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Gaslighting us in the same post where you accuse us of gaslighting you. Classic Carrot4nakama.
Saying that I'm being insulted and systematically laughed at since the my first message here is gaslighting you ? :milaugh:

That's what I call real inversion of culpability. That's what real gaslighting is.

C4N avoids reality because the actual facts and truth is too much for him to handle. That's what a child does, clearly either he's a damn fucking child or he just never grew up from being one.
See.. case and point. Those type of message since the beginning of my presence here. You are the real gaslighter and toxic players here.
Saying that I'm being insulted and systematically laughed at since the my first message here is gaslighting you ? :milaugh:

That's what I call real inversion of culpability. That's what real gaslighting is.

See.. case and point. Those type of message since the beginning of my presence here. You are the real gaslighter and toxic players here.

You can always ignore and move on from this thread, that's what i did with people i didn't like
Saying that I'm being insulted and systematically laughed at since the my first message here is gaslighting you ? :milaugh:

That's what I call real inversion of culpability. That's what real gaslighting is.

See.. case and point. Those type of message since the beginning of my presence here. You are the real gaslighter and toxic players here.
The point is nobody wants you here. All you've brought to this thread is derisive bullshit. You can't handle people not agreeing with you so you play the victim, it doesn't work. You lost, give it up.
You can always ignore and move on from this thread, that's what i did with people i didn't like
Why should the one being bullied be the one to get out of the space ?

I think you still don't understand how I work. Even if I'm the victim of it, toxicity is not something I can simply accept. So no, I won't go away. At least not until I'm bored.

The point is nobody wants you here. All you've brought to this thread is derisive bullshit. You can't handle people not agreeing with you so you play the victim, it doesn't work. You lost, give it up.
Don't worry, I've seen and replied to far worse toxicity than what you guys can depict on this forum. You act like like a wolf pack because of the way this forum allows, but you are pretty much harmless for me. I was only replying to Sigran and explaining the facts, nothing more :)
Why should the one being bullied be the one to get out of the space ?
Because the 'bullied' person cares about their mental health maybe? Or it seems like you don't care about your mental health.
You twist everything as if you're an oppressed minority fighting for his rights and not a user on an anime forum coping about his theory of a fictional rabbit joining a fictional rubber pirate and his crew not coming true after having invested 7 years worth of blog posts and theory threads.
This was for Logiko specifically :kuzanshut:
My poor girl :josad:

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Why should the one being bullied be the one to get out of the space ?

I think you still don't understand how I work. Even if I'm the victim of it, toxicity is not something I can simply accept. So no, I won't go away. At least not until I'm bored.

Why should the one being bullied be the one to get out of the space ?

I think you still don't understand how I work. Even if I'm the victim of it, toxicity is not something I can simply accept. So no, I won't go away. At least not until I'm bored.

Don't worry, I've seen and replied to far worse toxicity than what you guys can depict on this forum. You act like like a wolf pack because of the way this forum allows, but you are pretty much harmless for me. I was only replying to Sigran and explaining the facts, nothing more :)
There you go again acting the victim, It's quite pathetic. This is one reason why I can't stand you.
There you go again acting the victim, It's quite pathetic. This is one reason why I can't stand you.
That one moment when I agree with you on anything
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Saying that I'm being insulted and systematically laughed at since the my first message here is gaslighting you ?
how can a user with 1 post be 'systematically' laughed at? After one post?! This doesn't make any sense
I've seen and replied to far worse toxicity than what you guys can depict on this forum.
Not everything deserves a response.
Saying that I'm being insulted and systematically laughed at since the my first message here is gaslighting you ? :milaugh:

That's what I call real inversion of culpability. That's what real gaslighting is.

See.. case and point. Those type of message since the beginning of my presence here. You are the real gaslighter and toxic players here.
No, saying you understand things that we don't and classifying any disagreement of that as bullying is gaslighting. It's possible for people to disagree with you without being stupid or biased, or even while properly reading the "subtext".
Because the 'bullied' person cares about their mental health maybe?
My health is not related to the hate I'm receiving here. Actually, when I consider the fact that those on this forum who trash me and my arguments are systematically either the ones using gaslighting and toxic tactics on one thread or simply the ones who depict the most bigoted ideas on the others.. it gives me reassurance that I'm heading the right way. So, it gives me hope.

You twist everything as if you're an oppressed minority
I'm not an oppressed minority. I'm not racialized. I'm not muslim or jewish. I'm not LGBTQ+. So, you might be missunderstanding what I'm saying.
coping about his theory of a fictional rabbit joining a fictional rubber pirate and his crew not coming true after having invested 7 years worth of blog posts and theory threads.
Didn't I already said that the conclusion of my theory was proven wrong ? Where is the coping here ?

There you go again acting the victim, It's quite pathetic. This is one reason why I can't stand you.

First, me stating the facts is not a victimization.

Second.. Let's say that it is and that I'm trying to stop a bullying process here. Why, me saying that I'm the victim of bullying would be a "pathetic" thing here ?

Are you the kind of guy that says that victims of abuse should not speak and trouble the status quo ? You "can't stand" with victims ?

Let's not forget who initiated the conversation to begin with mate... :cheers:

how can a user with 1 post be 'systematically' laughed at? After one post?! This doesn't make any sense
Simply because my first message on this forum was purposefuly provocative. I was warned by a sub of mine of the toxicity Carrot fans were facing in this thread by Yamato "fans". So I decided to see if there was indeed a problem of toxicity or just a problem of missplaced fanatism for a character, and I wrote a purposefull cocky untargeted message about Carrot, something like "Carrot will most likely join and anyone who disagree are just coping/delusional".

As expected a lot jumped at me. The reason is simple, in a toxic environment, people who follow the hegemonic vision will most likely respond to strong affirmations of an opposite vision in a very violent way.

My goals were to take the heat for others first, see where the problem was and uncover one of the origin of the toxicity in the fanbase. And I didn't have to wait long: by simply calling out those violent behaviors and standing my ground, the entire thread turned against me like a wolf pack. So much that I was able to see and face the wrath of the real problem very rapidely with a illegitimate threadBan: the system/the staff of this forum was the problem.

You see, the toxicity some of the guys are depicting on this forum is only due to the way this forum is constructed and moderated. This toxicity is allowed and worst, negativity is systematically rewarded.

The system of points directly favors subjects that will create huge traffic. And there is no better way to create traffic that to spread negativity. This is possible simply because there is no counter-mesure like the ones you can see on reddit with some of the "relevant" features and the moderation don't help either. The majority of the mods are not "aware" of strong subject and behavior that can create direct or indirect harm to already people and are therefore very loose on their moderation policy. This is why it took them month to finally intervene in the Nakama thread while I was being insulted at 15 V 1 or why you can still see a lot of problematic message in multiple threads on this forum.

Again, the problem are the structure of power in place not people here per say.

Not everything deserves a response.
Indeed, but I consider that people of this thread are intelligent enough to question their ways and fight the structure in place instead of following them blindly. I may be wrong, but I have faith.

No, saying you understand things that we don't and classifying any disagreement of that as bullying is gaslighting.
First, Didn't I say "MIGHT" ? I don't remember being affirmative on this.
Second, You are again gaslighting, and by that I mean that you are volontaraly or not distording my words, reducting my argumentation and reversing the accusation.

I don't remember ever classifying disagreement you guys might have had with my arguments as bullying like you said. What I'm denouncing are the toxicity, the ad personam and the insults. So either you didn't read what I said, or you consider that insults and toxicity are legitimate disagreeing methods.

My problem is not you not agreeing with me. Like I proved, I can debate all day long about One Piece, I love that. My problem are those:

There you go again acting the victim, It's quite pathetic
All you've brought to this thread is derisive bullshit
morons trying to tell me that Carrot was an important character
like the narcissist that he is
because you say the dumbest stuff we've heard on the internet
clearly either he's a damn fucking child or he just never grew up from being one.
This was a fragment of only 2 pages of this thread. Now imagine what happens on 2000+ pages when I make a strong argument and if you dare, analyse the way I'm replying to this toxicity.

If you still don't understand who is gaslighting who after that, then ... I might have missplaced my faith here indeed.
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My health is not related to the hate I'm receiving here. Actually, when I consider the fact that those of this forum who trash me and my arguments are systematically either using gaslighting and toxic tactics on one thread or simply the ones who depict the most bigoted ideas on the others.. it gives me reassurance that I'm heading the right way. So, it gives me hope.

I'm not an oppressed minority. I'm not racialized. I'm not muslim or jewish. I'm not LGBTQ+. So, you might be missunderstanding what I'm saying.

Didn't I already said that the conclusion of my theory was proven wrong ? Where is the coping here ?


First, me stating the facts is not a victimization.

Second.. Let's say that it is and that I'm trying to stop a bullying process here. Why, me saying that I'm the victim of bullying would be a "pathetic" thing here ?

Are you the kind of guy that says that victims of abuse should not speak and trouble the status quo ? You "can't stand" with victims ?

Let's not forget who initiated the conversation to begin with mate... :cheers:

Simply because my first message on this forum was purposefuly provocative. I was warned by a sub of mine of the toxicity Carrot fans were facing in this thread by Yamato "fans". So I decided to see if there was indeed a problem of toxicity or just a problem of missplaced fanatism for a character, and I wrote a purposefull cocky untargeted message about Carrot, something like "Carrot will most likely join and anyone who disagree are just coping/delusional".

As expected a lot jumped at me. The reason is simple, in a toxic environment, people who follow the hegemonic vision will most likely respond to strong affirmations of an opposite vision in a very violent way.

My goals were to take the heat for others first, see where the problem was and uncover one of the origin of the toxicity in the fanbase. And I didn't have to wait long: by simply calling out those violent behaviors and standing my ground, the entire thread turned against me like a wolf pack. So much that I was able to see and face the wrath of the real problem very rapidely with a illegitimate threadBan: the system/the staff of this forum was the problem.

You see, the toxicity some of the guys are depicting on this forum is only due to the way this forum is constructed and moderated. This toxicity is allowed and worst, negativity is systematically rewarded.

The system of points directly favors subjects that will create huge traffic. And there is no better way to create traffic that to spread negativity. This is possible simply because there is no counter-mesure like the ones you can see on reddit with some of the "relevant" features and the moderation don't help either. The majority of the mods are not "aware" of strong subject and behavior that can create direct or indirect harm to already people and are therefore very loose on their moderation policy. This is why it took them month to finally intervene in the Nakama thread while I was being insulted at 15 V 1 or why you can still see a lot of problematic message in multiple threads on this forum.

Again, the problem are the structure of power in place not people here per say.

Indeed, but I consider that people of this thread are intelligent enough to question their ways and fight the structure in place instead of following them blindly. I may be wrong, but I have faith.

First, Didn't I say "MIGHT" ? I don't remember being affirmative on this.
Second, You are again gaslighting, and by that I mean that you are volontaraly or not distording my words, reducting my argumentation and reversing the accusation.

I don't remember ever classifying disagreement you guys might have had with my arguments as bullying like you said. What I'm denouncing are the toxicity, the ad personam and the insults. So either you didn't read what I said, or you consider that insults and toxicity are legitimate disagreeing methods.

My problem is not you not agreeing with me. Like I proved, I can debate all day long about One Piece, I love that. My problem are those:

This was a fragment of only 2 pages of this thread. Now imagine what happens on 2000+ pages when I make a strong argument and if you dare, analyse the way I'm replying to this toxicity.

If you still don't understand who is gaslighting who after that, then ... I might have missplaced my faith here indeed.
Proving only that you ask for it instead. You can make this all go away if you, just stop talking about it all. Nobody cares, nobody is interested in what you have to say. You made it that way.
My health is not related to the hate I'm receiving here. Actually, when I consider the fact that those on this forum who trash me and my arguments are systematically either the ones using gaslighting and toxic tactics on one thread or simply the ones who depict the most bigoted ideas on the others.. it gives me reassurance that I'm heading the right way. So, it gives me hope.

I'm not an oppressed minority. I'm not racialized. I'm not muslim or jewish. I'm not LGBTQ+. So, you might be missunderstanding what I'm saying.

Didn't I already said that the conclusion of my theory was proven wrong ? Where is the coping here ?


First, me stating the facts is not a victimization.

Second.. Let's say that it is and that I'm trying to stop a bullying process here. Why, me saying that I'm the victim of bullying would be a "pathetic" thing here ?

Are you the kind of guy that says that victims of abuse should not speak and trouble the status quo ? You "can't stand" with victims ?

Let's not forget who initiated the conversation to begin with mate... :cheers:

Simply because my first message on this forum was purposefuly provocative. I was warned by a sub of mine of the toxicity Carrot fans were facing in this thread by Yamato "fans". So I decided to see if there was indeed a problem of toxicity or just a problem of missplaced fanatism for a character, and I wrote a purposefull cocky untargeted message about Carrot, something like "Carrot will most likely join and anyone who disagree are just coping/delusional".

As expected a lot jumped at me. The reason is simple, in a toxic environment, people who follow the hegemonic vision will most likely respond to strong affirmations of an opposite vision in a very violent way.

My goals were to take the heat for others first, see where the problem was and uncover one of the origin of the toxicity in the fanbase. And I didn't have to wait long: by simply calling out those violent behaviors and standing my ground, the entire thread turned against me like a wolf pack. So much that I was able to see and face the wrath of the real problem very rapidely with a illegitimate threadBan: the system/the staff of this forum was the problem.

You see, the toxicity some of the guys are depicting on this forum is only due to the way this forum is constructed and moderated. This toxicity is allowed and worst, negativity is systematically rewarded.

The system of points directly favors subjects that will create huge traffic. And there is no better way to create traffic that to spread negativity. This is possible simply because there is no counter-mesure like the ones you can see on reddit with some of the "relevant" features and the moderation don't help either. The majority of the mods are not "aware" of strong subject and behavior that can create direct or indirect harm to already people and are therefore very loose on their moderation policy. This is why it took them month to finally intervene in the Nakama thread while I was being insulted at 15 V 1 or why you can still see a lot of problematic message in multiple threads on this forum.

Again, the problem are the structure of power in place not people here per say.

Indeed, but I consider that people of this thread are intelligent enough to question their ways and fight the structure in place instead of following them blindly. I may be wrong, but I have faith.

First, Didn't I say "MIGHT" ? I don't remember being affirmative on this.
Second, You are again gaslighting, and by that I mean that you are volontaraly or not distording my words, reducting my argumentation and reversing the accusation.

I don't remember ever classifying disagreement you guys might have had with my arguments as bullying like you said. What I'm denouncing are the toxicity, the ad personam and the insults. So either you didn't read what I said, or you consider that insults and toxicity are legitimate disagreeing methods.

My problem is not you not agreeing with me. Like I proved, I can debate all day long about One Piece, I love that. My problem are those:

This was a fragment of only 2 pages of this thread. Now imagine what happens on 2000+ pages when I make a strong argument and if you dare, analyse the way I'm replying to this toxicity.

If you still don't understand who is gaslighting who after that, then ... I might have missplaced my faith here indeed.
That's not bullying. When you post on the internet, it's an invitation for people to comment on what you said. Look at Rambles. Rambles says things just as ridiculous as your posts, but nobody has harsh words for them because they are respectful and accept that other opinions are valid. Stop presenting your takes as fact, and try treating others in the thread as intelligent people who's opinions and theories can be valid even if they contradict yours, and you'll see the critisism dry up.
150 pages of explaining to a frenchman that we really aren't that interested in his conjectures

Did you forget 300+ in the other thread?
The above mentioned narcissist psycho believes that as long as he doesn't write insults as swear words he is not insulting.
But he also writes that others don't have means/skills/intelligence/culture like him to understand a manga written for 12 ywar olds.
After 7 years of furry, deranged erotic fantasies culminated in Carrot being shipped back home, instead of doubting himself he is back with shittier takes.