nah, you are not disrespectfull, if this is how you feel about the character. And I know what you mean regarding CP9 and Spandam's plan at the end of the cover story, as well as with the incedent at the Reverie.

I do not believe I have given you the reasons as to why I believe Lucci will join, right? May I do that now? It is a little much to read though.