Speculations What if Nasujuro was the previous WSSM?

With the confirmation of the Gorosei as top tiers, evident in both reverie and the current plot with Saturn, I think the question of Nasujuro poses a very troubling issue for the conventional Mihawk narrative.

It is of course possible that Nasujuro's god title is simply beyond the scope of the WSSM title or that Nasujuro isn't a swordsman at all but a mixed fighter like King. But either case inherently casts Mihawk as somewhat of a fraud.

However, there is another possibility. What if Nasujuro was the previous WSSM and that Mihawk stole his title?

So far, Mihawk is the only person in the story who has the WSSM title. This begs the question, who did he take it from? We know he didn't take it from Shanks because Shanks didn't even become a yonko until well after he lost his arm, at which Mihawk stopped fighting him. Could he have taken it from a former admiral? Well that would fit his marine hunter reputation, but that begs the question "why haven't we heard about it before?". Surely Oda could have easily revealed such a fact to hype up Mihawk.

I think Nasujuro makes the most sense as the former WSSM. It would explain why we haven't heard about a past WSSM, not even during the Roger era. It would explain how Mihawk got his title, by defeating Nasujuro. Lastly, it would add relevance to the inevitable Nasujuro vs Zoro fight in the final war. This would be the fight where Zoro surpasses Mihawk's greatest rival.

Oda could even have Nasujuro win back his title from Mihawk, making Zoro vs Nasujuro the fight for WSSM.

Ultimately tho, this is just a possibility and an attempt to rationalize how Mihawk is the WSSM and yet amongst the final villains. It could also just be the case that the god title surpasses the WSSM title and that Nasujuro is a mixed fighter.
With the confirmation of the Gorosei as top tiers, evident in both reverie and the current plot with Saturn, I think the question of Nasujuro poses a very troubling issue for the conventional Mihawk narrative.

It is of course possible that Nasujuro's god title is simply beyond the scope of the WSSM title or that Nasujuro isn't a swordsman at all but a mixed fighter like King. But either case inherently casts Mihawk as somewhat of a fraud.

However, there is another possibility. What if Nasujuro was the previous WSSM and that Mihawk stole his title?

So far, Mihawk is the only person in the story who has the WSSM title. This begs the question, who did he take it from? We know he didn't take it from Shanks because Shanks didn't even become a yonko until well after he lost his arm, at which Mihawk stopped fighting him. Could he have taken it from a former admiral? Well that would fit his marine hunter reputation, but that begs the question "why haven't we heard about it before?". Surely Oda could have easily revealed such a fact to hype up Mihawk.

I think Nasujuro makes the most sense as the former WSSM. It would explain why we haven't heard about a past WSSM, not even during the Roger era. It would explain how Mihawk got his title, by defeating Nasujuro. Lastly, it would add relevance to the inevitable Nasujuro vs Zoro fight in the final war. This would be the fight where Zoro surpasses Mihawk's greatest rival.

Oda could even have Nasujuro win back his title from Mihawk, making Zoro vs Nasujuro the fight for WSSM.

Ultimately tho, this is just a possibility and an attempt to rationalize how Mihawk is the WSSM and yet amongst the final villains. It could also just be the case that the god title surpasses the WSSM title and that Nasujuro is a mixed fighter.
He’s not eligible for the title because the WG doesn’t recognize Celestial Dragons as humans


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
If he was then that would mean Mihawk had to have beat him at one point and imo that would diminish the overall threat level of the Gorosei


Kitetsu Wanker
You aint giving up on this one yet, eh? What is this, 3rd-4th thread about the same thing?:sanmoji:
I will repeat, it is not possible for Nasjuro to be that guy you would like him to be.
The reason is simple, there is no way for him to be #1 of the universe of all times. Mihawk has that chance.

Whoever is the strongest in the world, not just among swordsmen, is Zoro's ultimate goal and that's obviously Mihawk.
Nasjuro may have been WSM many times, in many eras when no superior swordsmen existed or those who existed aged and weakened.
I dont think Mihawk stole it from anyone directly by beating them. Oda simply decided to give the title the one who should have it.

The reason why Nasjuro isnt the guy is because he isnt the ultimate hakiman, the people who have nothing but a sword and haki.
Even among DF-boosted swordsmen, he wont end up the peak because ultimate DFmen Blackbeard and Shiryu will reign supreme.
Hakimen>Multiple DFmen>single DFmen... Exceptions are WS title holders like Kaido and Whitbeard, they are stronger than Nasjuro.
The real answer is that the gorosei don't involve themselves in trivial matters remember that Saturn himself said it's been a long time since he's been on the surface
It would explain how Mihawk got his title, by defeating Nasujuro.
This would be the fight where Zoro surpasses Mihawk's greatest rival.
The level of mental gymnastics and hoops Mihawk fans are going through is crazy :gokulaugh:

How can the dude both be the final fight for Zoro and still be weaker then a previous opponent (Mihawk)? Straight up clown tier shit :luffylaugh:
WSS title ain't absolute. Nasujuro is a stronger swordsman then Mihawk. His title ain't absolute. Midhawk has many fraudulent activities like dodging fights against Yonkos and real top tiers like Shanks, sweating at the thought of fighting emperors like Luffy/BB/Shanks, asking Vista to postpone the fight, becoming a equal of Crocodile and a subordinate of Crocodile etc etc.

Zoro will probably pack Mihawk, feel good about himself and go after the swordsman Gorosei, then proceed to get washed "don't let titles fool you, boy, the peasant you got that title from begged me for mercy and begged me not to take his lowly title"
Yeah I'm sure Mihawk went to the sacred land, demanded a one vs one with Gandhi as a pirate, won and got out of there without the other four jumping him for cutting a celestial dragon.

I guess they really respect sword duels :hope:
Tbf Saturn didn't let the Marines interrupt his fight with the SHs until he had them all immobilized and wanted them to take Bonney out for good.
Not saying I support this theory though.
Nasujuro is a weak old man... he is not at Mihawk's level

about the title of swordsman:
The title was held by Xebec, when Xebec died......Mihawk and Shanks began their duels to have the title....
You aint giving up on this one yet, eh? What is this, 3rd-4th thread about the same thing?:sanmoji:
I will repeat, it is not possible for Nasjuro to be that guy you would like him to be.
The reason is simple, there is no way for him to be #1 of the universe of all times. Mihawk has that chance.

Whoever is the strongest in the world, not just among swordsmen, is Zoro's ultimate goal and that's obviously Mihawk.
Nasjuro may have been WSM many times, in many eras when no superior swordsmen existed or those who existed aged and weakened.
I dont think Mihawk stole it from anyone directly by beating them. Oda simply decided to give the title the one who should have it.

The reason why Nasjuro isnt the guy is because he isnt the ultimate hakiman, the people who have nothing but a sword and haki.
Even among DF-boosted swordsmen, he wont end up the peak because ultimate DFmen Blackbeard and Shiryu will reign supreme.
Hakimen>Multiple DFmen>single DFmen... Exceptions are WS title holders like Kaido and Whitbeard, they are stronger than Nasjuro.
I believe oda will give a new update to Shyriu. Shyriu gonna obtain one of the 12 supreme swords