peacefully voicing my opinon equates trying to disrubte everyone from enjoying a flim at a movie theatre
Sexism is not just an opinion. Its an act of oppression.

Yeah,and of course you are the one that can judge when violence is needed and when its not
As long as violence is not meant to kill without necessity and that its always done in order to bring back justice and the rights of other people, then yes. I can judge that usage pretty easily.

Shooting a criminal because he is trying to assfuck you is a no no
Real selfdefense is an act of necessity, right ? So its legitimate violence.

breaking someone's property because the gov did something is fine
Depending on the context, it can also be a form of legitimate violence.

Basically your comparison is useless here.

dude how can you change from going no it's not about opressor vs opressed people type narratives in the comment to going nope entirely full into it in the same fucking comment

is it the case that it's about progress or just seeing black people,women or whatever as poor opressed losers we should pity
Its always about domination. The entire world revolves around systems of dominations.

problem with carrot

is that he looks at every issue and asks not if it's true but does it fit my idealogy

he cares not for truth but victory in the culture war

he's as bad as alex jones merely just trying to win and that's all
Are you sure you are not speaking about yourself here ? What I'm trying to do is not winning. What I'm trying to do here is making you change your point of view. Protect you from your biases, making you more curious about reality, trying to transform you into someone more positive about the world and the other gender, making you evolve toward progress.

But the rest can only be done by you mate. I can't make you change if you refuse to change or to evolve.

But you know the saying: When we stop learning, we start dying.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
problem with carrot

is that he looks at every issue and asks not if it's true but does it fit my idealogy

he cares not for truth but victory in the culture war

he's as bad as alex jones merely just trying to win and that's all
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bernie is very literally a commie

dude was fucking singing with soviets
Bernie Sanders isn't a communist by definition. Do you even know what a communist is?
Are you sure you are not speaking about yourself here ?

how would that even work

i dont have a stated group allligance or a stated idealogy to follow

when did i state to have any idealogy matter of fact???

you both have a stated group allligance and idealogy to follow

so yea the comment fits you

ive disagreed with the right many times even made couple threads doing so but ignore that im just a right wing pundit cause you said so

trying to transform you into someone more positive about the world and the other gender, making you evolve toward progress.

ive said the general same about men as ive said about women

only fundamental difference in behavior occurs as result of differing social standards and norms

if men held more social power, probably would act similiarily to alot of the more bitchy women afterall if men act like that then they get beat up same is not true for women
Bernie Sanders isn't a communist by definition. Do you even know what a communist is?

so christans arent christan cause they dont think behemoth and leviathan are real mythlogical beasts?

they have stated belief in god so they are christan, bernie has stated belief in communism and literally endorsed soviet union, a communist country

so he's communist if his beliefs dont line up perfectly then it's just a case of pastors not always agreeing with every line in the bible like genociding the whole world by means of a flood
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Sexism is not just an opinion. Its an act of oppression.

what i said was some of my takes. that's not sexism itself could you argue some of the opinons were sexist sure but that does not mean they are not opinons

besides you can argue for anything so who gives a shit what you can argue for, I can argue flying pigs with bird wings are real does not mean they in reality exist

you dont buy into this bs anyway, is it opression if a femminst says all men should die or all men are trash?
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Trump is an idiot but Biden increased Trump's chances.
Grab them by the p**sy round two is upon us:saden:
How do Americans always manage to destroy everything?
I found that statement horrible but the part where he said they let you I thought people would find liberating since women are free to let people do what they want to them.


Rio is in Brazil eitherway not much idea on Brazil politics other than football.

Question is about people in America possessing high grade Military weapons . Everyday I see report some school shooting in the news am I like why people are allowed to have one ? :snoopy:
This is a false statement that the media has you believe. We aren't allowed to have automatic weapons. This doesn't surprise me that people think we have the rifles the military has since most people can't differentiate between gun types.
I found that statement horrible but the part where he said they let you I thought people would find liberating since women are free to let people do what they want to them.
Well,he isn't wrong,lots of women just let rich dudes do whatever with them. I saw some comedians dressing up a beggar and hiring a ferrari for him here in brazil.Guess what happened next? The man (homeless man) got pussy.
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This is a false statement that the media has you believe. We aren't allowed to have automatic weapons. This doesn't surprise me that people think we have the rifles the military has since most people can't differentiate between gun types.
Toby said federal law allows for fullauto rifles without license.
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I say white saviors because I find them the most distasteful. Where do they get the right to tell my child they are less than them and can't get ahead without their help.
yeah thats a disturbing level of arrogance
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Also, I don't think anyone who voted for Biden has any right to complain about racism considering he is the most racist president in recent times.
he is?


Well,so does Panama,Paraguai,Israel,Switzerland and so on.These places don't suffer from constant mass shootings and yet have such weaponry available to the average joe. Guns don't go floating around shooting people. America has a mental illness/malice problem. They have psychosocial problem,not a gun problem. Look up the statistics and you will see there are hundreds of thousands of defensive gun uses in America every year. Without guns,murder rates would skyrocket in America.
America has a mental illness. Amen.

A couple month ago a woman stripped down and swung around a business pole and rolled around the ground no one attempted to help her but just recorded her. Then I'm sure the cops came but due to our government not taking mental healthcare seriously she likely was just thrown in a jail cell to serve a sentence instead of being sent to get help for her issues whether they be mental or substance abuse.
America has a mental illness. Amen.

A couple month ago a woman stripped down and swung around a business pole and rolled around the ground no one attempted to help her but just recorded her. Then I'm sure the cops came but due to our government not taking mental healthcare seriously she likely was just thrown in a jail cell to serve a sentence instead of being sent to get help for her issues whether they be mental or substance abuse.
Well,its pretty evident that a 15 year old that just shot all of his schoolmates with a rifle is NOT doing well mentally. But you know...its the guns fault.


To reply to all of you about the healthcare crisis. Universal healthcare should have never been a thing, but I even tend to agree there needs to be some now to an extent. The only part that makes me sad about it is the negative effect it has on growth in medical breakthroughs.

This will never happen because there is no money in it. Healthcare used to be affordable without anyone having insurance because they didn't charge you a billion dollars for a band-aid. (Being dramatic here). Then insurance and middle man, and more middle man came in and the prices kept rising and rising to fill these people's pockets to where the normal person can't afford it now.

If we want the best healthcare this world could provide we would go after these insurance companies and their minions, but like I said there is no money in that so government bodies will ignore it.

Also sue culture plays a part too, but that is a subject I'm not well informed on.
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Not under federal law. Some states have banned the distribution of assault weapons but they're legal in most states without the need for a license.
Full Auto are fully banned for new purchases. However, those on the market before 1985 or 1986 I believe they can be sold among people who already own them but they do require special permits to be allowed to be purchased.
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yeah thats a disturbing level of arrogance
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he is?
Yes he is.

He helped author a bill that unfairly incarcerated young black men. The one I mentioned Trump undid.

When they wanted to allow integrated schools he was against it and said he didn't want his kids to go to a racial jungle. For this one I will give him some grace because I truly believe people can learn and grow.

Who can forget? "If you don't vote for me you aren't black" Like skin color dictates how you think.

Poor kids should have all the opportunities that white kids have. (This one is horribly paraphrased) Like there aren't wealthy black families and poor white families.

Then when he uses of low-paying jobs he uses examples of black and Hispanic people.

These are just ones off the top of my head I'm sure if I went and dug into it again I would find some that I have forgotten.

Then if you look at the problem at the border, it's hard he believe he cares about any of America's residents or the people who are crossing. So maybe he is just a horrible person.
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Because you think you are supportive when you say that women should be forced in arranged marriage ?

if left to choose they only pick top 10% of men

same would be true if men had mate selection too carrot

but we as a society should have it so marriage is arranged so every man gets a wive and every woman gets a husband

is that not better for everyone rather then women ending up lonely cause they cant get chad and men ending up dead in ditches cause they cant be chad

dating should not be opressive, favoring only a select few men

that's not fair

And... this was the limit.

You crossed it.

I now consider you a full on incel and DANGEROUS man potentially capable of abuse against women.

if im wrong can you explain how

if women have mate selection then why would it always be these abusive guys having all the girlfriends

if women are selecting for abusive traits

if a system selects for abusive people dont be surpised if people end up abusive

Sorry mate, this is not how society works. You are part of intrications of differents systems and environment, you can't just take yourself away from them. You are not living alone on a deserted planet.

carrot w

you are a product of the societal norms and standards

it's why men have short hair generally and are expected to be tuff/manly

is it genetics that made men select for shorter hair and being stronger no

it's society

it's just as possible biologically for females to have short hair and be tuff as men same goes for men being girly and long hair just as possible biologically just societally not encouraged

There is no feminist status co. Feminist are against the status co as they want to change the society for better rights and priviledges for women. You are again saying a bunch of nonsence.

alot of big goverments and companies literally endorse femminism

treadeau leader of my home country is a self proclaimed femminist

if the leader of a country is femminist then how exactly is that anti status quo

Wrong. Actually you can : Check for Adoption and A.R.T

you can adopt never denied that but meant more actual child like my actual blood

you cant do that in a homosexual relationship at least yet

best you got is surrogacy which would only be one person's kid

both raise it sure but it's still only related to one person

Pure sexism. Well sorry, but this is not something that can't be left unreported.

how it sexist to say women dont know what's best for them

there's plenty of cases where a women might not know what's in her best intrest

you would let your sister or female friend slit their wrists or overdose on heroin??

or would you try to help them so they dont do something stupid.

same is true for a man, you wouldt say he knows right from wrong if he's going to do such things to himself

sometimes people need to be controlled cause they arent mentally sound enough to make good choices for themselves

it's not nice but it's true

This is the principle of equity. People of color are still discriminated systematically. This is a documented scientific fact. Racialized people are discriminated in every strat of the society, sometimes with very subtle way. So.. we need to create equity to counter systematically the other system.

name 1 policy or law that affects black people solely and it's in a negative way

if it's as big of a issue as you say 1 legal statue should not be a big deal
@Zemmi why cant govt direct billions of dollar which is basically war funds to public health even little amount helps lot of people who are struggling to get basic insulin injection . I agree public health has flaws but govt can make it open to public take it or leave .
Something I saw recently that does have me concerned: Mainstream media says we won't show you Trump's speech but we will tell you anything he says that is relevant. And people just accepted. Like ok, we will be happy for you to tell us what to think instead of us watching and thinking for ourselves.
huh, the media sadly has a horrible track record of giving an account of trumps statements
America has a mental illness. Amen.

A couple month ago a woman stripped down and swung around a business pole and rolled around the ground no one attempted to help her but just recorded her. Then I'm sure the cops came but due to our government not taking mental healthcare seriously she likely was just thrown in a jail cell to serve a sentence instead of being sent to get help for her issues whether they be mental or substance abuse.
something politicians really dont talk about mental health is something people dont talk about .


To go further into the gun/school problem. There is a deeper problem. In my dad's years, they took guns to school with them to the school so they could go straight from school to hunting. They weren't shooting each other.

Move on to my generation. Our parents trusted us to take guns with us when we went camping. We didn't shoot each other or anyone else because of the education we had with guns. We did plenty of stupid stuff ie I ran over and broke one guy's foot because they wanted to hang off the back of the truck while I drove.

I won't claim to be well educated in this but I hope to dive more into it by looking at stats and facts. However, if I was asked to guess what changed. I think it's because of how kids are raised now. Kids are convinced their feelings are the most important thing in the world and everyone should bow and respect them. We told them words have power, which they do not. People are convinced if people don't agree with them they deserve to be destroyed.

I think this shift has caused multiple problems including a discussion we had yesterday about suicide. It's sad that people have learned to put so much of their identity into other people and their acceptance that they live in a life of depression because not everyone will ever like them or agree with them. It's an impossible task.
To reply to all of you about the healthcare crisis. Universal healthcare should have never been a thing, but I even tend to agree there needs to be some now to an extent. The only part that makes me sad about it is the negative effect it has on growth in medical breakthroughs.

This will never happen because there is no money in it. Healthcare used to be affordable without anyone having insurance because they didn't charge you a billion dollars for a band-aid. (Being dramatic here). Then insurance and middle man, and more middle man came in and the prices kept rising and rising to fill these people's pockets to where the normal person can't afford it now.

If we want the best healthcare this world could provide we would go after these insurance companies and their minions, but like I said there is no money in that so government bodies will ignore it.

Also sue culture plays a part too, but that is a subject I'm not well informed on.
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Full Auto are fully banned for new purchases. However, those on the market before 1985 or 1986 I believe they can be sold among people who already own them but they do require special permits to be allowed to be purchased.
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Yes he is.

He helped author a bill that unfairly incarcerated young black men. The one I mentioned Trump undid.

When they wanted to allow integrated schools he was against it and said he didn't want his kids to go to a racial jungle. For this one I will give him some grace because I truly believe people can learn and grow.

Who can forget? "If you don't vote for me you aren't black" Like skin color dictates how you think.

Poor kids should have all the opportunities that white kids have. (This one is horribly paraphrased) Like there aren't wealthy black families and poor white families.

Then when he uses of low-paying jobs he uses examples of black and Hispanic people.

These are just ones off the top of my head I'm sure if I went and dug into it again I would find some that I have forgotten.

Then if you look at the problem at the border, it's hard he believe he cares about any of America's residents or the people who are crossing. So maybe he is just a horrible person.
@Toby D. Dog did you lie to me?