My bad, then
@K!NG HARA$H!MA that's absolute madness

how the heck can you argue this from what the manga has told and shown us???
1. We know how kuma abilities work he explains them
He can extract pain and suffering and make it into a bubble that won't disappear until someone accepts it.
The bubble has to be accepted otherwise it will return to the user. You can literally see the damage kuma was taking only removing light illness.
2.Kuma extracts Luffy pain and suffering and he says: THIS IS THE SUM TOTAL OF ANGUISH INFLICTED DURING HIS BATTLE WITH MORIA AND HIS BAND. This isnt part of luffy damage,a average,or half of his damage its the total sum that means all of it. Zoro had to accept luffy agony that was the honorable deal between kuma and zoro.
3. Kuma gives zoro a taste a portion of luffy agony to which this hurts him and then zoro dives into the bubble after changing locations, as a reminder the damage has to go somewhere or else it returns to luffy. Kuma is clean at the end of the panel talking about luffy he has no damage zoro took it all.
4.Nothing happened you can see the blood everywhere from him taking all of luffy damage on top of this luffy says he feels perfectly fine no damage from the bubble ever returned to him
5. One whole day later luffy is still fine while zoro is at deaths door from taking everything.
What argument can you give ?