Not in this context really.
In this context we are not debating about the beginning of life, but the frontiere we put on the beginning of humanity. Simply because clinging to life would means that we must have the same respect for plants.
Uhm so that life form eventually becomes human?
Only if its not stopped
No dude, its a member of homo sapiens from the first developmental life stage, so zygote.
Biologicaly yes, it has the POTENTIAL of becoming a FULL human, but until it gets ALL the attribute of an homosapians sapians, its only skin + energy. Consciousness only arise around week 20th, its here that the potential gets real.
The question of abortion is dominant in conservative and far right debate because for them it stopped a human life, but in reality abortion only stops a bunch of skin+ energy to develop INTO a human. its not conscious yet. Therefore it can be stopped. If you disagree with that, then you also need to fight against people who walk on grass, recolt plants or cut trees
Thats just the first example i thought of lol.
Then its not enough to prove that she is a psychopath.
Obviously unlawful fucks can have have other people commit crimes against them. Thanks captain obvious.
If only she had the evidence backing up her extraordinary claims.
She had them mate. Not about the rape, but about the agressions. She also had testimonies backing her up, do not forget that.
No im not, and even if i were, cry me a river
You do what you want, just be aware of the consequences.
*basic definitions vast majority of people use and have used for ages.
Definitions are like species, they evolves with time and environment pressure. So your argument holds no power here. Your definition (which are not even definitions in fact, you just refuse to call a trans woman a woman) are bonkers, they are anti scientific.
Who fucking shits in a bed and isn't considered Psychopathic?
This is stupid, not psychopathic. Words have meanings.
Ever thought about moving away to Cuba or North Korea?
To engage in resistance against their government ? No, not really. But that's an idea.
Nop. Careful, the report button is close.
the whole idea of racial equality arguments only make sense if race is real
What you are confusing is the inexistance of races and the existence of a process called "racialization". Racialization is a social PASSIVE process where people create sociological races because of the color of the skin, the origins or the confessions of a person.
What we must stop is THAT racialization process and for that we must accept that there is systemic racism in place in the world.
leftists/liberals preach black rights so if black people as a category are not real then what's the point of advocating for them
Nop. Usually liberals don't preach "black rights", usually they do not care. But once again you are showing how ignorant you are about the subject, how would you know that when you don't even want to make the distinction between a liberal and a leftist.
Black people are part of a SOCIAL GROUP. Its a population, not a race. This group is characterized by the racialization process they face because of they varying dark skin
besides two breeds of dog can exist both be dogs just as two races and can exist yet still both be homo sapiens
In theory yes, but the human specie didn't divided enough biologically to do that. And even in that condition, this would not be a reason to creaty hierarchy between those races
i dont see any difference
between a human life and just life itself
it's just stages of life, im not anymore me then a zygote of myself or a egg of myself
their just different stages in my existence before being born much like frogs starting out as eggs then turning into tadpoles before ultimately becoming a frog
The question is not about the existence of life itself, its about thelimit we put on the possibility to ends this lifeform before it becomes conscious.
it's kinda strictly ideological tho
No its not. Trans identity is a scientific data.
probably both are true in this case
it's entirely possible amber was stressed over internet mockery and johnny was stressed over losing contracts
You are equating the impact of harrasment with stress. The effect of harrasment is not only stress, its also trauma. Let's not be intellectually dishonest here.
question carrot unrelated but why does nobody talk about russia vs ukraine war anymore all the discourse just shifted to isarel vs palestine
Many possible reasons:
- We are closer in term of culture to Israel than Ukraine
- The conflict against Ukraine do not create spectacle
- Because the death toll is much higher on the palestinian side when you look at the temporality of the conflict
for 1 why does that equate
Because life is life.
There is two reasons why people wants the end of abortion:
- Because it stripped life away
- Because it strip the potential of a human life away
Those two reasons are problematic:
- In the first point, Life is life, so if we must prevent life from being stripped away, we must do it for all living things including plants
- For the second point, this is a bad argument as a potential human when unwanted is just a potential, its not a full human yet and not conscious. Its just a conceptual being, so there is no rationnal reason to want the end of abortion in that case
and for 2 what would be the issue with preserving plant life if anything protecting nature should be considered a just action
THen this would be coherent if you never walk on grass or recolt a flower. I mean, why not, but good luck with that when we know that our carbon footprint already will have indirect negative effects on plants so.. again, good luck with that.