Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Are people really surprised about Bonney's Age?
She literally was Introduced this Arc stuck in Water where She can't use her DF
How SHs found her, that's how Bonney truly looks
It was heavily foreshadowed, hell, almost confirmed even, but people were simping so they were denying it lol


Let at least the children life... and suffer to become more Doffys who will bring more suffering to the world, more wars, more death, more profit for the criminals and rulers of the underworld :pepebusi:

Which way Oda:
Kill all CD included the children (commiting genocide like them showing that CDs and the regular people are not different)
Let the children life and bear the grudges for the fall of there culture creating more "Doffys"

Either way a peacful world will never achieved; just more wars and conflict to fill the power vacuum left by the WG :jordanmf:
Power is NEVER vacant, there will have someone/group willing to do whatever it takes to fill the spot.
At Gods Valley, where is in the flashback and for some reason also Saturn is around. Maybe one "bite" or "Cut" is enough to infect a person?
Every Gorosei could have a different kind of "sickness" or "poison" too. Which literally would make the Gorosei to the sickness of the world.
Sounds plausible and I'd like it for the metaphorical sickness to the world
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