Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1105 Spoilers Discussion

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Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Luffy got fed and transported by CariboUber Eats, your friendly neighborhood swamp guy.
Oda is TRYING to keep characters out of fights when most characters are surrounded by enemies, it's so fucking weird. Like, if Sanji ACTUALLY wants to protect Bonney, he should be fighting either Kizaru or Saturn. What the hell is he doing?

Kizaru's going to have another "I'm so sad I have to kill people woe is me" comment, bet.

Lmfao CarioUber Eats.

Completely agree man, Stussy and Vegapunk almost died and Sanji should have gone BERSERK on Lucci for almost killing her but here we are.

He attacked Saturn once and protected Kuma and Bonney which is great but he's not even trying to take on Kizaru or Saturn as you said. Kizaru he should be able to stall him and Sanji can chase him since he can skywalk and has extremely fast speed now especially but Saturn also "eye diffed" Sanji and Sanji wasn't able to move so I guess he's avoiding taking on Saturn due to that?

Oda has let jinbei do so little this whole arc too pretty much. It feels like another Brook situation but at least Brook got to shine at WCI. Just for one arc though only, that's all he's allowed lmao. And I guess what he did vs Maria and her cronies too.
Jinbei doesn't feel like a SH to me yet due to this, he felt far more like one at WCI especially and before this arc ironically but I'll wait and see what Oda does with him.

Regarding the last part too, I have no sympathy left for Kizaru if he tries that shit again. We know he's conflicted, he's suffering already but he's still able to make choices, choose his true allegiances, make a difference and he's choosing to be a cog, a slave, a dog, to not have his own true autonomy. He still wants to be a soldier, to follow orders and do his job.

Idk if we're gonna learn anymore about him,I hope we do and I don't really know if he's gonna defect, since we have the defector/traitor Kuzan anyway and also saboteur/revel Issho ofc. Kizaru is close to Akainu too so he'll probably stick around and will follow Akainu if he actually rebels and attempts a coup and detaches the Marines from the WG too.

I have no sympathy left for kizaru too anyway as he's still trying to kill vegapunk and especially bonney too. Fuck him. Especially as she's just a kid too. But the marines have to kill kids as part of their duties too, just like IRL soldiers and plenty of kids will due in buster calls depending too.

Kizaru is a fun and awesome character snd his brief flashback was great and such but Oda is really mishandling the Admirals pint TS in different ways.

Kizaru might have been better off just being a cold sociopath with a playfully sadistic side.
I was happy he was so conflicted before but this just pisses me off now lol. Kuzan defected so easily snd suddenly too and we still know nothing more about him vs Akainu after he faced Garp recently too on top of that. We've yet to see any of it ffs. A non canon film has given us more about Kuzan vs Akainu then the fucking canon story has! It explored Kuzans character WAY better and funnily enough Kizaru too! Kizaru was severely emotionally conflicted with Zephyr like Kuzan was and we saw the Marines watching their hero, their mentor, former boss being executed by Kizaru.
Now i think about it...its not so surprising kizaru is still so willing to kill vegapunk and bonney? He chose to kill Zephyr in the film amd he did it. He chose loyalty to his military, his duty over his own former teacher and boss from the military ironically, "justice" over emotions.

Some people think Kizaru will defect as he sees "Nika" and hears the drums of liberation but he's faced Gear 5 Luffy already and he's still committing to his role, his duties. There's a chance he might turn if he sees Kuma and Bonney reacting to Luffy being Nika and seeing Nika is alive and real but I'm not so hopeful anymore.

Kizaru is too loyal to the marines and WG for whatever reasons he has, whether it's because he's committed for decades now to it, he's committed far too much atrocities to turn back, too far gone, or he's too brainwashed or even being forced to do IDK.
I really don't understand him and Kuzan anymore.
But Oda might just need more time, maybe I just need to be patient and let him cook so to speak.

I do like someone's idea that now Saturn has given permission for a buster call too, kizaru can or will be told by him that he can or should go all out now too and thus we'll get his awakening too finally. It's a slim hope at best at this point especially with no logia awakenings so far and kaido and big mom not getting confirmed awakenings but alas.
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Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
I think the slander is kind of deserved since Zoro wasted too much Time, but the people who genuinely take it seriously for anti Zoro agenda will be humbled soon.
It's not happening, but a part of me wants to think we'll cut away to Jinbei finding an unconscious Lucci while Zoro actually got lost lmao.

That would be great!


I will never forgive Oda
Dude are you caught up? Macht would put any antagonist in One Piece to shame. Hes amazing.
I could go into detail on how much I love Macht. Everything about him is masterclass, even his demise hammers in the point that demons and humans (elves/dwarves) are biologically incapable of understanding each other. Solitär's whole convergent evolution explanation really sold me on that arc.

I am caught up! Frieren is an absolutely amazing series.
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