Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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That would be an interesting form of revenge.

I prefer a fight with Luffy, but interesting idea.
I just don’t see the point of a fight with luffy. Luffy has no connection to Saturn, nor any reason to fight him. Kuma deserves something before he died. I figured he’d just nerf Saturn so the ancient robot can kill him; but Kuma destroying Saturn by using the suffering of their own slaves is the perfect ending to Saturn. Plus it connects to why Kuma would become a slave and a cyborg
I see merit in the memory wipe theory (Ginny doesnt have a DF, same appetite, Bonney doesnt have any Buccaneer traits), if something bad happened to her and Kuma wiped her memory to erase the pain, then it could be one of the saddest things to come from this series.

However, there are things that rule this out tbh:

- Bonney has seen Kuma's memories, and she still refers to him as father, not as her old self.
- Bonney doesnt resemble Ginny when she is young (different eyebrows, no freckles, etc)
- Her alternative future move against VP almost sounds like a future where she "would" have had Buccaneer blood but didnt

Honestly, my theory is that she is either Ginny's daughter (somehow) or made into a clone by VP (when she is captured, then Bonney is spared in an agreement that forces him to be a Shichibukai), but is not actually Kuma's daughter.

The former option has real fucked up implications, so Im willing to bet she was captured and cloned, and the fact that she was at Egghead as a child supports it. At this point VP would have created Stussy so she would definitely been a successful clone.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
You have the reading comprehension of Rootbeer, you don't understand where Oda is going with this flashback but worry not, you'll see by yourself when the flashback is over since you don't understand anything at the moment.

The liberation is related to Saturn, you see Saturn grabbing Bonney and about to kill her, when the flashback starts with Kuma telling Bonney that Nika will liberate her, are you this dense?

This ain't an escape arc, this is the fucking Egghead incident that will shock the entire world. What is going to shock the world? The SHs escaping or Nika defeating Saturn?

I told you, you have the reading comprehension of Rootbeer.

Shock the world? VP drying? Kizaru losing? There are multiple ways this can happen...

And, oda is building a FB of Kuma - Kuma will be the Central figure in egghead from now onwards and he will be pivotal in SHs escaping from here....

It's the same thing like ZkK...

Oden cut kaido...

Zoro will defeat kaido because we got oden FB and zoro will carry it's legacy..

There is nothing more to it except your headcannon.

Stop logging on worstgen when high lol is
I just don’t see the point of a fight with luffy. Luffy has no connection to Saturn, nor any reason to fight him. Kuma deserves something before he died. I figured he’d just nerf Saturn so the ancient robot can kill him; but Kuma destroying Saturn by using the suffering of their own slaves is the perfect ending to Saturn. Plus it connects to why Kuma would become a slave and a cyborg
I still think kuma gonna thrown the bubble pain in saturn. But I dont think that is a good point against luffy vs saturn, because luffy hadn't basically no connection with almost every villain he faced

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Akainu got neg diffed by Dragon. Now time for his son to repeat the whooping.
Akainu: "Lol, Dragon, I stole your Commander's girlfriend, shouldn't have left the Marines, dick."
Dragon: "Catch these fists of Liberation."
Akainu: "...Fleet Admiral Kong... I don't feel so good..."
Dragon: "The only reason I won't kill you is because we used to be friends, but you need to take an anger management class, bro. Later."

If Luffy finds out Akainu killed Kuma's lover/Bonney's mom, it will just give Luffy another reason to hate Akainu.
You when Kizaru vs Luffy round 2 begins

There won't be Luffy vs Kizaru round 2 so cope with this one shot and accept that it's how a yonko deals with an admiral

Luffy defeated Kizaru like he defeated Lucci

He'll switch to the main villain of this arc -> Saturn and defeat him, which will liberate both Kuma and Bonney and cause the Egghead incident that will shock the entire world tomorrow


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Why? Isn't he "just a politician"? What happened now?

Dragon will be introduced. Is he not able to do anything either? The the world is a lost cause.
When did I ever say he is just politician?

I always said he is strong AF....Go back to my old posts.

And, Pringles has agenda going on..

He wants Luffy to beat Saturn and kizaru by zoro because that's serve his agenda of Yonkou > Admirals

If luffy fights kiz again then that will shatter this agenda of his...
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