Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1107 Spoilers Discussion

How shocked is Kizaru at "the Power of Love"

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|One Piece Chapter 1107 Spoilers Discussion|

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Which is already happening on Egghead…lmfao

Yeah you have nothing. Two Yonko fell and the world barely noticed but you think an Admiral and a Gorosei being defeated is supposed to matter when islands are currently being wiped off of the face of the map
1 example. Your argument consists of it happening all over the world.

Completely unfounded. And youre only arguing this because you somehow think the strawhats aren't winning.

No. You can see the marines being destroyed. Saturn and Kizaru being embarrassed here.

The WG will take the biggest loss in a long time.

There's a reason Oda is setting up Blackbeard as the final foe.
It has to be. Remember Arlongpark and Enies Lobby?
Yes, but I also remember WCI which was also an escape arc, and it only had a match-up for Luffy. And there's no opportunity for a Katakuri-like fight where two characters can go away on their own for a few hours and push each other to their limits.
Vegapunk dying and Saturn being hit by a slave isn't enough? The fodder marines literally pointed it out to you when Kuma punched Saturn: "this will be a world-shaking incident".

It makes no sense to take Kizaru out of action now because it sets the marines at a serious disadvantage going into the final war. It makes even less sense to take Saturn out of action because it makes the Devon setup we just got in this chapter useless.
Egghead isn't being destroyed. Why make a big deal of Eggheads technology and Vegapunks dreams for it all to be destroyed by the marines? I take this arc as the beginning of the end of the WG. A gorosei and admiral fall.

Blackbeard let's it known. He wants the world. He will come very close to succeeding.
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