Who will be the next SH?

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I cant help bur notice you still havent paid a single bet
Because we are still on Egghead. The bet ends either after Lucci joins during the Egghead arc or if the Egghead arc ends with Lucci not having joined the SHPs. I at least need that much time to have my chance at prooving my analysis.

If I am wrong, than it will serve me right, that I have to wear something, which is not to my taste. And I would never call myself an analyst ever again for the forseeable future.
I think bonney chance is over, she is a secondary charachter in this flashback, not to mention all her goal are almost fulfilled.

Meet her dad (soon) check
Meet nika (soon) check
Traveling (already doing that for 2y) check
Revenge against saturn (maybe if he escape now)

I dont see kuma surviving this ,like what bonney dream would be?
" Im gonna kill saturn ! "?

Even if he survived, Why they take a risk join SH to fight WG? instead of traveling together as a family in peace away from conflict while SH take all the heat? They can make a good grandfleet, travel island to island spreading a word about nika like jehovah witnesses,its fit the theme after all no?
So the big question Ive always had was the purpose of the scene in the chapter "The Weight of Memory" (1072). The entire reference of that scene was a that it was a written spoof on the 21 grams experiment here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment#:~:text=he was rejected.-,In popular culture,21 Grams references the experiment.

But seriously, read this:

While not direct, Vegapunk equates death to losing the soul. Kuma losing his memory has been referenced as him being killed or dying repeatedly. He even directly implies that his memories (and soul) can be wirelessly transferred into another body.

Imo, there are 2 big options I see with Kuma if his original body dies:

1. Vegapunk transferred his memories into the Ancient Robot. He was found appearing outside the body when he was introduced...why?

2. My more hopeful opinion since I still snort the Kuma nakama copium: Vegapunk completely cloned Kuma unmodified and is adding his memories (read: SOUL) into that body.

So yes, Kuma as he is will die, but there is a strong chance he will be reborn since VPs memory experiments were about proving the soul exists through memories, which Kuma made a copy of.

And yes, Bonney used up that memory bubble, but Vegapunk confirmed this chapter that hes been analysing that memory bubble without making it disappear (and he's had 2 years to do it).

Just my 2 cents on it, Im still not off the Kuma train.
Vegapunk agressively saying he can't restore kuma over several chapters and folks still like "actually"
The only reason he ever says this to Bonney is because hes bound by the agreement Kuma made with Saturn, it has nothing to do with whatever he did with Kuma's memory research.

I get its copium, but realize that even if Kuma and his body are destroyed, you are in an arc full of cloning tech and a scientist who was fascinated by memory transfer.

The point still stands that Kuma would "die", im not even arguing that. Im just talking about him being potentially resurrected in a new body.
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