I would like people to stop using the Sins of the Father as a "you deserve it".
A modern german is not responsible for the Holocaust, a moder american is not responsible for killing indian tribes, a modern Japanese is not responsible for war crimes and so on.

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I would like people to stop using the Sins of the Father as a "you deserve it".
A modern german is not responsible for the Holocaust, a moder american is not responsible for killing indian tribes, a modern Japanese is not responsible for war crimes and so on.
True. But that's why the people with the most power in society should recognize the structures in place that many of the institutions we have now are a direct legacy of those crimes and are still keeping minorities down. It's an institutional issue.
I would like people to stop using the Sins of the Father as a "you deserve it".
A modern german is not responsible for the Holocaust, a moder american is not responsible for killing indian tribes, a modern Japanese is not responsible for war crimes and so on.
Thank you. The modern Brit did not colonise.

Lmaoooooo talk about trolling
This can't be a serious sentence
It is serious. Go live in Birmingham and find out.

"Yh bruv fuck them immigrants. They just want by 130kg girlfriend for themselves. Bri'ish for Bri'ish I say. Long live the queen innit bruv."

You continue to prove that you are an idiot.
I don't want to hear you say you got no resentment or beef with anybody here ever again. I know the truth hurts my man, but you don't have to project your own insecurities on me.

The dua lipa part was hilarious tho. Learn how to take an insult like a man instead of scraping at the bottom of the barrel with that lame ass diss.
Dude,you are a psycho,i can't debate anyone here without you coming out of the blue with baits and insults.I will say it again:i got no beefs with nobody because holding grudges because that shit ain't healthy.You on the other hand can't seem to forget about me.It seems i'm living rent free in your head.
True. But that's why the people with the most power in society should recognize the structures in place that many of the institutions we have now are a direct legacy of those crimes and are still keeping minorities down. It's an institutional issue.
I like to see it as a big wheel.
But saying that a briton cannot complain if there is a lot of uncontrolled immigration in his country because an old British Aristocrat created the Pakistan/India conflict for me it's a bit silly.
It’s a racist theory no matter who the boogeyman is.

It’s rooted in the fear that immigrants are bad and scary and are completely different from “my people”.
They aren't,but to pretend these immigration policies don't a political agenda behind them is delusional. Imo they were let in because politicians though they would get votes from these people.
Suplanting British culture is nowhere near - NOWHERE NEAR - as close to the crimes Brits commited in the countries they invaded

Stop being so shameless
Nika, I don't understand why would that matter.
Let's assume british culture is being subplanted. I don't care now if it's true or false.
The fact that it's happening because of uncontrolled immigration in the name of capitalism, is not excused because 200 years ago the same capitalist culture invaded India and colonised it.
This is silly.
The insertion of a low cost work force penalises the previous work force, because they have to fight with people that ask less for the same job.
Let's not be disingenuous, if there were no low cost workers, owners and millionaires would have to pay their workers more, and decrease their gain. So no, the ones that lose when there is immigration like you describes are the poors.
And this is one of my primary concerns. The poor who are being muscled out of the workforce by cheap labour. We invite them in to use them as wage slaves and then they endanger local poor communities.

Suplanting British culture is nowhere near - NOWHERE NEAR - as close to the crimes Brits commited in the countries they invaded

Stop being so shameless
I have never agreed with the concept of eye for an eye. I have been adamant on that. Due to that difference in ideology, we likely we never agree on that point.

The past crimes of my people are well known and I do not deny them. But that has nothing to do with the modern Brit.

British culture is when you colonise, loot and then complain about foreigners.

"There's too many of them alaho akbar people here jennet."
No. British culture is not that. British culture is open and affable, liberal minded and believers in free-speech and democracy.

You can mischaracterize my grievances, but it doesn't erase my point.
Ah, you believe in eye for an eye as well. Fantastic, you'll fit in with the Islamists and their law of reciprocity.
No genius. I'm not saying that I like or dislike it, I'm saying this is what happens

I would like people to stop using the Sins of the Father as a "you deserve it".
A modern german is not responsible for the Holocaust, a moder american is not responsible for killing indian tribes, a modern Japanese is not responsible for war crimes and so on.
Nobody 'deserves' anything of this but it's a fact that it is happening whether we like it or not.
Dude,you are a psycho,i can't debate anyone here without you coming out of the blue with baits and insults.I will say it again:i got no beefs with nobody because holding grudges because that shit ain't healthy.You on the other hand can't seem to forget about me.It seems i'm living rent free in your head.
I'll tell you what I told okamakama the other day. No insults so that you actually pay attention to the substance of what I have to say. I just vent here and use it as a way to say whatever I want to say from a political standpoint without any sort of repercussions. You interact here often so it's only natural that I'll be completely honest with my political stances and my opinions of those who engage in conversation here. In reality, I couldn't give two shits about who you are or what you do. You have no real weight in my life, and I'm sure the same is true the other way around. You don't live rent free in my head cause I simply don't know you or want to get to know you. For me you're just letters on a screen, that's it.
Nika, I don't understand why would that matter.
Let's assume british culture is being subplanted. I don't care now if it's true or false.
The fact that it's happening because of uncontrolled immigration in the name of capitalism, is not excused because 200 years ago the same capitalist culture invaded India and colonised it.
yeah,if everyone pull out historical reasons like that we can justify just about anything.Everyone got their hands dirty at some point.