i mean, sorry
is this you being friendly?
No, but I mean
1 - how is this quote an insult? Come on, telling you that a process (in this case, solving through flavour) is a bad process isn't even vitriolic, if you can't handle that then jeez.
2 - T-Pein is pretty terrible, yes. He plays for himself and his own survival, he never generates reads and solves through angles and speculation.
3 - Players like you I stand by, see your process through this lol. No real analysis, no critical thinking, just picking a side and finding evidence for it in reverse. It's not a strong process.
4 - Having no concept of strategic thinking isn't an insult, it's just that - you don't consider things like gamestate or motivation or setting up lynches, the idea of playing the long game to you just doesn't happen. Case in point - you didn't even begin to think about seeking claims before making up your mind.
5 - See point 2, T-Pein has been playing for years and he's no different.
6 - I'm not calling you a waste of time, I'm saying the effort of defending myself is a waste of time because any defence I could make would be lost on you.
7 - It *is* terrible, you're attempting to solve the game through flavour.
I mean just look at this. You're more invested in arguing that I'm some awful villain than you are extracting what you can from me. I've told you that I'm willing to work with you and help you out until I'm lynched, and you've ignored that, and proceeded to break down my posts to argue why I'm not being very nice. Let me ask you this - which one of those things is more useful to the game?
It's not good, you complain I'm not playing but shut the door on any co-operation because you're more concerned about your feelings being hurt. Spare me.