Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

Who Is Luffy’s Right Hand Man?

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This chapter hurt your Luffytard pride it seems lol

Look at the scans again, if you use that argument, Ulti was caught offguard too, she was talking with the fodders while Luffy directly jump forward her, of course she sense it but it was already too late and she get hit. Which mean both get caught offguard, no one even deny the point that. Of course Luffy beat her,but she pose such a threat that she beeing able to force Luffy into G4 and making him saying something like"she is so strong". Her headbutt attack was already impressiv. Pageone and Ulti are far from beeing showing their all skills and true power, Oda for sure save them. For the first encounter they doing it very well.
No you need to reread
They were looking at his direction, she was talking with fodders before he launched his assault.
I dont get how you can claim ulti is anywhere close to pushing Luffy to g4 in normal situation despite page one getting fodderized and claiming that flying six are all around the ballpark at the same time. Dont you see the contradiction?
For the love of god, he was fighting 2 flying six. Why do people love to leave out context. Samething with Zoro vs Killer. Pretending somebody wasn't distracting Zoro while he fought. Ulti only got the opportunity to grab Luffy because Luffy used G3 on Page 1. Base Luffy literally blitz Ulti in hybrid form.
Yes, we need context, that's why I used a question mark. No need to overreact all the time.
I dislike Sanji's character, but I still feel bad for him lol. The way Oda is treating him for comic relief now of all times is really really disappointing.
Yeah the gag is dumb and distasteful especially at this time where everyone is fighting, really Oda?:mihugh:
But tbh the way he was drawn in that panel looking serious (and smirking?) feels like he might actually do something, The gag can't possibly last forever lol
Though I am not so sure with Oda lately :usoprice:
Hawkins decided not to chase them after losing two lives, as we saw. He was only defeated off panel, so any determination of his power when Law beat him is just headcanon, but if we're just talking outcomes then that includes him managing to imprison Law in the first place.

Anyway, if you believe Hawkins somehow has a victory over Zoro then you not get be salty about the current status of some lesser character. Luffy, Zoro, Kid, Killer, and Law are all Gs.
-Hawkins lost one life because he was looking at Luffy, Zoro cheap-shotted him from the rear.
-The other one came after Hawkins damaged Zoro with nails, which come through his straw puppet, not via his own body

No one ever said Hawkins is all about his stored lives. We've seen that Hawkins can use Haki when he blocked Law's sword, and if he is not like Cracker, then he has his own durability and stamina as well, in addition to his own CoA defense. Of course he couldn't take both Luffy + Zoro at the same time, but even then overpowering Zoro while Luffy was there was impressive.

I am not salty, I just said E.Oda wouldn't be consistent if Zoro solo fights King, and Luffy solo fights Kaido at this point. In comparison with pre-time skip, they weren't struggling of the minions of their main opponents, Zoro for one, defeated T-Bone without taking any damage before fighting with Kaku. In here, he already took a damage from Apoo, and if Hawkins was there, he could take nails again as a damage.

MD Zolo


No you need to reread
They were looking at his direction, she was talking with fodders before he launched his assault.
I dont get how you can claim ulti is anywhere close to pushing Luffy to g4 in normal situation despite page one getting fodderized and claiming that flying six are all around the ballpark at the same time. Dont you see the contradiction?
I hate it when people refer to "normal situation" as if battles are to be fought with honor and whatnot.

Ulti made Luffy go G4. That's the end of that. There is no universe and no headcanon where Luffy was able to defeat Ulti without going G4. It is as simple as that.

It doesn't matter if you think Ulti isn't strong, because on panel, she is that strong.
I hate it when people refer to "normal situation" as if battles are to be fought with honor and whatnot.

Ulti made Luffy go G4. That's the end of that. There is no universe and no headcanon where Luffy was able to defeat Ulti without going G4. It is as simple as that.

It doesn't matter if you think Ulti isn't strong, because on panel, she is that strong.
So context doesnt matter this is what you're saying ? Do you have any other brain dead claims?
It was an extreme example but the point was that dragon has NO FEATS just like Daifuku vs luffy. saying ulti has better feats than daifuku means NOTHING since he hasn't even shown feats fighting luffy.
It is simple that we don't need a Luffy vs Daifuku fight off, we see lot of weaker character fight him,when a Aladdin punch equal with Oven, when Sanji block Daifuku huge Genie easily while Pageone send him across the city. When Ichiji lvl opponent who are in same ballpark get neg diffed by Katakuri. You understand how we scale the characters? So what is the point of you who proof that Vets beeing league above F6. They are equal(portrayalwise) for good.

was that character luffy? no? then you're just speculatuing which is headcannon.
Yonji was the first,Sanji the second, the strongest brother Ichiji get neg diffed by Katakuri, Sanji who get beaten down by Doffy. Do the math...

Please answer how Nami beat Kaulifa even though she was a cp9 member?
the CP9 are ranked in strenght, WG only put the strongest to CP9, of course he expect for each of their at minimum a equal powerlvl
Via tricks and using one strong attack, but the rules in the new world change, expect Zoan User who can tank far more. What Kalifa do 10years ago doesn't have any weight for the new world where Brook even get trouble against far weaker character then Ulti.

why did ulti do WORSE in a 2v1 vs luffy than apoo did?
Luffy didn't understand first the power of Apoo, after he easily run away. Of course Apoo feat was good, but also Ulti feat too. In both way nothing to say it make these character weak.

What far weaker characters did robin struggle against lol?
Trebol or Diamante, Robin has no any weight after the timeskip, not a single impressiv feat so far. Characters as Brook and Franky even get more shine.

Since you dodge my questions again:
Do you think Nami or Robin could break current Luffy haki in a direct encounter, could force him to use G4?

Do you think Nami or Robin could match xDrake,Doflamingo,Inuarashi,Ashura and co?

Stop dreaming, their isn't any point to believe Nami or Robin gonna face F6 while even their own Captain( who perform a really good feat though) struggel against them.

And neither Pageone and Ulti show their full skills/strenght.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Fight me, but I think Yamato is actually pretty strong and he have a personality similar to Luffy :cheers:
His personality actually seems to be quite meek/weak willed. When he grabbed luffy, random people were yelling get them! And he said sorry! Don’t hurt me! So I think while he may be strong, he is super docile/meek. Only reason he acted on ulti I feel is seeing luffy. He said he was waiting for him so idk.
They were looking at his direction, she was talking with fodders before he launched his assault.
I dont get how you can claim ulti is anywhere close to pushing Luffy to g4 in normal situation despite page one getting fodderized and claiming that flying six are all around the ballpark at the same time. Dont you see the contradiction?
You know that Ulti also was far from left using her true potential/skill in the battle? We don't even know if both are really done. So far we know that Ulti was fast enough to caught Luffy who even have Fs and should dodge it. And she force him to use G4, Luffy even say that she was so strong, he had no other choice,already in the begin of the fight. If you think Luffy cakewalk against Ulti and the others without using advanved CoA or G4,you are clearly wrong.
You know that Ulti also was far from left using her true potential/skill in the battle? We don't even know if both are really done. So far we know that Ulti was fast enough to caught Luffy who even have Fs and should dodge it. And she force him to use G4, Luffy even say that she was so strong, he had no other choice,already in the begin of the fight. If you think Luffy cakewalk against Ulti and the others without using advanved CoA or G4,you are clearly wrong.
I just need to see how easily he dealed with Page One who is also flying six:hapnoel:
Anyone else excited by the eventual abilities of the Scabbards? Like we know:

Kin'emon: Foxfire techniques, hasn't been seen in hundreds of chapters
Kanjuro (Traitor): Unique devil fruit powers, fights with a brush.
Kawamatsu: Fishman Swordsman. In his case, he's probably much stronger than Hyouzou was, but not on. He can probably manipulate water like Jinbe.
Inu/Neko: Sulong. Inu is a swordsman, but Neko uses an interesting looking trident.
Kiku: Uses some form of fear to strike her opponents.

That leaves Denjiro/Asura, whom we know are extremely powerful but so far have only shown generic strikes.

Anyway, I'm curious to see how all of these people are pushed to their limits against the arc villains, including the strawhats and supernova.
Luffy fanboys need to get it through their heads that oda will not make luffy say he needs G4 for no reason.. hes hyping up flying six and yamato at the same time
Ofcourse, Ancient Zoans are known to be strong, but the only strength boost luffy has is G4 to break out. G2 isn't a physical strength boost. Base Luffy blitz her.
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Luffy bleuno page one and ulti

Ulti isnt anywhere to pushing Luffy to g4 in fair 1 vs 1 lol, he blitzed the shit out her in base form. Stupid wank
he got caught because he was focused on p1. Not different from onigumo trapping marco in seastone. Flying six are all retard strenght
I agree, don't get it twisted though. They are strong, but Luffy would wreck them
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I dislike Sanji's character, but I still feel bad for him lol. The way Oda is treating him for comic relief now of all times is really really disappointing.
Oda is going to make Sanji do good things during the war. Relax its just started. Soon has a lady is in trouble, Sanji going to kick somebody head off or do his invisible thing to save someone.
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