One Piece Chapter 1096: "Kumachi"

Who is the strongest fighter in God Valley?

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No, it had nothing to do with strength. Rocks just wasn't that guy. Do you imagine Shanks, Rayleigh, Oden... treating Roger like a fool and not considering themselves his subordinates?
It's not about Rocks being that guy
Roger aint making those Rocks crew follow him like their subordinate either........Whitebeard would never, Shiki never, Big mom never, so and so.
It's same situation as Luffy Kid Law, none of them would let themselves look like subordinate towards other.
All people with Captain/Top guy mentality at one team. Nobody is controlling that crew.

At least Rocks has the lead over the others either way whether his crewmate doesn't follow him or not. Everybody hate each other but still continue to be under same crew when anyone can just quit and start their own crew, it took Xebec defeat to finally split apart.
Xebec was really a big deal no matter what.
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Kitetsu Wanker
Seems he is offpaneling it again because either someone still relevant to the event will likely pop up and be the focus after Egggead (I.e. Scopper, Ochoku or Rocks).

I do think the person who will rescue Weevil will either be Rocks or some clone of his at this point. VPs connection to the crew seems way too on the nose at this point and he's likely a focal point at Elbaf still
For some reason, he is avoiding to show Rocks. Maybe just his usual stalling and once revealed it will be for nothing but we'll see.
I assume the guy under Ochoku in double spread is Silver Axe considering that Rocks run ahead of them all. Even he is shaded...

I am convinced that frozen guy in Impel Down is the original Rocks but considering his state a clone would make perfect sense.
Maybe the man with the burn scar is a clone of Rocks, perhaps unsuccessful due to a scar or something... Wouldnt make too much sense for him to be someone completely unknown...
For some reason, he is avoiding to show Rocks. Maybe just his usual stalling and once revealed it will be for nothing but we'll see.
I assume the guy under Ochoku in double spread is Silver Axe considering that Rocks run ahead of them all. Even he is shaded...

I am convinced that frozen guy in Impel Down is the original Rocks but considering his state a clone would make perfect sense.
Maybe the man with the burn scar is a clone of Rocks, perhaps unsuccessful due to a scar or something... Wouldnt make too much sense for him to be someone completely unknown...
What ive found fascinating is everyone who speaks of the Burned Scar Man is pretty young (Kid, Law, Blackbeard, etc) relative to the God Valley incident, so it wouldn't surprise me if they just didnt know who he was. In that way, it would make total sense to me if he's Rocks or his clone.

What is also weird is Rocks's Jolly Roger has a burning skull on it too, which makes me think Rocks is indeed tied to the Burned Scar Man:

But then what does that suggest? That he rebranded himself with a nameless Jet Black ship lol? The biggest questions I have really come down to this:

- Is Rocks alive?
- If so, is he the Burned Scar Man?
- If not, is he cloned like Weevil and Stussy (are all of them)? Is there any connection then between this and the Burned Scar Man?
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Oda reusing designs again? Or something weird. maybe just a different guy with a gas mask and cape who uses a knife in each hand :bamathink:
Honestly this could have also just been Maha. She was selling children to the WG, not just giants. Stussy for example seems like she was cloned for the exact reason to be a CP agent.
It's not about Rocks being that guy
Roger aint making those Rocks crew follow him like their subordinate either........Whitebeard would never, Shiki never, Big mom never, so and so.
It's same situation as Luffy Kid Law, none of them would let themselves look like subordinate towards other.
All people with Captain/Top guy mentality at one team. Nobody is controlling that crew

At least Rocks has the lead over the others either way whether his crewmate doesn't follow him or not.
Rocks' crew isn't following Roger but they eventually recognized him as the king of piracy. The Whitebeard who treated Rocks as a fool dedicated his last words to push Roger's will; Shiki accepted Roger as the king of their era and only after his death considered Whitebeard the new ruler of the seas; Big Mom already had Whitebeard as an obstacle higher than Kaidou and Shanks, which automatically makes Roger more of an obstacle since he was even stronger than Newgate; Kaidou recognized Roger as the person with the strongest power... Meanwhile, Rocks is treated by his own "subordinates" as a good for nothing fool (Linlin's words, not mine).

The only thing that kept those monsters together was their personal goals and taking advantage of the structure that Rocks provided. Saying that "Rocks has the lead over the others" and later "his crewmate doesn't follow him" is an oxymoron: he isn't leading anyone. Whitebeard is taking charge of the group because he finds Rocks to lack focus, Linlin is stating her intention to leave the moment she gets what she wants, and so on.

So far, Rocks has been depicted as a mess of a captain. When Whtiebeard met Oden he didn't want such a conqueror aboard because he had bad experiences with a crew of conquerors; but Roger was that guy and had Rayleigh as his faithful subordinate, and Shanks still treats him as his captain, and Oden himself was amazed by him in a way that not even Whitebeard could.

That's the difference here.
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Germa 66 were blatantly based off of Nazis. What are you talking about?
If you keep repeating your ignorant point of view, it doesn't make it true. Two completely different things there.

Why not take this vile shit nonsense to political thread. Keep your nazi shit talk and anything related to commies in there. You're clueless btw. Fking educate.