Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Where did you learn he was gonna kill slaves?
The man goes around recruiting people who were slaves/ soldiers
Xebec crew were committing the cardinal sin of killing each other and then there's the mention that Xebec wanted to be king of the world and dabbled in many taboos.

Just look at Blackbeard who seems to be the morden Xebec the guy has a slave trade. Xebec saving slaves is 🧢
They clowned Kid for losing eaisky to enraged serious Yonko Shanks named attack

Look at a top tier being down and apologising in shame after one serious named attack from Yonko Luffy

I guess Admirals aren't worth 3B, they're 2B max
Am I doing it right?
Nobody without Super Durability or Hax is Tanking a Named CoC attack from a Pissed off Shanks lol

Garp was weakened from a far weaker stab
Bonny using his power on Luffy = G5 without draw back
Currently Bonney is held up tight in Saturn's hand.
Marines were ordered to fire and aim for the head.
Everyone else is an immobilized onlooker through Saturn's power (but to some Kizaru is still considered stronger LMAO)

Most likely Kuma will intervene last moment, right after the flashback, hence the Kuma flashback.
It's either Kuma or the revolutionaries.
Character speeches can sometimes give hints. Lucci made it sound like his on the same level as admirals when talking to Zoro about them having no chance.
That's a bit far lol.

Lucci got dominated by G5, while Kizaru went kinda even with G5 until the finale where he got downed with that punch.

Lucci took shots with no haki.

Kizaru took a shot with ACOC.

If Luffy hit Lucci with White Star Gun, he would literally be dead.
Maybe, but it's all headcanon and interpretations really.

At this point, I've given up trying to figure out what's no haki, advanced armament or advanced conqueror's in Egghead arc. It's upto guesses at this point, since Loda is very inconsistent when it comes to drawing haki. To the point we have to rely on headcanon to at least some degree, cause nothing is explained for shit.

As far as Loda is concerned, Luffy may very well be using advanced conqueror's in both fights, but just wasn't drawn. We don't know

We can at least assume Luffy was using advanced armament against Lucci, since well they had that clash with a lot of lightning showing up.
The only reason I don't presume Luffy used advanced conqueror's there is that I don't believe Lucci can clash equally with G5 Luffy using advanced conqueror's (i.e headcanon, a lot of headcanon is needed here cause Loda is shit with haki)

With Kizaru, probably the last attack was advanced conqueror's. Could be advanced armament as well, who knows?
I will just assume advanced conqueror's I guess, because it had thicker lightning, but also mainly because I don't think Kizaru would be down by one hit without advanced conqueror's haki.
we just overrated characters out buddy like Luffy and Admirals and sentomaru, and downplayed some of them like Oden and Old legends and 5 elders !
1/ Luffy was stated after wano by fandom to be someone who has surpassed Kaido now after this fight you can see His level to be below that , especially when he stated to be old Rayleigh level .

2/ ppl thought Admirals would beat Shanks , Kaido who are considered to be the two strongest yonko but after this fight you can see how things turned out Kizaru basically used all of his arsenal besides probably awakening while let's not forget that Luffy has BG and just used adv CoC ! and if he doesn't have awakening it's just down bad ; but we can confirm after Kuzan and Kizaru fought that they only have Advanced form of CoA and no CoC and basic CoO ! and basically they are mid top tiers with BM and Oden and Old Legends ... below Shanks , Kaido , Prime Legends ....

3/ who would have thought the ppl who we all stated to be low top tier would be enough to take a stalemate if not straight up gaining an advantage against admirals and this is Kizaru who ranks as No. 2 second only to Akainu based on portrayal ; Old rayleigh basically had him getting stopped on his tracks ; Old Garp made Aokiji his clown ; old Saturn showing crazy feats by low diffing a YC 1 in sanji ; Oden who is on old rayleigh Tier and who also ppl downplayed because he went out from a basic club attack ( Sanji went out from a scabbard hit in TB ) while it was just because Oden reached his limit while he was about to beat kaido in two hits .

Yeah Overall; I thank Oda for clarifying things out lol

I've always believe Luffy was mid top-tier. Amongst the Yonkos, I had him above Big Mom and Marineford WB, but below other Yonkos. And <= Oden, if that counts for anything.

But yeah, prior to this, I always had the OG admirals above current Luffy, while new admirals below him.
At this point, I guess only maybe Akainu is clearly above Luffy

Akainu > current Luffy ~ Kizaru ~ Aokiji > Fuji ~ GB

And quite honestly, it is arguable that someone like Kaido would not even need extreme diff to take down Kizaru, high diff might be enough. Since well, Kaido can fight at the level of G5 Luffy without the time limit (once Kaido got used to G5's wack combat, he was fighting evenly or maybe even started getting the better of him in CQC).


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Emperor Monkey D. Luffy vs Admiral Kizaru
Imus demon Saturn vs Joyboys Robot

Like I'm not opposed to Luffy fighting Borsalino.

And to be honest, I think Luffy is still the most likely person to defeat Borsalino at this point.

But the arguments for Ancient Robot vs Saturn just desperately deny that Saturn is the arc antagonist of Egghead.

Like if you refuse to acknowledge that, you're just not credible in the discussion.

If Luffy defeats Borsalino and not Saturn, it will be in a WCI style fashion, where Borsalino is the one actually impeding their escape not Saturn.

But if anyone gets a protracted fight with Saturn, it's in all likelihood Luffy.
Currently Bonney is held up tight in Saturn's hand.
Marines were ordered to fire and aim for the head.
Everyone else is an immobilized onlooker through Saturn's power (but to some Kizaru is still considered stronger LMAO)

Most likely Kuma will intervene last moment, right after the flashback, hence the Kuma flashback.
It's either Kuma or the revolutionaries.
Luffy nikka obviously gonna save bonney after the flash back it can’t be more clear I think
!Holdingback Luffy copers can't explain why he was able to immediately repump himself into G5 back in Wano when he lost the form yet is simply watching his friends getting brutalized and can't even speak in this chapter ? Logically the drawback shouldn't be WORSE than when he was literally dying right if he was not trying right?:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:


Blud emptied all of his life force to give Kizaru a headache :kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
I think this whole fucking conversation has been completely disingenuous to Kizaru entirely. Hes not even KOed, just reeling from the shock of that hit. You have instances where Akainu and Kuzan were "out of commission" from Whitebeard and Garp, yet both recovered and got up to continue fighting just fine.

You have Blackbeard and his entire group getting situationally dogged by Magellan, then Whitebeard and nobody bats an eye when he needed his crew to save him.

For some reason nobody wants to talk about how the scabbards and Luffy both made Kaido white eyed "faint".

In every case each of these people got back up or triumphed in their own ways, so why do we treat this particular fight any different? One that is clearly not even painted like other battles with no:

- Double spread ending (if Kizaru was the "Blueno or Cracker" of the arc, then why doesnt he have a proper finisher like every other villain in this series?)
- No direct KO reaction from Kizaru (He is still talking and Oda doesnt show his face)
- Actual dialogue that confirms he will be up again shortly.

Just sounds entirely hypocritical to judge this fight based on a very clear pause in the when literally every other fight ever has a climactic (read doublespread) ending with character reactions and knockouts.

Like I'm not opposed to Luffy fighting Borsalino.

And to be honest, I think Luffy is still the most likely person to defeat Borsalino at this point.

But the arguments for Ancient Robot vs Saturn just desperately deny that Saturn is the arc antagonist of Egghead.

Like if you refuse to acknowledge that, you're just not credible in the discussion.

If Luffy defeats Borsalino and not Saturn, it will be in a WCI style fashion, where Borsalino is the one actually impeding their escape not Saturn.

But if anyone gets a protracted fight with Saturn, it's in all likelihood Luffy.
You think that Saturn is the big bad of the arc, but in this arc the main character is still Vegapunk who’s closest to Kizaru and is being threatened by Kizaru.

Saturn is the Vergo of the arc. Strong and imposing but is no where’s near as connected to the arc as Kizaru is.

If Saturn survives or draws with the ancient robot it doesn’t matter, cause Luffys fight will be Kizaru here and there’s no way odas going to have Kizaru be defeated in a Blueno/Cracker scenario.
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