C4N going on another crazy rant.

Please tell me what this is.

is for people to stop telling them they can't do something
- One is a racist statement
- The other is a description of an instutionalized reality
The fact that black people have less priviledges doesn't mean that they can't do the same as others. It just means that they will most likely need to do twice the effort because the system and the people composing this system will be against them.
the Democrats have no desire to truly fix
@Logiko I'm down to hear Trump's racist actions with receipts. Perhaps I missed them, but I am very open to becoming informed. Was it when he made it easier for black-owned businesses? Or was it when he reversed a law Biden was a part of that unequally affected black people and gave them second chances from unfair sentences?
Overall, Trump's racist inclination is documented here
You see, the problem with Trump is not really what he did in term of executive, its what he purposefully enabled. And what he enable was the growth of racism and the far right white supremacist groups in all the strats of society through everything from his tweets to his public meetings to the people he hired and the people he spitted on. And right now, Trump is literally using Nazi and crypto fascist and racist rethoric to appeal to the far right masses.
Trump's history with racism is a documented fact. This is not the case with Biden.
Not saying that Biden is cool (he is not, he is supporting the Genocide in Gaza FFS) but those are not the same administrations at all.
with like any white people in the world
Let's say a couple has four kids. The oldest two females and the youngest two males.
The oldest two are held to be responsible and accountable for the younger ones. They are held to higher standards in everyday tasks growing up. Now the younger two get treated more softly since it's a first son and the baby of the family. The daughters naturally join in on the babying and hand outs to their younger siblings.
Fast forward. All children are grown in their 30s. The older two have successful careers, they have ownership over things, they handle responsibilities for themselves and others..........
The oldest two are held to be responsible and accountable for the younger ones. They are held to higher standards in everyday tasks growing up. Now the younger two get treated more softly since it's a first son and the baby of the family. The daughters naturally join in on the babying and hand outs to their younger siblings.
Fast forward. All children are grown in their 30s. The older two have successful careers, they have ownership over things, they handle responsibilities for themselves and others..........
What is less interesting and borderline fallacious on the other hand with that example, is that you are equating the situation where people are being deresponsibilized since childhood and therefore lacking the sence of responsabilities (like men in heteronormative relationship) with the situation where people are being given taught that society are against them and how to counter that.
In short you are equating those two situations as if they were both deresponsibilizing when this is not the case. One CAN in SOME CASES be indeed be deresponsibilizing. But this is not the case for the other that is just the principle of equity applied to society.
For your example to be correct (and represent the reality of the world correctly) you would need to add one more parameter to the first example : prevention of action. In this case, the two boys should be unable or prevented by an exterior or interior force to do any type of actions (probably due to a physical condition) and it would be the explanation onto why the two older girls are taking care of them (even tho this would be a very terrible education system from the parents). Only here you would create an equivalence in both situation as both situation would be the representation of people being pushed down by a forces (interior - disease - or exterior - systemic racism - ) preventing them to move forward...
... But of course it would also means that the result of the situations would be highly different 30 years later, as both situation would requiere a constant exterior help for the agents to move in society and in NO WAY would this help negate the possibility for them to be accountable or responsible for their actions.
Thought you were a guy. Did you gender swap too?
Thought you were a guy. Did you gender swap too?
Exactly,i keep telling the kids around here they can all be billionaires. Its all about hard work.