One Piece Chapter 1096: "Kumachi"

Who is the strongest fighter in God Valley?

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Kaido, de 21 anos, parece intrigado com Roger aqui. Que bom que Kaido desafiou Roger, destemido e forte, ele não teme ninguém, e ainda por cima conseguiu a Akuma no Mi mais poderosa do show, o tipo mais forte, e nem estava no auge. Faz sentido para ele ser o WSC (criatura mais forte do mundo) no mundo de One Piece

Kaidou deve a fruta pra Big Mom que pegou ela kk

Oda reusing designs again? Or something weird. maybe just a different guy with a gas mask and cape who uses a knife in each hand :bamathink:
Ivankov on Amazon island transitioning crocodile would get western audience crazy lol.
Fullalead Treasure must be a huge deal for the Rocks to go all the way from New World to West Blue and take it back. Doesn't seem to be a Devil Fruit cause Linlin was the only one implying a Devil Fruit and also the only one showing up at the Devil Fruits location, but I could be wrong... Nice to see Newgate and Shiki but Captain John is the one that really intrigues me the most.

Not sure I understood why Roger decided to intervene and stop Rocks. Did he have knowledge of this treasure and wanted to make sure Rocks didn't get his hands on it because of how dangerous he would become? Even to the point of collaborating with the Marines?
Also "it's been 1 year" from what?

Garling is a devil. He's Lucci on steroids when it comes to killing. Interesting the fact that Holy Knights are probably selected exclusively by Celestial Dragons family members (so with noble blood) since that one Holy Knight is implied to be part Manmyia family. Spotted some interesting designs, like the Holy Knight shaped like a gnu skull. I doubt all of them are alive after 38 years tho.

The christian theme goes strong with Kuma. The contrast of a real saint being hunted by self-proclaimed saints who are actual demons on earth is poethic. The self-sacrificing nature, the natural kindness & altruism, the wood craftsmanship, the healing powers... again, Kuma seems to be strongly associated to a traditional christian theme, makes sense how he was shown reading a Bible since his first introduction. Btw I don't think we've ever seen someone born with a heart as good as Kuma's in the entire story, just sayin...
What did you expect? It's opscans.
That's a visual Den Den Mushi in the top left panel, and Mary Geoise in the panel below it.

The Celestial Dragons are actually live streaming themselves committing genocide to their families back home, so they can watch Figarland murder natives.

No wonder Doffy was so fucked up, holy shit.

Dragon and Luffy's grandmother:bamathink:
Dragon will be ordered to hunt down the escapees from God Valley.

The WG has spies everywhere, and they'll want their Fruits back. Saturn also knows what Kuma looks like.

IMO, Kuma will become king of the Sorbet Kingdom, and once he is, the government will find him, and try to wipe out his people and recapture him.

Dragon WAS on God Valley, and will rebel against his orders and try to protect Kuma instead. Ginny will die, but Dragon will save Kuma and Ginny's daughter with Kuma, Bonney, and help them escape after the kingdom is destroyed.

Kuma becomes known as the tyrant, as he is blamed for the destruction of his country to cover up the Marines. Saturn might show up, as well.
That will be funny af lol.

Can't help, but laugh about fans complaing of "woke/SJW" in a show full of LGBT characters and commie undertones.
What I'm tired of is why these people care so much or why it is considered "woke" to have a trans character or a gay character. This shit doesn't matter as long as the character is well written. Some of you need to start complaining about shit that actually matters.
And Oda is a fan of putting rising sun flags all over his manga. Especially in the middle portions of OP
Alright, here's a thought: what if Rocks had a Road Poneglyph, and the Marines stole it to hide it on God Valley? Whitebeard ends up with it, then leaves it in Fishman Island, his territory, for safe keeping, and because he wasn't really interested in it.

The Man Marked by Flames stole the Poneglyph under the direction of the WG, and they decided to have him sail around the world with it to keep it safe and hidden.
They allied themselves with the only member of the grupo who DIDNT share the same beliefs aka sanji.

The following arc was about an isolated country dominated by a group who destroyed the environment in order to produce and sell weapons.

Not to mention the focus on gender given on kiku and yamato even though i disagree with that.

Fishman island was about racism.

Sabaody with slavery and human traffic backed by economic elite.

Oda has a literal che Guevara post on his room, c'mon lol.

Xebec's relation to his crew reminds me more Luffy and the soon-to-be members of his grand fleet on Dressrosa.
Tcb scan makes it more clear Garp didn't care what would happened to the cds
Interesting how ol' Oda has rabbits on the mind two chapters in a row
The thought of kaido with hormone fruit made laugh out loud.
Saturn's comment last chapter abt how the Strawhats is "a pirate crew that cooperates" alrdy hinted towards his direct involvement in God Valley fight but now we actually see him in proximity with Big Mom and others.. I have no doubt Saturn did something very crucial back then. Even Iva says they only report Garp as the sole hero bcs that'll clearly elevate Marines' image in the public eyes
Actual religious symbol of Buddhism and character in japanese called Manji.

They were stolen and claimed by a bunch of terrible people, then propagandized by them until they became a symbol of hate.

Always better to acknowledge them as their original meaning than help the propaganda machine who wants it to be theirs.

Best way to fight and resist a empire of darkness who stole symbols is to not even acknowledge it as their but to restore it what it truly is meant to be.
Last panel of Kuma and Ginny is gut wrenching while bittersweet
Kuma‘s FB is already up there, top 3
I like the idea how Sorbet may be a country that wasn't powerful but built as a home for Kuma wanting to protect people he cares for.

....fuck is it called Sorbet cause its Ginny's favorite food or something?
It's not about Rocks being that guy
Roger aint making those Rocks crew follow him like their subordinate either........Whitebeard would never, Shiki never, Big mom never, so and so.
It's same situation as Luffy Kid Law, none of them would let themselves look like subordinate towards other.
All people with Captain/Top guy mentality at one team. Nobody is controlling that crew.

At least Rocks has the lead over the others either way whether his crewmate doesn't follow him or not. Everybody hate each other but still continue to be under same crew when anyone can just quit and start their own crew, it took Xebec defeat to finally split apart.
Xebec was really a big deal no matter what.
He might be same person , probably adopted to Celestial dragon family.
Think he might be on Elbaf arc if he is holy knight.
Okay, I am sorry. But I cant help but see Ginny like a child York. Even a little techie wizard despite her age. Freckled big eater.
I am always curious when new characters appear and have any unique traits, like a number on them. That celestial dragon next to Garling with the number 46 on his mask caught my attention. Oda wants us to look at the Chapter 46 cover to get a clue.

I don't know what Oda wants to tell us with these two legends on the cover.


Imagine if the crown Jewel of Pirate Island is actually Captain John's treasure. :doffytroll:
Just a few great posts 🙂