Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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I think if Kuma sees Luffy in Gear 5 before dying and getting to say goodbye to Bonney before dying, that would be a really great way to tie his story together.

My main issue though is if they manage to have Kuma return to his original self for good, then I think that it sorta cheapens the emotions that this backstory made us feel. Like, how much less impactful would Rosinante's death be if he turned out to be alive again at the end of Dressrosa? I think Oda did a really good job at making Kuma's/Bonney's backstory a strong emotional gut-punch, but I also feel like that gut punch was sorta be undermined on rereads if they manage to bring Kuma back
Do you think Robins backstory is cheapened by Saul’s survival? I don’t because despite them surviving, the emotion is and sacrifice is real. The survival doesn’t erase the willingness to die.
Her choosing to stay back and wait until she’s truly ready shows a maturity she greatly needed.
First: What you missed is that Carrot understandood the danger and responsibility of this journey very early back in whole cake on chapter 888 where Carrot fulfill her responsability and save the crew.

Second: Carrot was indeed characterized as naive about Carrot, but this naivery has nothing to do with her age but with her character, Carrot as shown multiple time in the story, is someone who is not afraid and run TOWARDS the danger no matter the consequences. In this realm, she is the character that looks like the more like Luffy in the story. Furthermore Carrot was depicted as not only being attracted to danger but attracted greatly toward the wonder of the sea and the adventure. So by making her stay on Zou, Carrot would be neglecting this entire side of her personnality. This is interesting as this creates innerconflict but this can last too long.

Third: Carrot was not shown accepting the assignment. She was in fact depicted refusing it and questionning it, EVEN in the anime where she was shown sad about it to Luffy.

Carrot did grew, but she grew toward the sea, not toward her home. The fact that Carrot is not ready is in fact a statement to the fact that there is more to her character.
First: What you missed is that Carrot understandood the danger and responsibility of this journey very early back in whole cake on chapter 888 where Carrot fulfill her responsability and save the crew.

Second: Carrot was indeed characterized as naive about Carrot, but this naivery has nothing to do with her age but with her character, Carrot as shown multiple time in the story, is someone who is not afraid and run TOWARDS the danger no matter the consequences. In this realm, she is the character that looks like the more like Luffy in the story. Furthermore Carrot was depicted as not only being attracted to danger but attracted greatly toward the wonder of the sea and the adventure. So by making her stay on Zou, Carrot would be neglecting this entire side of her personnality. This is interesting as this creates innerconflict but this can last too long.

Third: Carrot was not shown accepting the assignment. She was in fact depicted refusing it and questionning it, EVEN in the anime where she was shown sad about it to Luffy.

Carrot did grew, but she grew toward the sea, not toward her home. The fact that Carrot is not ready is in fact a statement to the fact that there is more to her character.
Carrot knew it was dangerous but didn’t understand her own limitations. It’s like chapter 1 luffy who claimed his punch was strong as a pistol and could take care of himself.

Carrot grew past her naivety and chose to stay and wait for her time, like Pedro told her to do. That’s character growth.
Do you think Robins backstory is cheapened by Saul’s survival? I don’t because despite them surviving, the emotion is and sacrifice is real. The survival doesn’t erase the willingness to die.
Honestly I sorta do. I don’t think it undermines it AS much since Robin still lost a lot of people regardless, but here Kuma’s and Bonney’s relationship is so central to their flashback that I feel like their whole storyline wouldn’t be nearly as impactful if they manage to bring Kuma back

Like what makes this scene so impactful to me is that you know Kuma won’t be able to keep his end of the promise no matter how badly he wants to
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Carrot grew past her naivety and chose to stay and wait for her time, like Pedro told her to do. That’s character growth.
First, for character growth to happen, there needs to be a choice first. This is basic storytelling. Carrot never made this choice and this choice was never shown.

Second, EVEN if Carrot made this choice to stay, this would go against her character development as explained in the thread I linked to you. Development inertia is extra important when we want to create good characterization.

So, either Oda is preparing something for Carrot or he made a characterization mistake.
Honestly I sorta do. I don’t think it undermines it AS much since Robin still lost a lot of people regardless, but here Kuma’s and Bonney’s relationship is so central to their flashback that I feel like their whole storyline wouldn’t be nearly as impactful if they manage to bring Kuma back

Like what makes this scene so impactful to me is that you know Kuma won’t be able to keep his end of the promise no matter how badly he wants to
And the pain in kumas heart doesn’t change even if he survives because he fully believes he will never be able to hold up his side of the promise.

To me the survival doesn’t cheapen the attempt as the actual characters don’t expect to live. Death regardless of resurrection still hurts, even on Dragonball a manga where death has literally zero consequence, the sacrifices the heroes do aren’t diminished imo
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First, for character growth to happen, there needs to be a choice first. This is basic storytelling. Carrot never made this choice and this choice was never shown.

Second, EVEN if Carrot made this choice to stay, this would go against her character development as explained in the thread I linked to you. Development inertia is extra important when we want to create good characterization.

So, either Oda is preparing something for Carrot or he made a characterization mistake.
1. She stayed meaning she chose to stay. No one chained her to zou, it was her own choice. The choice was just obvious so there was no point to showing it

2. You think it goes against her character becuase you didn’t want her character to grow as she did. That’s your own opinion but her growing out of her naivety and finally understanding Pedro’s words are great development.

He made no mistake. It’s called growth. It’s the one good thing he did for carrot was letting her grow.
First, for character growth to happen, there needs to be a choice first. This is basic storytelling. Carrot never made this choice and this choice was never shown.

Second, EVEN if Carrot made this choice to stay, this would go against her character development as explained in the thread I linked to you. Development inertia is extra important when we want to create good characterization.

So, either Oda is preparing something for Carrot or he made a characterization mistake.
She did in the anime, and since you take the netflix live action as gospel, the anime should be 1000% cannon to you.
And the pain in kumas heart doesn’t change even if he survives because he fully believes he will never be able to hold up his side of the promise.

To me the survival doesn’t cheapen the attempt as the actual characters don’t expect to live. Death regardless of resurrection still hurts, even on Dragonball a manga where death has literally zero consequence, the sacrifices the heroes do aren’t diminished imo
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1. She stayed meaning she chose to stay. No one chained her to zou, it was her own choice. The choice was just obvious so there was no point to showing it

2. You think it goes against her character becuase you didn’t want her character to grow as she did. That’s your own opinion but her growing out of her naivety and finally understanding Pedro’s words are great development.

He made no mistake. It’s called growth. It’s the one good thing he did for carrot was letting her grow.
Don't call that gas lighting choosing. She didn't choose anything not even in the anime.
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And the pain in kumas heart doesn’t change even if he survives because he fully believes he will never be able to hold up his side of the promise.

To me the survival doesn’t cheapen the attempt as the actual characters don’t expect to live. Death regardless of resurrection still hurts, even on Dragonball a manga where death has literally zero consequence, the sacrifices the heroes do aren’t diminished imo
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1. She stayed meaning she chose to stay. No one chained her to zou, it was her own choice. The choice was just obvious so there was no point to showing it

2. You think it goes against her character becuase you didn’t want her character to grow as she did. That’s your own opinion but her growing out of her naivety and finally understanding Pedro’s words are great development.

He made no mistake. It’s called growth. It’s the one good thing he did for carrot was letting her grow.
I agree that Kuma choosing to sacrifice himself for Bonney wouldn't change that he's so filled with love for his daughter that he doesn't even care that he needs to die. But at the same time I think that the backstory overall is elevated by the fact that we knew before it even started how tragic the ending of Kuma's story would be. While it doesn't change the pain he suffered throughout his life, knowing that things don't end well for him makes the small moments of happiness he does get that much more poignant imo

I think this scene is a good example of what I'm talking about:

We know that Kuma loved Ginny, but was scared to be with her out of fear that she'll be enslaved like his mother was. And while that's sad on its own, what makes it so, so much worse to me is that Kuma refusing to marry her did nothing to change her fate. They both would have been so much happier if Kuma just grabbed hold of their happiness when he had the chance, but that just didn't happen.

If Ginny turned out to be alive, this scene wouldn't have nearly as big of an impact on me
She did in the anime, and since you take the netflix live action as gospel, the anime should be 1000% cannon to you.
I consider the netflix live action as RELEVANT because Oda checked every shots, so while some choice might tell us more about the story, its not canon, neither is the anime. Plus even in the anime Carrot is shown in distress to leave the adventure and face her responsibility. The anime is actually helping my case here.
Female character exists: "NeXt StRaWhAt CoNfIrMed????????" Remember when people thought Monet was gonna join? lmao
Bonney is different. I can tell. Now that Jimbei has officially joined, it's time for a new one.
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First, for character growth to happen, there needs to be a choice first. This is basic storytelling. Carrot never made this choice and this choice was never shown.

Second, EVEN if Carrot made this choice to stay, this would go against her character development as explained in the thread I linked to you. Development inertia is extra important when we want to create good characterization.

So, either Oda is preparing something for Carrot or he made a characterization mistake.
Carrot didn't join. Give up :jackcopium::pepecopium:
Imma point out that Pluton is basically/probably in Wano. Tis a Battleship, what's Yamato's name? Yamato...
Clearly she had to stay behind and then Pluton enters the scene...
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She did in the anime, and since you take the netflix live action as gospel, the anime should be 1000% cannon to you.
the anime has some canon moments as filler where Oda didn't have eough time to complete sruff in the manga.

CoC: Color of Clowns

U$A $election $ea$on
Do you think Robins backstory is cheapened by Saul’s survival? I don’t because despite them surviving, the emotion is and sacrifice is real. The survival doesn’t erase the willingness to die.
Yeah, I Kuma's storyline has had enough suffering.

His pain and torment won't be magically erased if he survives. Dude still went through it.
What the hell are you talking about? That's the criteria for literally every crewmate. Oda is a very systematic writer, which is why analzying his writing is enjoyable.

Tragic flashback with character dying = Kuina
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Zoro has never even mentioned his parents
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Saving Luffy from Morgan's attack
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Becoming the World's Strongest Swordsman

Tragic flashback with character dying = Bellemere
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Became a thief to save her village from pirates
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = "Luffy... help me!"
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Literally wants to chart the entire world

Tragic flashback with character dying = Bachina
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Yasopp is a deadbeat father
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Working with Zoro to defeat Jango
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Becoming a Brave Warrior of the Sea (what his mother wanted to see)

Tragic flashback with character dying = Sora
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Fled Germa to be free while being disowned
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Feeding Gin, which made Luffy choose Sanji for a cook
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Finding the All Blue

Tragic flashback with character dying = Hiriluck
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Kicked out of reindeer herd for being different
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Chooper fighting Wapol/Luffy holding up Hiriluk's flag
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Finding a medical pancea that can cure all disease

Tragic flashback with character dying = Olvia
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Ohara incident
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Saving Luffy after his first fight with Crocodile
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Solving the ancient history via the Poneglyphs

Tragic flashback with character dying = Tom
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Sea Train incident leaving him as Franky
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Franky helping Robin escape by attacking Spandam
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Having the Sunny literally sail around the world

Tragic flashback with character dying = His whole crew besides Yorkie
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Laboon
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = When Franky finds out about Laboon
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Returning to Laboon (Brook wants to complete his journey)

Tragic flashback with character dying = Fisher Tiger
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = We have no mention of Jinbei's parents despite visiting Fish-Man Island/Arlong and Jinbei falling out despite being former Nakama
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Saving Luffy at Marineford
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Freeing FIshman Island

Potential Nakama

Tragic flashback with character dying = Oden
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Kaido is a giant dick
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Fights of Kaido to keep him from killing the Alliance
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Sailing the world like Oden

Tragic flashback with character dying = Cobra (IT WAS TECHNICALLY IN A FLASHBACK DON'T @ ME)
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Had to flee Mary Geoise and can't return to Alabasta without getting kidnapped
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Revealing she's trying to take down the Shichibukai Crocodile
Dream that involves sailing around the world = To sail with the Straw Hat Pirates (she always wanted to but needed to rebuild her kingdom)

Tragic flashback with character dying = Ace
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = Parents killed in Udon mine
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Fed Luffy while starving
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Wanted to go out to see with Ace, got invite from Luffy

Tragic flashback (okay, this one is a tragic moment, not a flashback) with character dying = Pedro (unless Zepo was Carrot's dad but that's a whole other wormhole)
Separated from family due to circumstances/tragedy = No knowledge of parents
Significant moment establishing a connection to the crew = Sulong Carrot
Dream that involves sailing around the world = Fulfill Pedro's Will of bringing about the Dawn

At least fucking try to prove me wrong next time, oi.

This thread would be so much less tiring if people read the posts they commented on and thought about them before replying.
so why didn't Law join?

CoC: Color of Clowns

U$A $election $ea$on
so why didn't Law join?
...Because he has his own fucking pirate crew???

I never said you HAVE to join the crew if you meet that criteria.

Also Law can't join because his goal is the same as Luffy's to be the pirate captain who finds One Piece.

It would be like adding another swordsman who wants to be the world's strongest swordsmen. If the dream runs counter to Luffy's they can't join. Law is a friendly rival, close to Nakama, but not quite.