Speculations This panel reveals Kaido’s 7 L’s?


We know that Kaido was defeated 7 times in the past, and I believe this panels reveals those 7 defeats. Roger and WB are placed a step above Xebec, Shanks, and Oden in this panel, and I believe that’s for more than just strength reasons. Shanks and Oden being a level below those two checks out, but Xebec should be on Roger and Primebeard’s level. I think Roger and WB are placed higher because they both defeated Kaido twice, while the other 3 defeated him once, for a total of 7 defeats.

WB likely beat Kaido in a duel when Kaido was recruited into Rocks, and he probably beat him again when Rocks disbanded

Roger beat Kaido at God Valley and probably some time afterwards since Roger was the top dog after God Valley, and Kaido would be interested in challenging him obviously

Xebec probably defeated Kaido once to recruit Kaido into his crew. Kaido wouldn’t follow Xebec unless Xebec proved he was stronger

Shanks defeated Kaido when Kaido attempted to go to MF to challenge WB one more time. It probably wasn’t an actual fight, but Shanks probably got Kaido to back down by showing that he was superior CoC to him

Oden defeated Kaido when he landed Togen Totsuka and was about to finish him off before the hag intervened
I have absolutely no clue what you're trying to say
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Kaido's inner monologue > random bluster Kaido says to sound tough
Kaido never said those five beat him or whatever you're coping, nice try though.

Either Kaido is a retard with alzheimer's who completely forgot about Shanks beating his ass two years ago in story, or you're just wrong and coping, I wonder what's more likely.
Shanks defeated Kaido when Kaido attempted to go to MF to challenge WB one more time. It probably wasn’t an actual fight, but Shanks probably got Kaido to back down by showing that he was superior CoC to him
Lmao. Amazing reading comprehension skills.

According to you Kaido gets sonned by Shanks and then goes on to believe he cant be beaten by anyone alive 2 years later.

Sasaki Kojirō

Strange before Kaido's fight with Oden, apparently King was mentioning to a Kaido between 21 to 31 years old (from 21 onward, he was no longer with the Rocks Pirates) to remain the strongest. This implies that he hadn't lost until that point; otherwise, King wouldn't mention it. If he did lose, it wasn't in a one-on-one battle. Between 31 and 39, he seemingly didn't lose either, as he was called invincible by his subordinates at 39 against Oden.

Kaido joined the Rocks when he was 15 and stayed until he was 21 (Xebec's downfall). So, if he was defeated by Xebec or fought against him, it was a Kaido far from his prime. There was something between Kaido and Roger given his reaction upon learning that Roger was also on the island pursuing the prizes. This again suggests it happened when Kaido was between 15 and 21 years old. Whitebeard was on the same ship as Kaido, and they likely fought, but there are no reports of it. At 39, Kaido told Oden that Whitebeard and Roger were powerful but foolish pirates. Oden was added to the list after losing to Kaido, and Shanks, two years on the way to Marineford, doesn't show any signs that Kaido lost to any of them in his prime state.

The battle between Kaido and Shanks had no conclusion, as it would be significant news if one Yonko had defeated another. Shanks would have likely claimed Kaido's Road Poneglyph or Wano in that case. This news wouldn't have made someone like Killer and Kid consider Kaido the strongest if Shanks had defeated him. They were targeting the Red-Haired after the time skip, so they must have gathered information about him and devised strategies, even when targeting Shanks, Kid and Killer stated that Kaido was the strongest. This seals the chances of Shanks having defeated him. . Thus, everything goes against this list, and it's truly a roster of individuals capable of fighting against Kaido.
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Sasaki Kojirō

Ah, another point reinforcing that Kaido didn't lose, if my previous comment wasn't enough, is that the fact of Kaido being the best fighter in a one-on-one is supported by the external public. An event resulting in the defeat of another Yonko would be widely known, and there would be no need for the author to include that text box in Kaido's introduction. This would have been invalidated, unless, of course, he became the best two years after that defeat, which is debunked by the novel Ace, is mentioned by Skull that Kaido surpasses even Whitebeard in one-on-one combat and is the strongest in that regard, this means that it was something that already existed before the time skip and continued to exist after the time skip; if he had lost, it wouldn't exist anymore.
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After his flashback I would say he just pretend to lost 7 times so he could get arrested while after that he didn't even pretend anymore and just kept turning himself in.
Kaido in current one piece era was undefeated. Hence the point of "one on one , always bet on Kaido" psychology exist and Kaido is held as WSC or WSM.

Had shanks "beat" him , that won't be the case.

Kaido's defeats come when he was younger and not in prime and even then nothing says it was one on one fights.

I know you made this thread for shanks wank but you won't get any wins here. Make such threads in fanverse and you would get couple of shanks dick riders agreeing with you lol.
Kaidou was Never Defeated in a 1v1
7 Defeats as a Pirate refer to his Battles where He was on Losing Side
For example, God's Valley Incident is One of his Seven Defeats
If We use Marco as an Example, We can say that He tasted Defeat in Summit War & Payback War, regardless if He fought 1v1 or not

"B-But Kaido is just arrogant!!!!!!!!"
Too arrogant indeed, for someone who barely won to Oden thanks to hostage, and still have PTSD of him until 20 years later.

I think Oda didn't reveal this 7Ls just to save Kaido's face. We all thought how Kaido was supposed to be Top 1, with his hyped debut soloing Kid-Hawkins-Apoo alliance and all. Until we knew Apoo is Kaido's spy since the beginning. Until Oden flashback happened.
His hype already destroyed with Oden flashback, revealing this 7Ls in Wano arc would really hurt Kaido's image, and Oda doesn't want that. Oda's saving-Kaido's-face intent becoming even clearer when he hide Kaido from Zoro in act 1.
Too arrogant indeed, for someone who barely won to Oden thanks to hostage, and still have PTSD of him until 20 years later.

I think Oda didn't reveal this 7Ls just to save Kaido's face. We all thought how Kaido was supposed to be Top 1, with his hyped debut soloing Kid-Hawkins-Apoo alliance and all. Until we knew Apoo is Kaido's spy since the beginning. Until Oden flashback happened.
His hype already destroyed with Oden flashback, revealing this 7Ls in Wano arc would really hurt Kaido's image, and Oda doesn't want that. Oda's saving-Kaido's-face intent becoming even clearer when he hide Kaido from Zoro in act 1.
Save your trolling and Kaido hate for someone that cares.