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U serously didn't even read huh. Do i really need to do this to another user, and then the same user is silent now:lawsigh:
Alright i'm gonna use ur logic btw
At the end of Chapter Luffy vs Lucci where Luffy landed one named attack

Lucci still looking good

Next chapter
After Luffy landing 2 named attack and Lucci claiming himself Lose conciousness, he still can get back while Luffy still on Grandpa mode
Lucci Lose conciousness

Next pages we see Luffy turn into Grandpa mode

Next pages again we see Lucci still look good with bandages IN THE SAME DAMN CHAPTER

Now look at Zoro Vs Lucci
One panel of Clashing

And then a One page and half of Another Clashing WITHOUT NAMED ATTACK

If thats what u call roughed up on Zoro then whats this? lol


He looks Roughed up by your logic It seems Kziaru is too strong.:kayneshrug:
I wasn't even talking about Kizaru lol, why bring him to the conversation? Now who's the one changing the topic.
I was arguing that Zoro looked bad against Lucci relatively as compared to Luffy. I never downplayed Zoro against Lucci. Zoro vs Lucci has been going on for quite a while now and Lucci is still standing. Whereas Luffy vs Lucci took less time and Lucci got packed up.
A lot of Lucci vs Zoro was offscreened.
Luffy was back to his normal self within a minute(you can see it in t) and him turning into an old man is his fruits side effect. He will always turn into an old man after using G5 no matter who he fights. Luffy became old man after fighting Kaido too, so does that mean Lucci= Kaido??

"The approx journey time from the fabiostratum to the Labo stratum is 32 seconds"

Luffy is not an old man after the 32 second Journey is complete and he can still fight with Lucci and result would be the same.
I don't wanna drag this discussion from here on.
But Luffy performed better against Lucci than Zoro. I am not dowmplaying Zoro , he is stronger than Lucci but that was not what I was arguing about ,but it is what it is.
Saturn power super Hax like Atlas is robot and it working on her.
Like i wonder if he can stop things like ships or other unalive stuff like that cause Atlas not even human .
My headcanon is that it doesn't work against powerful conquerors haki users
Kizaru not even bleeding lol
But damn Sanji showing is sad, Oda really hates this guy
Why would he be bleeding ?
He not bleed when he took the punch or when we him saw on ground in the next chapter .
Just the usual marks on the face unless you think chapters later Oda going add blood lol.
I wasn't even talking about Kizaru lol, why bring him to the conversation? Now who's the one changing the topic.
I was arguing that Zoro looked bad against Lucci relatively as compared to Luffy. I never downplayed Zoro against Lucci. Zoro vs Lucci has been going on for quite a while now and Lucci is still standing. Whereas Luffy vs Lucci took less time and Lucci got packed up.
A lot of Lucci vs Zoro was offscreened.
Luffy was back to his normal self within a minute(you can see it in t) and him turning into an old man is his fruits side effect. He will always turn into an old man after using G5 no matter who he fights. Luffy became old man after fighting Kaido too, so does that mean Lucci= Kaido??

"The approx journey time from the fabiostratum to the Labo stratum is 32 seconds"

Luffy is not an old man after the 32 second Journey is complete and he can still fight with Lucci and result would be the same.
I don't wanna drag this discussion from here on.
But Luffy performed better against Lucci than Zoro. I am not dowmplaying Zoro , he is stronger than Lucci but that was not what I was arguing about ,but it is what it is.
U clearly downplay when u reply to other user cmon now.
saying Panting and Roughed up against Lucci where Zoro Using KoH, where we only had 1 pages and half about clashing.
But When i used Luffy vs Kizaru, where he clearly look roughed up by your logic and u claiming me changing topic where u always ducking.
Did i even Downplay Luffy to begin with? Nope
Luffy did perform better against Lucci, Cuz we saw his POV. His fight with Lucci also got Offscreen in sum panel. We didn't saw his "full fight".

Now u compare it to Luffy who got 2 chapter dedicated to it, against Zoro who only got 1 pages and half about clashing, of course it ain't the same. U claim that this is a hard fight and took too long, Blud we didn't even get Zoro POV after that. No named Attack, We got Nothing. So claiming it to be a hard fight is WILD. Is that too hard to understand?
1) kuma can use haki cause his primal desire is to save bonney and primal desires cannot be removed (look at seraphim boa’s panels from 15/20 chapters ago)
2) luffy is definitely going to fight saturn - everything is set up
3) kuma may pull a c16 and break before actually punching saturn
4) kizaru may have helped luffy providing him with food. he’s the only one fast enough to not be perceived by saturn
5) dragon may come to egghead in the post arc so that vegapunk won’t go to elbaf with strawhats. bonney definitely going with revolutionaries as well

She is tailor made for the role.

Given how much of an importance the role sun stuff has and that teach's kid panel had the moon as the center of it, its obvious that he is the moon to luffy's sun and thus, final villain.

His darkness fruit is just the moon god mythical zoan.
She joins but not as an apprentice, do you even know what the word apprentice means or you’re just throwing words you saw to look intelligent? She joins as a proper crew member equal to the rest of the straw hats not a rank below