ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1106 : By your Side

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I think there will be seeing how Skypeia mentioned four gods there will be four total.

Plus we seem to have the name of one of them in Elbaf.
The other 3 could be the ancient weapons, no?
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So the giants saw the news paper…
Dragon is 100% on his way
I hope Smoker too
This would be birthplace of the strongest alliance
I think the strongest alliance already exists and it's Dragon, Garp and Aokiji. May actually just be spoilers, I just need Redon to confirm.
Ik, but imo that doesn't necessitate 4 god fruits.
Still, it's speculation at this stage so your prediction is as good as mine rn
Yeah it’s pure speculation. But I think it would be interesting to see if this religion is fully based off of Joyboy (Nika) and these four individuals.
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The other 3 could be the ancient weapons, no?
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I think the strongest alliance already exists and it's Dragon, Garp and Aokiji. May actually just be spoilers, I just need Redon to confirm.
Eh the three ancient weapons are possible but I don’t see how Shirahoshi or Pluton can be a “God of the earth” since both are seafaring.
Yeah it’s pure speculation. But I think it would be interesting to see if this religion is fully based off of Joyboy (Nika) and these four individuals.
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Eh the three ancient weapons are possible but I don’t see how Shirahoshi or Pluton can be a “God of the earth” since both are seafaring.
Pluton would be god of the earth since it destroys islands. Shirahoshi is harder to place but rain is the best fit I guess. There could be more to the sea kings than just pulling Noah that we don't know about yet.
@BlackLegFring if you are so certain about your comedy and circus, then let's bet on it.

Luffy will defeat Saturn:
- Yes: Pringles
- No: BlackLegFring

Everything I said in this forum is getting more and more confirmed.

Can there be unexpected outcomes due to the complexity of the situation? Of course, not all of my predictions are 100% accurate.

However, thinking that Luffy is not the main character and that Saturn is not the main villain? This is just brainless nonsense. Agenda comedy.

Keep entertaining your nonsense until then.
The only circus here is you, as proven over and over again. How many bets have you made with others so far?

If I had bets for all the times you’ve already bungled (7 times already? Come on)…
Getting 1 prediction right isn’t going to erase the other times. You’d still be -6 in the hole.

Anyway, you’ll first have to define what you mean by “defeat” before we get anywhere.
I do not believe that Saturn is dying this arc and will regenerate any damage done to him.
It’s possible that Luffy could throw a punch his way, but I don’t see a long protracted fight happening like you claimed.

Also, stop saying random nonsense that nobody believes. Everyone knows that Luffy is the main character and Saturn is the main villain. You’ve just been trying to conflate main fight with main villain and no one is falling for it.
The only agenda that has been shut down over and over again is yours. I’m 7 for 7 in terms of predictions now. It’s so easy to abandon agendas, or not let pointless hate of characters make you a dolt …the story is simply better that way.
I can't believe people entertained the idea that Saturn was Luffy's main fight of the arc :risitameh:
Hey, we knew the SHs are somehow leaving egghead and not finishing their fights
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I’m assuming we’ll meet the three other god fruits soon and they’ll all be in the joyboy flashback.

I wonder if Imu was one of them. God of Earth or God of Rain would be fitting for him.
Joyboy flashback :amazing:
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Pringles vs Blacklegfring the most heated rivalry of 2023 :myman:
It's 2024
Dorry and Brogy are legends.
Yeah, but they aren't the ones who vowed to come to the Straw Hat Pirate's aid. They didn't pull up after Luffy basically died in Wano (they have vivre cards) and they ain't pulled up now. Oda making Grand Fleet look pointless. Still waiting for that big incident to happen....
Unless it was that tag team on Charlos...

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Nah Bonney will likely immediately run to Kuma to tell him that nikas right there since she did say she was going to show her father Nika in the flashback.

That’s when Bonney will realize that if Kumas body is still unable to move because of the self destruct, she can give him a Nika like future where Kumas body can move as freely as Nikas.
I love this, hope this happens.

Now that Bonney is out of her depression, and witnessed Nika, I'm hoping she uses her Distorted Future soon. I wonder how many people she can use it on at a time?