Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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Two things here:

- First, Mugiwaras tend not to ask to join. In fact as part of their (micro) heroes journey, they most often refuse or avoid it.
- Second, Carrot never accepted anything.
- Bonus, Yamato never asked to join either (this was just for the tease lawl)

You don't need mental gymnastic to understand what I'm saying here, you just have to pay attention to the subtext of the story, the little clues along the way.

Also two things here:

- First, I don't think anyone will join, I just think that Carrot still has the advantage for now if one needed to.
- Second, I'm not replacing anything, I'm just diving deeper into the lore and storytelling, something people won't do anymore because they think they already know the story by hearth. Robin is still an archeologyst, but in the schematic of the thematics and symbolisms of the story, she is more. Simple as that.

I don't think Oda cares about power level for his story. In fact the best thing he could do right now, is integrated someone weak. Its much better to tell a good story with a good conflict.

The point is, when you do those job to the master level point, the point I call the "shining Nakama action" then it's legitimate to think that those post fit said strawhat. Jinbe was an Helmsman since Impel down and his story in whole cake alone made it clear that Helmsman was his post. Just like that, Zoro was seen multiple doing the job of firstmate and one time specifically in an amazing fashon(being a step ahead of his captain, discussing his order, having a moral high ground), so Zoro is logically fit to be first mate. This post is quasi indeniable for him. The sequence in the live action was a gift to us from Oda saying "here you go, here is your confirmation".

Because you still think ZOro is nothing more than a combatant and Robin nothing more than an archeologist. You need to dive deeper.

Wrong, Nami was a false antagonist.

To Luffy music is primordial. This is not useless.

All of the strawhats without exception have this link to the sea or sea course.

Can be wrong, but I think brook was a captain before the Rumbar pirates.

This is were you are wrong. All of the thing I analyse are DEEPLY important for the story. Let's look back at the TWELVE PILLARS and why are they important, shall we ?

1. The quirk : Because comedy is foundamental to One Piece and EACH main protagonist must depict that traits.
2. The fighting skill : To survive on the sea, you need to be able to defend yourself. Its basic stuff.
3. The antagonistic introduction : The reason why this is important must be found in the subtext of the story. The mugiwaras are a bunch of pirate but also a bunch of "demons", demons that fight actual demons that are seen by the world as the gods and the celestials. Hence why, each mugiwara must feel special, and there is nothing more impactfull that an antagonistic introduction. It can take multiple form, the shading of the panels of a clear antagonistic introduction against the crew.
4. The multi layered characterization : This is pretty basic. The strawhats are the main protagonist, so they must be extra developped.
5. The symbolic reach: This is a following of the previous rule but this time on the symbolic/thematic sence. Pretty basic stuff here.
6. The Strong character arc : Again, pretty basic. The strawhats being the main protagonists, they must also be the most memorables ones.
7. The hint of a recrutment. : This takes many faces, but this is important as it is the first step for the recruitment. This is most of the time the "join my crew moment". Basic to become a strawhat. (note that Vivi refused in a way)
8. The hint of 3 driving forces : This is VERY important has it is the backbone of point 4/5 and 6. Three HINTS of driving force means that we must be hinted by the story that the character has a strong Desire, a strong Need, you know, pretty basic stuff. (for the others, read THIS to understand why I speak about Need and desire) but also a strong Need to follow and fight for Luffy. Once those three things are hinted, you can be sure that a strawhat is here. (one of the reason why Jinbe's recrutment was predictible back in Impel down).
9. The post : Again, basic, I won't develop further, you know the drill. Without a post, no strawhat.
10. The Shining Nakama Action : This is VERY important. Like I said because this is what differ the skill of a simple craftmanship of Usopp and a real shipwright like Franky. Its what make a Mugiwara shine. But why is this so important that I take so much time to make you understand it? Its because this "shining nakama action" is the ESSENCE of the shonen reduced to a single action for the crew. This is a shonen action that transform the character into something unique. A real shonen character. And because we are talking about pirate and One Piece, this action is related to the sea or the life at sea or the course of the ship on the sea.
11. The Rescue. : Basic stuff. Each strawhat are somewhat rescued by Luffy. This is important because its what links the character to the main protagonist.
12. The refusal of the call to adventure: This one I added late. Still not a fan of it as this is based on a freudian storytelling theory but I have to admit that Oda is using at least a part of the Hero's journey into his story. So this refusal of the call adds conflict to the story and each strawhat have one. It can take many faces.

As you can see, I don't analyse random pattern, but very important clues and pattern for the storytelling. Things that are UNAVOIDABLE in One Piece for a strawhats.

So please, take a breath. And read what I explained.

Each strawhats post are linked thematically to the sea and their character arc. This is not something that I want. This is just how Oda constructed the story, simply because it is the BEST way to create good characters and good Nakama.

Indeed. Simply because like Bonney, I think that Trauma can be witnessed in real time. In the present of the story. And flashbacks are just a TOOL, not an end to create good Drama.

You need to understand why the flashback are here in the first place. Its because each strawhats WITHOUT EXCEPTION had a moral pillar in their past. This is important as it is the main theme of One Piece (the inherited will). But the fact that those happens in the past are just a result of the situation and the storylines. The moral pillar could still be present in the story and give this "push" in the present of the story, we have enough room for that. And that doesn't end with Carrot. In fact, it applies also to Bonney right now.

So the rule break isn't really a rule break its just that we look at the flash backs as the rule, when they are not what make the conflict. The conflict comes from inside, from the characters in it.

I'm dumb about a lot of things, but not about storytelling. And I'm proud of it. Sorry not sorry.

I warned you for Yamato...
More made up drivel. 90% of this essay is just psuedo-intellectual babble that has nothing to do with one piece and fan made rules you came up with, based more in headcannon than fact.

Do you not understand why literally everyone makes fun of you? Do you not understand why multiple people with degrees in literature or related fields say you're full of shit on a consistant basis? Do you not understand why we make entire posts laughing at things like "shining nakama action" when you're not even here? It's not everyone else that's stupid man. Get a grip.
More made up drivel. 90% of this essay is just psuedo-intellectual babble that has nothing to do with one piece and fan made rules you came up with, based more in headcannon than fact.
Yeah.. well.. You don't make the conversation interesting do you.. You analysed storytelling for years and you are still unable to understand basic principles. I don't know what to say to you.. Stay ignorant bro. At least I tried.

Do you not understand why literally everyone makes fun of you? Do you not understand why multiple people with degrees in literature or related fields say you're full of shit on a consistant basis?
Oh, I do understand. Its the principle of bringing odd theory into toxic environment. The rejection is logical. Not normal, but logical.

Do you not understand why we make entire posts laughing at things like "shining nakama action" when you're not even here?
Dude. If you want to laugh, laugh. Stay ignorant, don't try to understand. Stay toxic. You do you bra. o7

It's not everyone else that's stupid man
Well.. in that case specifically.. well.. nah. I won't be toxic. Even If I want to.. damn. I want to. :josad:
Yeah.. well.. You don't make the conversation interesting do you.. You analysed storytelling for years and you are still unable to understand basic principles. I don't know what to say to you.. Stay ignorant bro. At least I tried.

Oh, I do understand. Its the principle of bringing odd theory into toxic environment. The rejection is logical. Not normal, but logical.

Dude. If you want to laugh, laugh. Stay ignorant, don't try to understand. Stay toxic. You do you bra. o7

Well.. in that case specifically.. well.. nah. I won't be toxic. Even If I want to.. damn. I want to. :josad:
You're the one who doesn't understand "basic principles" every argument you make is about concepts with no actual base in the manga or literature as a whole, most of which you completely made up, usually based on a word or phrase with a completely different definition like "technicity", "cap giver", or "subversive affirmation". Then when you get proven wrong by the literal dictionary, you just claim the dictionary is outdated, even when you're the one who posted the entry. When people take the dictionary's definition over yours, you just claim they don't understand linguistics instead of providing proof that your definition is better, obviously because there is none, because you made it up. And after all that, when no one is convinced, you just say no one is reading the "subtext", but you can never explain how the subtext says anything relating to your argument. And after that's pointed out, you just link people back to the 10000 word essay where you first posted your made up concept with no new information, and the cycle repeats. Then you start crying that everyone is just toxic when they finally lose their patience and tell you what they knew from the first post; that it's all just bullshit. That's the formula for literally every single discussion you've had in your multiple years on this site. If there's anyone not contributing anything, it's you, because everyone is tired of having the same goddamn discussion every time you show your face. Maybe try arguing based on the actual manga instead of making up shit in your head.
I mean that's strech, if there's is going to be animal guardian/chinese zodiac, the character who's literally a rabbit fits better than the the character who's name vaguely resembles Bunny

At least Yamato had a dog fruit, Bonney is just a person.
I'm pointing out that every Strawhat have an Animal that they ressemble..

Carrot is out the Window and is never coming back..
You're the one who doesn't understand "basic principles" every argument you make is about concepts with no actual base in the manga or literature as a whole, most of which you completely made up, usually based on a word or phrase with a completely different definition like "technicity", "cap giver", or "subversive affirmation".
I can't make you understand something you don't want to understand.

As for those three words, they are not replacing anything, they are simply the most efficient way to talk about those subject. You just refuse them because either I use neologism or I use french words in USAGE.

Then when you get proven wrong by the literal dictionary, you just claim the dictionary is outdated
Dictionnaries are just tool and testimonies of the usage in linguistic, they are far from perfect. I wasn't "proven wrong", you just gave me definition that are not relevant.

When people take the dictionary's definition over yours, you just claim they don't understand linguistics instead of providing proof that your definition is better
You should know that we don't really like dictionnaries in linguistic, they are often used as a tool to impose a vision of langague over people which is completely against the principle of usage.

That's exactly what you are doing when you don't like a definition and say "X book say that Y words means Z and not A". You are just proving the ignorance of the principle of usage. Langage is something that evolves.

I don't bring new terms because I want to be fancy. I bring new terms because there are NO other alternative, as it is the case for "cap" in english or the term subversive affirmation in storytelling. I actually studied those subject to be sure there wasn't already words for those concept. I'm not dumb, I won't reinvent the wheel.

after all that, when no one is convinced, you just say no one is reading the "subtext"
Which is the case, very FEW and I mean very FEW people read the subtext in One Piece. The case of Sanji is a pure example of that. I was one of those who applaud the plot point of Sanji asking for help.


This is the point of looking at subtext. But take a look at the fanbase in WG and how they see that scene.. You might be surprised.

I could also mention how the fanbase reacted when they discovered that Sanji didn't had a fact in whole cake.. again, a lack of the comprehension of the importance of subtext.

but you can never explain how the subtext says anything relating to your argument
I do that literally each post. You just won't read...

Then you start crying that everyone is just toxic
Where do you see me crying because of you ? I'm crying for Gaza right now, I'm not crying for such frivolities that is your toxicity lmao.

That's the formula for literally every single discussion you've had in your multiple years on this site. If there's anyone not contributing anything, it's you, because everyone is tired of having the same goddamn discussion every time you show your face. Maybe try arguing based on the actual manga instead of making up shit in your head.
Me: Explaining deep concepts and giving detailed analysis on the story
You: Yawn
Me: Ok well, stay ignorant and toxic
You: All you do is cry, and you don't bring up anything.
So like Vegapunks dying this arc right? He straight up asked to be taken out to sea, is a massive tech asset (mirroring the Ancient Kingdom), and has been cleared by Luffy to join. Maybe he's more like "heavy cargo" if he joins, or maybe he gets dumped on Shanks next arc....

But if I'm honest its not looking good for our boy, despite being a prime candidate for the immortality surgery because of Punk Records.
Okay, so Jinbe was not a shipwright before his officialization then. See your logic is fallacious.
Jinbe is a shipwright :choppawhat:
Bonus, Yamato never asked to join either
and just like Carrot, Yamato didn't join
First, I don't think anyone will join, I just think that Carrot still has the advantage for now if one needed to.
"I think nobody joins but also Carrot maybe joins"
First, Mugiwaras tend not to ask to join

The strawhats being the main protagonists, they must also be the most memorables ones.
This is the one point I agree with you. I’m going to expand on this point a little bit. In story telling and manga usual more important characters have a more intricate design. This way readers can identify them. This is how you can tell a character as being a potential Nakama, and antagonist, a helpful side character or just and NPC. Based on this designs and the way characters were introduced in the beginning it was easy to tell who would join(zoro,nami,usopp,sanji) etc. You can also tell by this who is strong and who isn’t. For example Mrs 1, viper, Ohm, Mihawk, etc.
Now of course there anre exceptions to deceive us or as you would say subvert our expectations. The more one pieced progressed the more creative Oda became with his designs and gave a lot of characters unique characteristics. In the beginning a lot of characters had a generic design and only more important characters stuck out.
And this point of characters being memorable is exactly the point that made me become a Yamato4nakama supporter. Her introduction, her design her behavior, everything was pointing in the direction that she is important for the story, not as an enemy, not just as an ally for one arc. So what was left was Nakama.

Carrot on the other hand is the most forgettable character out there. If it wasn’t for the fact that we troll here because of Carrot I wouldn’t even if think about her. Oda forgot about her the moment we arrived in Wano and she barely appeared.