Rate Sanji new Elbaf outfit ?

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Not here for long, asked for a 1 year ban they gave me 5 days, thinking that I was reacting out of a momentary emotional outburst, the fools don't know that Zorofags have been spewing their toxic shit for so long. Time someone gave them a piece of their own medicine. Mods here unashamedly pander to these clowns.
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@RayanOO Didn't I implore you nicely to have those guys chucked out, not only that I even stated we should have a vote amongst the sanji fan members to see if they should be kicked out! I implore all Sanji fans have a look at the posting history of these guys, please! They crap on Sanji so much how can they be fans and we let them into our groups. C'mon!! You may think I'm a cunt and fair do's but ask yourself how does it feel as a Sanji fan to see guys like this call themselves fans of Sanji and then spew their hatred, what would a new Sanji fan who comes into this forum think? Please get rid of them! They are not fans!!
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Not here for long, asked for a 1 year ban they gave me 5 days, thinking that I was reacting out of a momentary emotional outburst, the fools don't know that Zorofags have been spewing their toxic shit for so long. Time someone gave them a piece of their own medicine. Mods here unashamedly pander to these clowns.
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@RayanOO Didn't I implore you nicely to have those guys chucked out, not only that I even stated we should have a vote amongst the sanji fan members to see if they should be kicked out! I implore all Sanji fans have a look at the posting history of these guys, please! They crap on Sanji so much how can they be fans and we let them into our groups. C'mon!! You may think I'm a cunt and fair do's but ask yourself how does it feel as a Sanji fan to see guys like this call themselves fans of Sanji and then spew their hatred, what would a new Sanji fan who comes into this forum think? Please get rid of them! They are not fans!!

can't you just ignore people whose posts you don't like ? Note that people can have different opinions . Everyone won't like Sanji just because you like him.
can't you just ignore people whose posts you don't like ?
Not a question of ignoring, why the fuck are they allowed to join this forum in the first place. This is a place for Sanji fans not for people who shit on Sanji every single post. Look at their histories, you even exposed that toxic cunt X Drake for being a Sanji "fan" in his reddit history.


Not a question of ignoring, why the fuck are they allowed to join this forum in the first place. This is a place for Sanji fans not for people who shit on Sanji every single post. Look at their histories, you even exposed that toxic cunt X Drake for being a Sanji "fan" in his reddit history.
Ignore him . He is just expressing his "opinion". He isn't insulting anyone personally or anything. there is no reason for him to get banned entirely from this forum just because he is a fake sanji fan.

Why can't you just ignore him ?
Why the fuck do we allow zorofags to be called Sanji fans in this fanclub! Fucking pieces of shit like Finalbeta, Guan Yu and Cinera shit on Sanji every single post they want and this idiot Rayan or what ever his name is just lets hit happen. Have a fucking backbone and expel those cunts from this group. Fucking embarassing that this guy is the admin of this fanclub.
I agree. They kicked me out of the Zoro fc in a heartbeat even though I didnt do much but state my opinion. I dont understand why theyre allowed here.
Ignore him . He is just expressing his "opinion". He isn't insulting anyone personally or anything. there is no reason for him to get banned just because he is a fake sanji fan.

Why can't you just ignore him ?
He is baiting not expressing his opinion!! Otherwise he wouldn't post it every fucking page of the spoiler thread! Look mate if you can't see it that's fine but there is a lot of people here who have been fans of Sanji since the inception of this website who have! And we are sick of it!
I literally got kicked out because of what I said in other threads and not what I said in the fanclub. Yet the rest of these dudes who shit on Sanji everywhere are allowed to be here ?

Doesnt seem right.
lmao how sad their life must be for them kick people for saying things in other threads

being a zoro fan isn’t the priority you must shit on sanji to join their shithole