One Piece Chapter 1098: "Bonney's birth"

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Honestly, I'm not entirely sure about that. Obviously there is the emotional desire many of us are feeling right now to see Kuma finally get his long deserved win and triumph fully over his enslavers and be the person who saves his daughter. It's certainly a plausible route and I wouldn't be upset if things play out that way.

However, as someone previously speculated a few weeks back, I think it's just as likely that Kuma might use his DF powers to eject Luffy's exhaustion and wounds and take them upon himself upon arriving at the scene at Egghead, thereby saving both Sun God Nika/Luffy and by extension Bonney. Especially now that Oda has reminded readers that Kuma can do that with last week's chapter and how prone to self-sacrificing Kuma has repeatedly shown himself to be as a person.
Again that involves the one thing the current Kuma cannot do: make his own choice based on his own judgments.

The kuma coming is PX-0 a creature with no mind or personal thought, just a mission that Kuma and Vegapunk gave him 2 years ago. As such, i genuinely doubt that mission was to heal luffy.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure about that. Obviously there is the emotional desire many of us are feeling right now to see Kuma finally get his long deserved win and triumph fully over his enslavers and be the person who saves his daughter. It's certainly a plausible route and I wouldn't be upset if things play out that way.

However, as someone previously speculated a few weeks back, I think it's just as likely that Kuma might use his DF powers to eject Luffy's exhaustion and wounds and take them upon himself upon arriving at the scene at Egghead, thereby saving both Sun God Nika/Luffy and by extension Bonney. Especially now that Oda has reminded readers that Kuma can do that with last week's chapter and how prone to self-sacrificing Kuma has repeatedly shown himself to be as a person.
That will be underwhelming

Not everything should be done by nika

Kuma deserves one final showing before he dies...

Kuma deserves to go like a bang ...and, not "Oh I found Nika so let leave things upto him"...

That's just ruin everything oda build during this FB ....

Will he defeat Saturn ? Certainly not...But he can still put a fight...or he can still use his df to send Saturn away saving SHs instead of becoming a damsel in distress once again....who needs to be saved by nika
God I forgot how much I fucking hate your guts
Anyway I'm like 99% sure the Holy Knights live in Mariejois, why would they just sit there while the Revs lay waste and kill countless CDs?
Sure they did that at the Reverie, but they were only idle because Issho and Aramaki were already there, as well as CP0 being there.
lmao who gives a fuck about fodder holy knights?
Imagine believing these fodder gonna make some difference

And why in your scenario they go to some sort of war and not fast infiltration to search for Ginny and take hostages?
Also, Kuma has THE BEST devil fruit for escape, it's literally impossible to catch him
lmao who gives a fuck about fodder holy knights?
Imagine believing these fodder gonna make some difference

And why in your scenario they go to some sort of war and not fast infiltration to search for Ginny and take hostages?
Also, Kuma has THE BEST devil fruit for escape, it's literally impossible to catch him
Funny how not a single Marine scarred Whitebeard yet Garling did
I rarely post about OP anymore but i'll post about this chapter

I really dislike Ginny sex slave angle. It feels cheap and like it was used for shock value. Everyone here knows CD's need to be eradicated, God Valley stuff was plenty more reasons. We really didn't need Ginny stuff, something so hardcore and something so vile on top of it.

It just feels unnecessary, like an overkill
the Ginny/bonney plot actually adds nothing... We have to know that in the end all this flashback is just to give us a reason for why kuma chose to become a test subject...... But why would the reader care.... Oda needs to come up with actual plot points which actually matter for the series not random sad stories whose existence has no impact at all and are easily replaceable....
....That's because Ace was a public execution to make an example to the whole world in a WAR
Ginny was just a sex slave there to relieve a Celestial Dragon in some random room in Marijoa

You're joking that you believe Ginny would have more protection than Celestial Dragons themselves who go outside with just few fodders as protection?
The difference I believe is most of his troops were participating in Civil war . The panel even mention it took 3 years to end the war and Kuma finished in few days .

Oda is deliberately hiding the name of Celestial dragon who kidnapped Ginny like you said this is not some fodder CD must be Garling or Saturn that’s why Dragon or Kuma couldn’t do anything because they are powerful figures .

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
the Ginny/bonney plot actually adds nothing... We have to know that in the end all this flashback is just to give us a reason for why kuma chose to become a test subject...... But why would the reader care.... Oda needs to come up with actual plot points which actually matter for the series not random sad stories whose existence has no impact at all and are easily replaceable....
Anyone here that watched/read Drifters and read that "rape fortress" part early will know how to use a heavy subject as a proper plot point


Kitetsu Wanker
This chapter aint so bad after reading the thing but the spoilers made it sound like utter boredom.
There was a little hint of Kuma being more involved in fighting after the kidnapping of Ginny.
I hope the return of the previous king makes Kuma go on a rampage that would justify "the Tyrant" at least a little bit.

Show us why he accepted the Government's deal of being turned into a human weapon and wrap this thing up.
Should probably touch upon the conversation with Vegapunk before the whole process started and what they planned.
What if evil Shanks is the CD who took Ginny for a wife? He was in East Blue around 10 years ago and the hair color similarity is there... :catpole:
I am not sure Holy knights should be hyped or not . They definately can’t be powerful than VA . Then question arises why they needed Akainu to protect CD when Kuma invaded .
Garling might be exception he could be Admiral level fighter Rest could be meh .
R.I.P Ginny.

2 years and the Revolutionaries couldn't figure out who took her? The only benefit of doubt I'd give them is that they were new to this game. I'm gonna say it was Garling who took Bonney as his bride. Something about him gives off, "I won't let my pray escape me" energy.

Next chapter/s theory:

Dragon mentions the disease to Vegapunk. The "cure" is Kuma taking the disease into his own body. The only way to survive is to become a cyborg, as the disease doesn't work on Robotic bodies.

This is all done without Bonney's knowledge, hence her hating Vegapunk.
The difference I believe is most of his troops were participating in Civil war . The panel even mention it took 3 years to end the war and Kuma finished in few days .
Not sure what this got to do with anything,
if anything you just said they can easily wipe out countries and get their armies ready

Anyway, my point is about ONLY dragon and kuma invading Marijoa, not their whole army.
Oda is deliberately hiding the Celestial dragon who kidnapped Ginny like you said
Deliberately? It seems it's just some random one who saw her in news paper and wanted her
this is not some fodder CD must be Garling or Saturn that’s why Dragon or Kuma couldn’t do anything because they are powerful figures .
lol this such headcanon

Not only did Dragon not know about Gorosei having powers until Sabo told him
why you again assume they are gonna be with Ginny 24/7?