Who will be the next Strawhat

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Cool Down, just getting 2-3 panels doesn't mean getting focus. FYI other Minks like Shishileon are on Onigashima as well.
Oda took the pain to separate Carrot from all the other Minks. She is the only one with the Strawhats directly. That's what important : of all the Minks, she has been signled out since the start of WCI, and haters have no reasons to explain it or handwave it away.

I'm not saying that there is 100% chances that she'll join. But she got a lot of things going for her, far more than any other contender so far.
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Or your just over exaggerating Carrots role as a character...
Do I ?

Then, go on. Explains why Oda added her to WCI and Onigashima - the latter of which where she is the only Minks with the crew. Because beyond seeding her for a reason, Oda wouldn't have used her that way. And I don't think that reason is Grand Fleet material, she's too tightly bound to the crew currently for that.
Oda took the pain to separate Carrot from all the other Minks. She is the only one with the Strawhats directly. That's what important : of all the Minks, she has been signled out since the start of WCI, and haters have no reasons to explain it or handwave it away.

I'm not saying that there is 100% chances that she'll join. But she got a lot of things going for her, far more than any other contender so far.
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Do I ?

Then, go on. Explains why Oda added her to WCI and Onigashima - the latter of which where she is the only Minks with the crew. Because beyond seeding her for a reason, Oda wouldn't have used her that way. And I don't think that reason is Grand Fleet material, she's too tightly bound to the crew currently for that.
Why did Only Pauly from Galley La join in the rescue mission? Because Oda did... and did he join? No.
Similar to Carrot.
Why did Only Pauly from Galley La join in the rescue mission? Because Oda did... and did he join? No.
Similar to Carrot.
I would agree with this if Oda hadn't singled out Carrot again on Onigashima.

Also, we all know by now that Pauly was a red-herring from Oda. We suspected him at first to be the shipwright of the crew, but it was Franky who was chosen. And yet Pauly at first had the spotlight.

Meanwhile, if we look at Carrot, she was introduced in the shadow of Wanda on Zou, but was the one who joined the crew for WCI of her own volition. But still overshadowed by Pedro. She was however the one who survived the events and went to Wano with the Sunny. Then she indeed more or less disappeared during the Wano exploration... only to return in force with the Raid on Onigashima.

Oda didn't need to do the last bit if he didn't want to give Carrot a huge role. Add to that the fact that the one BMP she has a grudge on - Perospero - is singled out as the only one reaching Onigashima proper, that fact that Oda did chose to separate her from the other Minks - again, something which could (even should) have been avoided if he didn't want to give her an important role - and it starts to pain a clear picture of Carrot being far more important than any other Minks of her generation.

There is a grand total of three Minks who have a more developped background : Inuarashi, Nekomamushi and Pedro. The former two are, obviously, not SH material at all. The later would have been but he died and Oda took a great deal of pain to make sure it was clear he wouldn't join the crew : Pedro had lost 50 years of lifetime, he went on and on about how he needed to be ready to sacrifice everything to make sure the SH escaped WCI, staged a fake suicide-bombing and finally gave his life to save the crew.

And we aren't talking about a Pell - let alone a Pound - who are characters with whom the crew had next to no interaction before their "death". Pedro was an important character for WCI, with intimate knowledge of the place, and a mindset making him really effective in helping achieve extremely important goals (stealing the Poneglyphs' copies for instance). Unlike Pell and Pounds, whose survival diminished their fake-out deaths but wasn't detrimental to the whole story, Pedro surviving would be the hailmark of terrible writing because :

a) he never displayed any particular sturdiness or resistance to explosion
b) his explosive's power was displayed in advance so we knew it'd be deadly and it was reinstated with Perospero going as far as stating that his candy armor was blown up and losing a arm
c) Oda wouldn't have let the crew abandon him if there had even been a chance that he survived - because Pedro was a lot closer to them than Pound or Pell ever were.
It's better to have a visual aid @Sakura no Hiluluk

As you have put it, Carrot is unusually very close towards the main crew despite not being THAT extremely relevant. So her character and her character arc as a whole needs to justify why she's so close to the members of the Straw Hats.

Her integration into the crew was practically immediate the moment she got on the Sunny.

Most tag-a-longs have their own agendas or goals to complete. It seemed like Carrot was just along for the ride and easily integrated into the Straw Hat's "pace".

Outside of acting like a lookout for several chapters, she was already being an active deckhand on the ship.

Even though Wanda is cropped out in the US Viz release of the chapter, it doesn't remove from this moment. If anything, I think it affirms from Wanda's perspective how she sees how close Carrot is to the crew.

And the most important panel in recent years regarding Carrot's status among the factions entering Onigashima.

Completely separated from the Mink Musketeers, which I may remind you she is a part of herself, instead being with the Straw Hat Pirates. Why make that distinction?

And to think it all started from this one side comment.

Inuarashi's team was supposed to be on stand-by on Zou before heading Wano to join with the other half of the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates.

For all intents and purposes, Carrot had no tangible reason to come outside of:

TL;DR Her inclusion and integration with the SH is an anomaly by Oda's usual convention.
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It's better to have a visual aid @Sakura no Hiluluk

As you have put it, Carrot is unusually very close for a character towards the main crew despite not being THAT extremely relevant. So her character and her character arc as a whole needs to justify why she's so close to the members of the Straw Hats.

Her integration into the crew was practically immediate the moment she got on the Sunny.

Most tag-a-longs have their own agendas or goals to complete. It seemed like Carrot was just along for the ride and easily integrated into the Straw Hat's "pace".

Even though Wanda is cropped out in the US Viz release of the chapter, it doesn't remove from this moment. If anything, I think it affirms from Wanda's perspective how she sees how close Carrot is to the crew.

And the most important panel in recent years regarding Carrot's status among the factions entering Onigashima.

Completely separated from the Mink Musketeers, which I may remind you she is a part of herself, instead being with the Straw Hat Pirates. Why make that distinction?

And to think it all started from this one side comment.

All meaningless panels, Carrot's a filler character, you would expect her to breath, move and talk on the Sunny since she was aboard that's all there is to it. It's not that she wasn't '' THAT '' extremely relevant, she's completely irrelevant erase her from the story nothing changes. She has no character arc, she will remain in the shadow of others as a cuty titty furry bunny to please her numbskull fans until Wano ends, that's her sole purpose as a filler character. And her connection with the Strawhats are virtually non existent as well as superficial at best. This speudo wannabe character is rabbit poop.
Carrot was easily stopped by Katakuri, has to be rescued by Brook on her most useful form that can only be accessed every full moon, failed to notice Daifuku's genie at the lookout needed to be defended by Sanji, and has 0 knowledge with Haki... And oh, she's almost ignored by Luffy most of the time she's present with him... You really want someone as pathetic as her to join the crew?

I think people are just overreacting with her constantly aiding the crew... We've seen Johnny, Yosaku, Pauly, Kin'emon and Shinobu doing that...
All meaningless panels, Carrot's a filler character, you would expect her to breath, move and talk on the Sunny since she was aboard that's all there is to it. It's not that she wasn't '' THAT '' extremely relevant, she's completely irrelevant erase her from the story nothing changes. She has no character arc, she will remain in the shadow of others as a cuty titty furry bunny to please her numbskull fans until Wano ends, that's her sole purpose as a filler character. And her connection with the Strawhats are virtually non existent as well as superficial at best. This speudo wannabe character is rabbit poop.
Carrot was easily stopped by Katakuri, has to be rescued by Brook on her most useful form that can only be accessed every full moon, failed to notice Daifuku's genie at the lookout needed to be defended by Sanji, and has 0 knowledge with Haki... And oh, she's almost ignored by Luffy most of the time she's present with him... You really want someone as pathetic as her to join the crew?

I think people are just overreacting with her constantly aiding the crew... We've seen Johnny, Yosaku, Pauly, Kin'emon and Shinobu doing that...

Seriously... Nothing changes if she's not there ? Come on, give me a break. WCI would have to be entirely different because she saved Nami and Chopper in the Seducing Woods, helped Chopper deal with Brulee and co (and wasn't caught back probablky because of how fast she is), stopped an entire fleet from the BMP by herself in Sulong and generaly speaking was a fun addition.

Haters have no real argument against her, they have to resort to pathetic attacks like you Rootbeer demonstrates here; or selective choice of panels to try and belittle her (Sanji never managed to do more than hold his own against Daifuku's genie for instance). Meanwhile, some will wank Pekoms (a loser compared to Carrot, I'm sorry to say) or even Pedro (who is dead and has far less connections to the crew).

And you all fail to provide a compelling explanation for her presence with the crew. Because in good storytelling, of which Oda has proven to be great at otherwise this forum wouldn't exist, nothing is made at random.

So, I'll ask again : why was Carrot separated from the other Minks on Onigashima ? Was why she the only one who sneaked out to the Sunny ? Why was her personality fundamentaly different from any other girl of some importance in the manga ?

The answer is clearly, plainly, obviously, that Oda wants her to have a significant role in Onigashima and beyond. Most probably (I'd say I'm 85% sure at this point) to join the SH.
why was Carrot separated from the other Minks on Onigashima ?
I believe that she'll be having a role with the Momo rescue to represent the Minks, similar to why Shinobu has to be with them to represent the Scabbards...

Was why she the only one who sneaked out to the Sunny ?
Do you think Wanda will sneak out? Oda put Carrot with the stealth team to demonstrate Sulong (that's the only thing she was there for anyway)...

Why was her personality fundamentaly different from any other girl of some importance in the manga ?
Different? Where?
Carrot was easily stopped by Katakuri, has to be rescued by Brook on her most useful form that can only be accessed every full moon, failed to notice Daifuku's genie at the lookout needed to be defended by Sanji, and has 0 knowledge with Haki... And oh, she's almost ignored by Luffy most of the time she's present with him... You really want someone as pathetic as her to join the crew?

I think people are just overreacting with her constantly aiding the crew... We've seen Johnny, Yosaku, Pauly, Kin'emon and Shinobu doing that...
I mean, in regards to Katakuri, Bege, Jinbe, and Pedro couldn't even stop him, so that comparison doesn't work. She didn't need to be rescued by Brook, he only assisted to lighten her load disabling an entire fleet of ships as that was her goal from the get-go. I'll give you Daifuku's genie, but to assume she may 0 knowledge of Haki is not based on anything. In case you didn't know, Pedro had both Armament and Observation Haki and he was her mentor. Time will tell. Also, you didn't look at the panels. Luffy does acknowledge her presence, just nothing that established that bonds her to him immediately.

Johnny and Yosaku were expositionary characters that literally did nothing. They jobbed to Fullbody, didn't help protect the Baratie, jobbed to the Fishman Pirates, and later became fishermen. Kinemon has always been linked to Wano and so has Shinobu.

Carrot is an independent variable that isn't bound to anything, in case you haven't noticed. She's not even comparable.
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All meaningless panels, Carrot's a filler character, you would expect her to breath, move and talk on the Sunny since she was aboard that's all there is to it. It's not that she wasn't '' THAT '' extremely relevant, she's completely irrelevant erase her from the story nothing changes. She has no character arc, she will remain in the shadow of others as a cuty titty furry bunny to please her numbskull fans until Wano ends, that's her sole purpose as a filler character. And her connection with the Strawhats are virtually non existent as well as superficial at best. This speudo wannabe character is rabbit poop.
It wasn't long ago that people said that she was gonna fade into the background once the Straw Hats arrived on Onigashima with the other Minks. It looks like that isn't case.

Seriously... Nothing changes if she's not there ? Come on, give me a break. WCI would have to be entirely different because she saved Nami and Chopper in the Seducing Woods, helped Chopper deal with Brulee and co (and wasn't caught back probablky because of how fast she is), stopped an entire fleet from the BMP by herself in Sulong and generaly speaking was a fun addition.

Haters have no real argument against her, they have to resort to pathetic attacks like you Rootbeer demonstrates here; or selective choice of panels to try and belittle her (Sanji never managed to do more than hold his own against Daifuku's genie for instance). Meanwhile, some will wank Pekoms (a loser compared to Carrot, I'm sorry to say) or even Pedro (who is dead and has far less connections to the crew).

And you all fail to provide a compelling explanation for her presence with the crew. Because in good storytelling, of which Oda has proven to be great at otherwise this forum wouldn't exist, nothing is made at random.

So, I'll ask again : why was Carrot separated from the other Minks on Onigashima ? Was why she the only one who sneaked out to the Sunny ? Why was her personality fundamentaly different from any other girl of some importance in the manga ?

The answer is clearly, plainly, obviously, that Oda wants her to have a significant role in Onigashima and beyond. Most probably (I'd say I'm 85% sure at this point) to join the SH.
It's simple, nothing changes at all if she's not there and that's the truth everything she did wasn't critical such that only Carrot was needed to save the situation. Nami and Chopper would have saved themselves while Jinbei and Brook would have destroyed Daifuku's fleet with Nami taking the helm for a short period of time.

A compelling explanation for her presence with the crew : To appeal the fanbase as the mink(furry) representative. Did it ever crossed your mind that Carrot's goal is just to be there, Oda doesn't need to have a plan for her as he never made any efforts towards her character. The real argument is that she has no real personality of her own, she has no depth, she's a mix of cliche tossed together. There's no point to Carrot, that's why she's a filler character.

I'm 100% sure that Carrot's chances of joining are like Luffy's for dying, it never reaches 0% but it's pretty damn close.
It's simple, nothing changes at all if she's not there and that's the truth everything she did wasn't critical such that only Carrot was needed to save the situation. Nami and Chopper would have saved themselves while Jinbei and Brook would have destroyed Daifuku's fleet with Nami taking the helm for a short period of time.

A compelling explanation for her presence with the crew : To appeal the fanbase as the mink(furry) representative. Did it ever crossed your mind that Carrot's goal is just to be there, Oda doesn't need to have a plan for her as he never made any efforts towards her character. The real argument is that she has no real personality of her own, she has no depth, she's a mix of cliche tossed together. There's no point to Carrot, that's why she's a filler character.

I'm 100% sure that Carrot's chances of joining are like Luffy's for dying, it never reaches 0% but it's pretty damn close.
Faulty logic for the first point.

Carrot in that situation used the advantage of her Sulong transformation to disable the fleet. That way, the crew wouldn't get close to the fleet and risk the pressure of their pincer tactic.

Another thing, Oda doesn't simply create characters to appeal for the fanbase. That's your headcanon. If so, she should basically be irrelevant and not be as involved as she is. And if he never had a plan for her, this wouldn't have happened.

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Faulty logic for the first point.

Carrot in that situation used the advantage of her Sulong transformation to disable the fleet. That way, the crew wouldn't get close to the fleet and risk the pressure of their pincer tactic.

Another thing, Oda doesn't simply create characters to appeal for the fanbase. That's your headcanon. If so, she should basically be irrelevant and not be as involved as she is. And if he never had a plan for her, this wouldn't have happened.

Uh not really, Nami is a genius at navigation and interpreting the weather, Jinbei could have gave her some directive and tips how to sail the ship the best way possible through normal waves on the sea(which she would have understood easily) while Jinbei and Brook quickly neutralized the fleet ahead of them.

That's mainly why Pedro's death was wasted on Carrot as she's underdeveloped and irrelevant, the scene had very low impact. Pedro didn't die for Carrot's character, its Carrot's character who was there to underline Pedro's last moment, although the intent failed to deliver.
Uh not really, Nami is a genius at navigation and interpreting the weather, Jinbei could have gave her some directive and tips how to sail the ship the best way possible through normal waves on the sea(which she would have understood easily) while Jinbei and Brook quickly neutralized the fleet ahead of them.

That's mainly why Pedro's death was wasted on Carrot as she's underdeveloped and irrelevant, the scene had very low impact. Pedro didn't die for Carrot's character, its Carrot's character who was there to underline Pedro's last moment, although the intent failed to deliver.
That is your headcanon. The sole reason that the Sunny was able to stay ahead of Big Mom with Perospero along with Bavarois' fleet in the back was because Jinbe was helming the ship. If he wasn't they'd have caught up. Also, Jinbe noted himself that Daifuku was a problem. While it's debatable how quickly he could have dispatched the fleet, he would have to have to involve himself with Daifuku and Smoothie.
The simple solution from Carrot was to let everyone remain what they're doing since it was what was preventing the ships pursuing them from catching up while she rips off their steering wheels and throw them off course so that they could keep straight on through.

Your statement was that Oda created her for fanservice. The point was that she is now involved in a connection that she wasn't aware of. If not, there'd be no reason to tell her anything. The only other character that has ever brought up the Dawn among the Mink Tribe has been Nekomamushi.
That is your headcanon. The sole reason that the Sunny was able to stay ahead of Big Mom with Perospero along with Bavarois' fleet in the back was because Jinbe was helming the ship. If he wasn't they'd have caught up. Also, Jinbe noted himself that Daifuku was a problem. While it's debatable how quickly he could have dispatched the fleet, he would have to have to involve himself with Daifuku and Smoothie.
The simple solution from Carrot was to let everyone remain what they're doing since it was what was preventing the ships pursuing them from catching up while she rips off their steering wheels and throw them off course so that they could keep straight on through.

Your statement was that Oda created her for fanservice. The point was that she is now involved in a connection that she wasn't aware of. If not, there'd be no reason to tell her anything. The only other character that has ever brought up the Dawn among the Mink Tribe has been Nekomamushi.
My headcanon works just fine and it's not the sole reason but the primary reason. On the panels you provided it only mentions that Jinbei knows all there is to know about the waves. You assuming that Jinbei helming the ship is the only option to keep their distances from their pursuers is also headcanon.

Remove Carrot from the series and the plot unfold as is.

Pedro has dedicated most of his life helping to bring about the Dawn, so its fitting that his last words be related to it. Carrot is not involved into the Dawn more than she's engaged in Pedro's death. She was in both cases merely a spectator to attest of Pedro's final instants that's why Pedro's flashback and connection to Carrot was reported after his death and not showcased a single time in the story prior to it during the travel to WCI or on Zou because it doesn't affect or move Carrot's character in any way shape or form. Thus Carrot being inconsequential.
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