parasites leech off their vitchims without offering anything itself
that's generally how it's defined
and that would be exactly as loads of women do
ofc exceptions exist, there are women who actually earn a living and pinch in for things but loads of women literally are gold diggers
Speak to an actual women.
it's not exactly consensual when your indoctrinated to think that way and cant reproduce unless you agree to the woman's demands
it's not consenual when it's as a result of manipluation
if you wanna have kids but dont wanna support a woman then who cares get fucked, pay up or you dont get to have a family
that's a entirely consenual encounter, pay me or you literally have no option to spread your genes.
Really, go speak to a real woman.
that's a entirely consenual encounter, pay me or you literally have no option to spread your genes.
Gadly, not everyone is like you, so don't worry, women will have plenty of good choice.
Women takes care of the house and kids traditionally.
Simply because patriarchy impose this on them. That's not "a tradition"
i think women should have kids first and later figure out "careers".
I think you are not at your place for saying what women should or should not do dear sexist.
they see us men as walking dollar signs, walking bank accounts
Those are exceptions.
complete objectivcation and leftist say that's bad right
That's not what objectification means.
Women are biologically wired to seek physical and financial security(for them and the kids). Weak and poor men always end up single,it has always being like that. If you don't like the game,don't play it.
1. All the claim here are wrong.
2. That's evopsy or evolutionnistic psychology (it consist in attributing societal behaviors and situations - most of the time situation that defavors women - on biology) and that's (90% of the time) a pseudoscience.
No, women are not wired biologically to seek physical and financiat security. That's a common sexist myth that a lot of evopsy defender have created.
Furthermore, not all "weak" (what does this means ????) and poor men are ending up alone. In fact a lot of poor men are married. And you are missing the sociological data behind it is that with less money comes less attractivity and that's not just for men. In fact women suffer the same fate. The reason is not biology, the reason is societal and linked to ours biases toward wealth.
Not really. Men compete for feminine attention. They can provide for themselves.
Also wrong. And you are perpetuating a patriarcal myth that men are strong and can therefore fight for themself (you see
@Bob74h , if you REALLY want to help men, its not the left or feminists you need to aim at, but sexist and patriarcal discourse like this one of the far right/Nameless, because its THEM who perpetuate those toxic
myths about men)
We aren't as social or careful as them.
In fact we are. Men are just raised not to be like women.
There are distinct psychological traits to each sex. Women care better for kids.
Evopsy again. That's completely wrong on a scientific basis.
guys arent supposed to cry or show emotion
Blame patriarchy for that. Don't blame feminists or their ally
besides guys are very social lol very fact you are on here to chat with me and others is proof
The reason why there is very few women here is because
this environment does everything to reject them, that's not because they are less social or they love less One Piece
No,men are low in agreeableness and women are high in it. Such traits makes one to be more confrontational and less caring
The reason is education, not biology.
or to the femminists bitching about how they hate men on twitter
Feminist women have reasons to hate mate. When you will need to look over your shoulder 2 times per minute when you are walking up alone in the streets, you will have a say on this matter, but right now, its not the case.
Did women hunt in cavemen days?No. Nowadays they can work like anybody else. I was talking from an evolutionary standpoint nowadays.
Careful when you talk about science if you don't wanna be seen as ignorant on the subject.
Women DID hunt during "cavemen" days, so much that their body structure was completely different from the one you know today.
Yes, those societies were in a way, more equal toward women.
The reason why women are the way they are now is social. The development of sedenterity and agriculture (the birth of neolithic) created the premisses of our economy and the uneven development of ressources and laborforces. Where a unhappy woman could just walk away and survive or find another group during the mesolithic or other prehistoric periods before that, the development of material wealth and therefore the need to defends crops and lands masses destroyed that possibility, so women were forced into a passive position of mother under the influence of their partner.
This was the premisses of capitalism but also the birth of patriarchy as we know it.