Current Events I Attempt To Powerscale The Egghead Vice Admirals Based Off Of Almost Zero Information

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I wouldn't use bounties to scale them.
I mean Kidd is 3B, but he still gets neg diffed by Aramaki, Issho and Kizaru, who have the same bounties.
CG bounties are questionable, my point is these guys probably have bounties above 200 mil if there are VAs who go as high as a billion lol. Unless they summoned weak ass VAs for this mission which doesn’t make much sense.
What are you asking me? Lol
I'm just saying, bounties do not matter.
I mean they can matter for people like Mihawk who only has raw strength and notoriety, but people with fleets and what not will have bounties that may not reflect their strength.
Which is why I'll say things like "Tosu (or what ever the dude who got stomped out by Brogy is named) is likely Jack level or near Jack level" instead of saying "Tosu should have about 800M-1B"

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Which is why I'll say things like "Tosu (or what ever the dude who got stomped out by Brogy is named) is likely Jack level or near Jack level" instead of saying "Tosu should have about 800M-1B"
Well this is basically what I meant lol. That is his general strength range keeping in mind bounties are not always accurate.

You think Tosa is Jack level lol? Does Tosa beat Cracker?