General Health and Fitness thread



Will do back and shoulders at the gym later. Sadly the fitness enviroment is very toxic and every discipline considers itself to possess the one real truth and everyone else is just idiots.
I think it is a process of human beings to think they were enlightened with the truth and if they keep doing more researches they can finally understand how naive they were before.

The only ultimate truth about the gym is being consistant and work hard. There are tons of ways of doing those two things though.
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Did your dad teach you to only cry ? I only smile :rosismile:
I think it is a process of human beings to think they were enlightened with the truth and if they keep doing more researches they can finally understand how naive they were before.

The only ultimate truth about the gym is being consistant and work hard. There are tons of ways of doing those two things though.
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It mainly depends on the focus of the discipline, for example a bodybuilder can't eat and train like a strongman and vice versa because it's not functional for their competitions. Too bad they are all jealous of each other's accomplishments and keep arguing.
Will do back and shoulders at the gym later. Sadly the fitness enviroment is very toxic and every discipline considers itself to possess the one real truth and everyone else is just idiots.
I 100 % agree current fitness in men only talk about six pac abs . The YouTube /Instagram unfortunately .

I stopped paying to any of these fitness cults just do what you feel like .
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It mainly depends on the focus of the discipline, for example a bodybuilder can't eat and train like a strongman and vice versa because it's not functional for their competitions. Too bad they are all jealous of each other's accomplishments and keep arguing.
Depends who you consider them. It is usually the recreational lifters. Pros often have a deep respect for each one because they are all considered athletes. No only bodybuilders with strongman and powerlifts but with any other athletes (not sure about chess and cyber players though)
Depends who you consider them. It is usually the recreational lifters. Pros often have a deep respect for each one because they are all considered athletes. No only bodybuilders with strongman and powerlifts but with any other athletes (not sure about chess and cyber players though)
I have no idea, I have never met pro lifters from the major competitions.
I workout consistently
Started around 2 years ago because i needed to lose weight and i guess i've become obsessed lol
i've kept the cardio and lifting consistent
I lost the weight really slowly because the diet hasn't been very good. I'm down 31 kilos and i'd say i've got less than 10 more to go
I've been doing kickboxing 3 times a week these past few month + i lift 2-3 times a week
I do mostly cardio (45-60 minutes of running daily + cycling + shadow boxing etc...)
I haven't been to the gym in a couple days because i've been sick but i'll be back tomorrow hopefully

On Youtube i only watch Greg doucett or however you pronounce his name
Also Cardio is the most important part
It does the most for fat burning and don't forget your most important muscle is your heart so don't let some edgy teenager on a anime forum tell you diffrent
cardio over lifting anyday but if you do them together that's ideal
I workout consistently
Started around 2 years ago because i needed to lose weight and i guess i've become obsessed lol
i've kept the cardio and lifting consistent
I lost the weight really slowly because the diet hasn't been very good. I'm down 31 kilos and i'd say i've got less than 10 more to go
I've been doing kickboxing 3 times a week these past few month + i lift 2-3 times a week
I do mostly cardio (45-60 minutes of running daily + cycling + shadow boxing etc...)
I haven't been to the gym in a couple days because i've been sick but i'll be back tomorrow hopefully

On Youtube i only watch Greg doucett or however you pronounce his name
Also Cardio is the most important part
It does the most for fat burning and don't forget your most important muscle is your heart so don't let some edgy teenager on a anime forum tell you diffrent
cardio over lifting anyday but if you do them together that's ideal
Coach Greg :cheers:

He literally loves beef against Jeff Cavlier
I see we don’t have this thread let’s create one .

what is your workout for today ??

Today I did :

Did 30 mins of run

20 mins of cycling

20 mins of HIIT

Also I follow : AthleanX , Jeff Nippard , ThenX they give awesome fitness advise .
Based thread. I know most of these channels i worked out casually at home,but sadly i can't anymore due to health reason.But i'm confident i will be able too soon enough.Wish me luck.
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Yeah no. This is bullshit. Straight misinformation.

The VO2 acquired from cardio does not transfer to lifting because it is not an aerobic exercise.

Proof of that is that some body builders doesn't even do cardio like the Brazilian Julio Balestrin.

And power lifters who are the ones that lifts the heaviest weights are the one famous for hating so much cardio that they even avoid doing many reps in their sets to avoid it (it is partly joke and partly truth).

You will only get used to lift many reps of heavy weights when you practice. Never from doing carduo that is competition workout for muscle gaining.

What I see at gym are the weakest people doing cardio while the strongest doesn't.
You get better at what you practice. Strenght=weights/Endurance=cardio. You gotta do it all. Most of these roid freaks will die out of cardiac arrest soon enough.
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Even lifters from minor/amateur competitions are bound to take juice to some degree.

Eh maybe. But on their media they can't stir up things too much.
Fuck the juice. I want to die of old age.
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Cardio is not workout dude. Stop being a pussy and go lift hard ass weight.

You too. Stop being a pussy and go work out daily. You won't be that strong even if you try hard.
Herrera,Cardio literally prolongs your life span. Its the most important exercise we can do. humans are meant to walk long distances everyday and run sometimes. Typical Lerrera L.
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I do 50km of cycling in the city every day, with lots of climbs, but it's been a pain in the ass since I'm burning too many calories, so my diet is like eating 3 in 3 hours, which I REALLY hate.
I might reduce it to 30 or 25km and change my diet to something not so freaky.
I wish i could do these things. For now i can only stretch and walk. Sometimes not even that.
I wish i could do these things. For now i can only stretch and walk. Sometimes not even that.
Honestly, I started cycling when I weighed about 286 pounds, I could barely go 10km without almost dying of exhaustion. Now I'm down to 163 pounds and every aspect of my life has gotten better, REALLY BETTER.
The key, I think, is to take it slow. Most people want to run 20km in their first time, they want to radically change their diet, cut out all the bad food, but it's like waging a war against your own brain and're not going to win a battle against your brain, it's too agonizing.

You take it slow, and you will win FOR SURE.
Honestly, I started cycling when I weighed about 286 pounds, I could barely go 10km without almost dying of exhaustion. Now I'm down to 163 pounds and every aspect of my life has gotten better, REALLY BETTER.
The key, I think, is to take it slow. Most people want to run 20km in their first time, they want to radically change their diet, cut out all the bad food, but it's like waging a war against your own brain and're not going to win a battle against your brain, it's too agonizing.

You take it slow, and you will win FOR SURE.
I weight 55kg right now.I used to weight 65kg. I lost around 10kg of muscles mass. Doc said i need to take some supplements to not lose any more muscle mass. I have some disk protusions in my cervical neck that just make doing any movement very painful. I stopped with cardio and calisthenics around 2019-2020 due to breathing problems. i think they were a mix of panic attacks and costocondritis. I overcame that shit,but now i have a fucked up neck. Once i get all this fixed,i will go full goggins on fitness and martial arts. I want to get into my 80s fit.