Guys, here's crazy idea... there's a theory that Kaido is a real Dragon who ate an Oni (human type df) just like Choper, so, if Kaido is a Dragon then his child will born a Dragon to, in that case Kaido gave his child a human type of DF to make him a human but there's one problem, the DF ends up being female type 🤣. So, Kaido has a Male child who ate female human type DF and this is why everyone call him Kaido's son, Yamato is Male AND Female at the same time if that makes sense.
For you to have an understanding it's like if Choper (who is a Male) ate Female type of DF so in his base form he's a male but in his DF form he's a female.
For you to have an understanding it's like if Choper (who is a Male) ate Female type of DF so in his base form he's a male but in his DF form he's a female.