One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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So, D. Rox is the Lurking Legend?
Most likely!
Everything point towards this guy making a huge return!

Honestly, my fanboysm would reach orgasmic state if Oda made the Rox return, and have him recruit both of BM and Kaido once again.

Then we will achieve what Oda said about Lurking Legend making his move and the SH will face their greatest Enemy ever!

I can only imagine that the whole world joining Luffy to be able to win! That includes Navy admirals and some Revs even and more and more!
Emm rocks's captain was a D, i knew it, probably Portgass D Rocks.

So, Shiki also on it, emm, then maybe Garp + Roger got help form WB. Its like on Dressrossa, Marine + Luffy + Law.

I think it was when Roger + Garp + WB around Shank's age, 35 to 39 yo. Before Roger got the title of Pirate King. Maybe it jus the infiltration to get the Rio poneglyphe like what we heard from BM's son at WCI.
More like Marshall D Rocks. WB probably thought it would be a good idea to adopt his fucked up son.
Still no proof of that.
Mihawk w8s for someone to surpass Shanks, not BM.
Not if it actually doesn't cost Shanks anything in the story lol. Who cares if Shanks lost his arm and that's all he gave up? Is Oda going to draw a panel of him crying because he can't hold two bottles of booze at the same time?

The only way for Oda to make Shanks' sacrifice meaningful is if he lost strength.

This also explains why Mihawk treats Shanks like a fodder now.
shanks lost his dominant arm that s why mihawk doesn t wanna fight him again look where shanks keeps his sheat and look what they say about zoro shanks 100% is a swordsman
Zoro seems to be predominantly left-handed. He keeps all three of his swords sheathed next to his right hip, an indication of being left-handed as it would be easier to pull a sword out from that side with a left hand. Also, when using one sword in combat, Zoro is usually seen using his left hand to wield the sword.
It doesn't matter whether they were close. The only relevant thing is he had no problem fighting all of them. That means he thought he could take on Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji etc at the same time. Now you think days later he was suddenly scared on one lone admiral?
What?! lmao
Hahaha, so they were nowhere close to him, but he had no problem fighting them all?:kaidowhat:
He ''thought'' he could take on everybody - this is your argument??? lol
Jack ''thought'' he could safe doffy...we all know how that ended. If you really think BB can take on everybody of the marines and on top of that AT THE SAME TIME - then i can't help you anymore.
A basicaly dead WB destroyed him, but an Admiral wouldn't be able too? Stop dreaming.
BB said it was too early for him and Shanks to fight - while both had their crews with them. The same think he said about Akainu, but it was BB + Crew vs lone Akainu.
Saying that something happened in OP because of an editor and not because of actual plot consistency, then calling other people desperate

Fact is, if Shanks wasn't in his prime when he lost his arm, then his sacrifice to Luffy is actually meaningless.

The thing about sacrifice is,

You have to actually give something up.

So if Shanks lost his left arm but didn't actually lose any strength,

then he didn't actually sacrifice anything and the entire plot of OP is a sham.

You don't actually believe that do you?
What gibberish is this?:kaidowhat: You're not even responding to points I made.

Oda has said before that the story takes precedence over consistency. There you have it in black and white. He lost his arm cause the editor wanted it to be interesting and didn't care about him being a Yonkou.

Where did I say he never lost strength by losing his arm? You're fighting ghosts of your own making. I already said 2 armed Shanks would be PK.
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