Then you need to read Zoro v King fight again. Its the very moment Zoro learns how to use CoC that he is able to control Enma and clouds swirl around his sword and he calls it KoH - in addition all the fodder around King drop down to the floor as Oda confirmed undoubtedly that it is due to the usage of CoC that Zoro can control Enma.
He reached the "standard" of Enma hte moment he used and enhanced the sword with CoC. Y'all Zoro fanboys really suck at reading comprehension, read Chapter 1033 again...
Clouds around Zoro's swords is KoH and KoH is the usage of CoC to enhance his swords.
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He reached the "standard" of Enma hte moment he used and enhanced the sword with CoC. Y'all Zoro fanboys really suck at reading comprehension, read Chapter 1033 again...

Clouds around Zoro's swords is KoH and KoH is the usage of CoC to enhance his swords.
At that moment, Zoro gave the blades everything without holding back his haki. He gave literally everything, including acoc. But most importantly, the color of the coa haze changed from violet (only on enma) to green (on all three blades), which meant that now it was not enma who pulled Zoro's haki into herself, but the fact that Zoro began to INDEPENDENTLY give all his coa to three blades. If Zoro didn't have a coc, he would have restrained enma at this moment anyway.