C4N must've also forgotten that called me sexist racist and whatnot for carrot
I don't remember calling you that.
You admitted that you lied in an elegant way. I will give you that. I wish i had the skills to make up excuses like this.
Admitting that you are wrong is like riding a bike without training wheels. It will be hard at first and you will fall... but the more you will do it, the better you will be at it and the better it will make you feel.
At my point, after all those years of questionning myself over and over again. Moments where I'm noticing that I'm wrong are blissful ! Simply because I love evolving and those moments are becoming too rare.
love how you same liberals would moan about christian church indoctrinating kids with their ideology and your fine doing the exact same thing with your equally as bullshit belief system
As long as church doesn't negate the work of the education system and remains progressive, I'm okay with children following the beliefs of their parents. Of course I would prefer kids to be raised in a neutral ground in term of belief, but that's life. So your argument here is pretty much irrelevant.
i gave examples
of the charging of the same being diferent
and who did the sentencing
the courts which are apart of the system
Example are not syonymous of a systemic problem. You would need a LOT MORE example than what you just gave me for it to be the case.
ofc you can just blindly assume their lying for no good reason despite both being on the left wing party and having generally the same poltics as you except your broke and their not being the only real differnce
Biden and Trudeau are not leftist mate. Once again you are repeating nonsence. And no, they do not have the same politic as us.
your the only one who understands everyone else got it wrong
In this thread ? Possible yes. In real life, not quite sure, there are people far more competent that me.
cause you aint robin hood
Indeed, I'm not and I'm real.
I'm glad you noticed.
right wing = counter culture
left wing = status quo
leading parties in the west are treadeau and biden self proclaimed femminsts and leftists exactly like you
No. Leftists are not in power mate. Unless you time travelled and put Bernie or Melenchon in office...
you are the ruling class carrot
Can I have my money then ?
and nothing you say changes that cnn and facebook
the big status quo companies are not facists but hardcore idealogical leftists exactly no different to you
Not fascist, yes. "Hardcore ideological leftists..." Cnn and Zukerberg and co ? Really ?
you carrot are the rich elite
cause leftist is status quo
On planet Mars maybe. Not on Earth.
He called @Bob74h an incel even back then too.
Rightfully so. Bob is an incel. That's not an insult, this is an observation.
Also, careful when you are talking about homosexuality. You know how touchy I can be to defend trans.. now imagine this x100 when it comes to the defense of homosexual people.
Just a friendly warning.
I think status quo leftist propaganda to kids is brainwashing
Your sentence doesn't make sence, not literally and politically.
and that's exactly what this social science is
nothing more then bs pushed by leftist elites of society that you carrot agree with
Still the antiscience guy hm ?
and leftism is the very system itself
On Venus perhaps... ?
and leftism is the very system itself
the comapnies = leftist
the goverments = leftist
the world leans so far left cause right wing is counter culture
I know you will ignore what I will say here, I'm saying this for others:
This is the face of far right and confusionnist radicalization. When you consider that conservatism is a counter culture, it probably means that your political internal spectrum has gone upside down. So be careful because you won't notice it when you fall and will have HARD TIME recovering from that.
yes im anti science for social sciences
cause it promotes leftist
and leftist is the system
and i oppose the system ie treadeau ie biden ie femmists
Therefore you are not reasonning rationally.
everything link you post generally just reflects the leftist stances on the writer of the study or article
Because those are researches that challenge your point of view, not because they are political. You just can't accept the fact that you can be wrong. Its not something that you want to register.
Now that you are admitting that you are antiscience.. I really don't know how I can debate with you. Its like debating with a flat earther or a foundamentalist, there is no much point. You are but an empty shell repeating propaganda in loop.
stop acting like your gender studies bs is the same as actual science
It is science. But you don't care about science. You care only about your vision of a society where you are oppressed by women.
Do you care to read your sources sometimes ? No because it doesn't really make you shine right now....
Your article is literally explaining how facebook is allowing conservatives to flourish and prevent leftist pages from being created.. Not really the leftist status co here Einstein.
"extreme Islamophobia" - lul
"He’s much too strong about the way he denies religion" said one scientist who got interviewed about dawkins in one of the sources. dawkins puts himself on a 6 at his 1-7 scale, so technically he is still an agnostic atheist. . .
"Ecklund said it is important to note that none of the scientists interviewed questioned Dawkins’ integrity as a scientist. Rather, they were critical of his representation of science to the public. "
and christopher hitchens isnt even a scientist himself, and his criticism of religion isnt based on science alot of the times.
and also lul at new atheism being right wing. not caring about political correctness and doing harsh criticism of religion doesnt make you right-wing.
You are literally ignoring the fact that dozen of scientist have alarming opinions about Dawkins's vision of science and the new atheism movement.. but hey!!!... Once again.. you are fighting against science and its researchers... Its not like its the first time and I bet that it won't be the last..
i guess the "new atheists" do think science is the best way to acquire knowledge about our natural world
No. Again you don't understand this movement at all. What you explained is what scientist think about science. The vision of Dawkins and the NA movement about science goes a step further... but keep ignoring what I say. I will definitely not bite you in the a*ss later I swear lol
nah, attacking the character instead of the argument IS a logical fallacy
Hm no. Not when the point is to precisely attack the individual's values system. You are confusing ad personam/ad hominem attacks that should not happen in a debate about the discourse of a person (because it doesn't relate to the debate) and the criticism or critical description of the path or values of a person that is precisely the subject of the debate. Here, we are in the secondary case.
We are not debating about the words of Dawkins, not anymore. We are debating about his values and his path in life.
ye dont bother sharing french shit with me, unless it has proper english subtitles
When I'm sharing content, its not always meant to appeal to the debater. Its for everyone else, and some people here speak french.
Hep Einstein. Your article doesn't mention simple right wing content but far right ones.
because i dont really subscribe to any one ideology myself.
In short, you are right wing.
When one don't subscribe to any ideology, it means that one will not follow ethical ideologies. Meaning that one will therefore not fight for those ideologies. In short: One is a rightist.
Its okay to be a right winger.. its not an insult, but its better when you accept yourself as you are.
well you gave me a source from a professor of religion on new atheism
Being religious doesn't mean that you can't do science. Being libertarian on the other hand means that you will most likely have immense biases against the conclusions of social sciences, especially sociology that tends to rip appart libertarian ideologies.
and how can you on one side say new atheism is paired with scientism and then say its becoming antiscientific?
Because the belief that science can fix all the problems is not scientific. Its politic.
but comparative religious science and educational science was full of it.
Logically yes as we are talking about human relationships and human behaviors and human systems.
is there a single poster you dont consider conservative?
Bisoromi Bear .. even tho he has some right wing fulgurances sometimes. Toby is not conservative either, could be a good leftist if he wasn't such a back stabber. Al and Van don't seem to be conservative, confusionnist and liberal/apolitics definitely but not conservatives and the others are not present enough for me to remember their names.
Surprisingly, I think Bob could make a good leftist too.. he notices some stuff. That probably why I don't want to give him up, but for that he would need to accept the fact that he is wrong and that sociology as a real science, which in term would completely change his political vision and would make him understand / put a name on all the problems he is facing.. not an easy task.
I don't really consider you conservative either, just an apolitical migrating between confusionnism and progressist liberalism/rightism.
well you dont have to put all of it in one post. makes it almost as annoying to read as @Bob74h 's posts.
Nah, the other way would create too much span and it would be impossible to keep track of whome I'm talking to. I understand that this is annoying, but this is the only way I have to create contradiction against the nonsense of this thread. I would love for other to take the relay but that's not happening sadly.
now it's a hardcore liberal/leftist world with supporting leftist media like academia,news companies,entertainment media and social media to back up the leftist status quo
the leftist leaders biden and treadeau are pretty much held up by it's propganda wing ie news,academia and so on
What is funny is that before I started to speak about the liberal and capitalist status co of system of power in our societies.. Bob never used the word "status co" in this thread. And now he is using that in the majority of his post.
Somehow it feels like I made an impact and that he understood something... but went toward the wrong conclusion
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