What Oda has not shown us, yet, is the connection between Saturn and Kuma. We see them here in this chapter, but why Bonney nourishes this much hatred towards Saturn has not been touched.
Also, it was not shown, why exactly Kuma was referred to as evil King of Sorbet. Currently he is a 9-year-old child and not even sitting on the throne, but living in a church.
But: Maybe it was not that smart to come back to Sorbet-kingdom. Saturn has seen Kuma in Good Valley and recognized him as being of the Buccaneer race. If the WG remembers just where they had found and enslaved Kuma’s family beforehand, they could easily figure out, where he is. Because, Kuma using his hands to repel that many slaves to Sorbet or somewhere else would surely not go unnoticed. And if the WG knows of Kuma having eaten the Paw-Paw-fruit, they would certainly look where his family lived before and try their luck there to find him. And there is also a very good reason the WG needs to find him:
Kuma knows of Nika.
With the WG trying to eradicate every proof of Nika and JoyBoy and Saturn at least knowing that Kuma knows those old tales of Nika, the Gorosei could see it fit to hunt down the child to eradicate the last memory of their enemy.
Now, as Kuma is living in Sorbet kingdom happily with Ginny, he has not come into contact with the WG again. But as we have seen Kuma reluctantly executing orders, he is receiving from the WG in chapter 484, we need to assume that he will have to come into contact with them sooner or later.
Why he is executing the orders, although he despises the WG is not shown, but we can assume that the reason for that needs to have a very important value in Kuma’s life.
Kuma’s backstory more and more leads me to the conclusion that the Egghead arc is about sacrifices.
In the flashback, we can see that Kuma is ready to sacrifice himself for others as he voluntarily agrees to serve as a diversion for the other slaves to flee God Valley.
Then we have Vegapunk, whose dream it is to find the eternal energy to end wars around the world and connect the minds of all people through his Punk Records, who he hopes can serve as a huge bibliotheca. And again, as Jinbe confronts him with the fact, that he should consider that many minds do not share the same views and that it could lead to further conflicts, Vegapunk sees this as a necessary sacrifice for his bigger dream.
Shaka has the same way of thinking, too. Because, in chapter 1071 he tells Lilith that the Stellars safety goes above all else and refers to the Satellites as expendable – or sacrifices in case everything goes downhill.
Than, we have Lucci, who goes as fa as wanting to sacrifice Robin in order to prevent evil pirates to get the upper hand in exploiting Nico Robin's knowledge for piracy.
And look at Kizaru, he does not want to hurt Sentomaru or Vegapunk, because he has known them for years. But he is ready to sacrifice them because his mission states it.
If I may have an opinion: I think, Luffy needs to show them that you do not have to sacrifice something, to reach a goal – you do not have to compromise.