Powers & Abilities "Luffy did not use FS...."

Roger, Garp and Shanks are the best examples. Dudes just became absolute monsters without ever needing any DF. Simply because they have such a great haki.
They became great not just because they have great haki, they have fighting skills to compliment haki ...otherwise, how do you expect someone without DF becomes strong ?....

At this point DF abilities are just a cool gimmick. If you truly want to reach the top, you better become a haki-genius, fuck the DF abilities (which Katakuri and Luffy also perfectly demonstrated).
Not really, haki is just medium.....Katakuri vs Luffy fight demonstrated opposite of what you have claimed.....Luffy could do G4 snakeman with rubber fruit + haki and Katakuri FS well complimented with his DF ability...
Ulti or Pageone toughness came from their DF ability
Kaido scales are because of his dragon fruit (?)
Also Blackbeard is a prime example of DF nerd.
Luffy has yet to awaken his fruit.


Kitetsu Wanker
Future Sight was never intended to be on Luffy what it was on Katakuri, take a minute to digest that fact.
It was always a mismatch and unfitting power for Luffy.
It is not compatible with his character and it is not compatible with his G4 Snakeman.

Oda had to use tons of mental gymnastics to keep Luffy alive, at the expense of top tiers who should have killed him many times.
Now, with FS, he can avoid it and make it plausible since it is an actual ability in the OP verse instead of using mental gymnastics.
The perfect solution to all of Oda's problems and also can serve to create amazing cliff-hangers.

For example, at the end of a chapter we see someone die, for example, Luffy and we are left a week or two with such idea.
Only to find out in the next chapter that it was a vision through future sight. It's bound to happen sooner or later.
From the writer's perspective, Oda gains nothing if Luffy is 1 step ahead of his opponents, cant be an underdog like that.

Future sight will be used here and there, when Oda needs it and wants Luffy to flex on fodder or avoid a critical situation.
Other than that, we can consider Luffy's FS as basically non-existent.
It was foolish to expect Katakuri v2.0 level of performance in the first place.
Future Sight was never intended to be on Luffy what it was on Katakuri, take a minute to digest that fact.
It was always a mismatch and unfitting power for Luffy.
It is not compatible with his character and it is not compatible with his G4 Snakeman.

Oda had to use tons of mental gymnastics to keep Luffy alive, at the expense of top tiers who should have killed him many times.
Now, with FS, he can avoid it and make it plausible since it is an actual ability in the OP verse instead of using mental gymnastics.
The perfect solution to all of Oda's problems and also can serve to create amazing cliff-hangers.

For example, at the end of a chapter we see someone die, for example, Luffy and we are left a week or two with such idea.
Only to find out in the next chapter that it was a vision through future sight. It's bound to happen sooner or later.
From the writer's perspective, Oda gains nothing if Luffy is 1 step ahead of his opponents, cant be an underdog like that.

Future sight will be used here and there, when Oda needs it and wants Luffy to flex on fodder or avoid a critical situation.
Other than that, we can consider Luffy's FS as basically non-existent.
It was foolish to expect Katakuri v2.0 level of performance in the first place.
Yep, so much this.

Katakuri even explained that one can only use future sight, if the user is totally calm and focused. The exact opposite of Luffy's character, who has always been a goofball in his freetime and totally emotional in his fights.

It's just a power that doesn't fit his character and that was randomly handed to him by Oda.
When it directly goes against Luffy's natural personality, yes it's a problem. Now if Oda had the intention of changing luffy's behavior, making him more calm and composed similarly to Katakuri, it'd be different, but that's clearly not the intent.
Luffy is generally composed in actual fights like with Lucci/against Mihawk/even against Katakuri for most of the fight etc. Basically, it is just haki, forget FS, even normal CoO won't work if that is the case.
The story has often been very inconsistent with powers such as the lack of use of Coo to detect other presences, some characters not using their powers in moments where they could have easely used them to beat an adversary or solve a problem, characters tanking or recovering from attacks that should have killed them or them on the contrary being KO or gravely injured by attacks they should have easely tanked, blocked or dodged.

So Luffy not using FS in moments like that is hardly surprising and as some pointed out before Luffy is actually not the best suited to have FS due to his hot-headed and impulsive personnality.
That whole FS is a plot advancement. It'll only be used when Oda feels like making a cool moment or a pivotal moment to a fight. We can come up with a ton of excuses but its literally just chillin there in Oda's back pocket waiting to be used. If someone were to use FS all the time, it would be beyond broken and the whole series would just be about whos CoO/FS is better.
Oh yeah regarding current thread

From One piece plot pov, I mean Oda POV....Luffy uses/has FS whenever Oda feels like he has given Luffy such powerup such as when he remembered in chapter 909/939/945 and probably against Ulti. All other times, just erase Katakuri fight from the existence.

From WG battledome here, Luffy has FS and accept it since battledome here doesn't consider the so called "PIS/CIS" and it works like it should work actually.
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That whole FS is a plot advancement. It'll only be used when Oda feels like making a cool moment or a pivotal moment to a fight. We can come up with a ton of excuses but its literally just chillin there in Oda's back pocket waiting to be used. If someone were to use FS all the time, it would be beyond broken and the whole series would just be about whos CoO/FS is better.
Oh, FS is not absolute. You can't change something even when you know the future. While it is good powerup, it can be countered
The only important power in OP is haki, EVERYTHING else is useless.
Like @dirtyLarry said, you can have the strongest DF ever, hell you can have the 2 strongest DFs and still lose to à haki champion.
Basically, the concept of Haki killed every other Power Up anybody might have; I'd go as far as saying, Dfs, weapons, and even limbs are a ''cool gimmick'' at best...
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Kitetsu Wanker
The only important power in OP is haki, EVERYTHING else is useless.
Like @dirtyLarry said, you can have the strongest DF ever, hell you can have the 2 strongest DFs and still lose to à haki champion.
Basically, the concept of Haki killed every other Power Up anybody might have; I'd go as far as saying, Des, weapons, and even limbs are a ''cool gimmick'' at best...
Hakified weapons are the true champion of the game. :steef:
Luffy promised Zoro to be more serious against Ulti he appeared to be that and still fs didn't make him invincible and against fodders in udon he wasn't serious but he used fs
Yes and still after all that promise and "serious" gimmick, Yamato saw through it and said Luffy hasnt been serious.

Base Luffy blitzed hybrid Ulti without FS, to think that he used FS against Ulti without knowing Yamato is coming or without him preventing himself from being grabbed by slow dino Ulti in the first place showed inconsistency and plot restriction against Luffy's FS. But apparently Oda tried to get away with Yamato saying Luffy wasnt serious.
It's stated you need to be calm to use future sight. Being able to use normal CoO while in an emotional state is not relevant.

Oda fucked himself over by making this a power up for luffy, it clashes against his personality, thus who knows when he's using it or not unless it's explicitely made clear or something. Imo it's only going to be useful in pis scenarios, when he needs to dodge a powerful attack, and when he isn't jobbing against the likes of Ulti, his fs is magically going to work.
I believe it's the exact opposite. It was perfect to give Luffy Future Sight BECAUSE it clashes with his personality. This way Luffy has a pretty OP ability up his sleeve, but he can't just run around spamming it, making him practically untouchable. There would be no fun in that for Oda, as he loves creating situations for Luffy where there is tons of mishaps, and using him to hype other characters. But when it boils down to it, and it's time for the Future King of the Pirates to get serious, he will have all the tools at his disposal to be worthy of the crown.
Another thing that needs to stop is people assuming that every little dodge Luffy does now is future sight. He was perfectly capable of dodging attacks prior to unlocking this ability, and even dodged attacks from a person who had future sight for 11 hours straight while not having the ability himself. Now all of a sudden people are acting like every dodge Luffy does, must be future sight, which is BS.
Another thing that needs to stop is people assuming that every little dodge Luffy does now is future sight. He was perfectly capable of dodging attacks prior to unlocking this ability, and even dodged attacks from a person who had future sight for 11 hours straight while not having the ability himself. Now all of a sudden people are acting like every dodge Luffy does, must be future sight, which is BS.
At least the number of dodges should have increased don't you think?
But it seems it has decreased .