Upon further retrospect guys, I trust Hara to do the right thing. Shibashou will defeat Akou and Sou Ou here. Whether or not he’ll actually kill them or simply “defeat” them ala Akou or Ouhon at Shukai Plains, I don’t know. I don’t want Akou to die, couldn’t care less about Sou Ou, but I’m confident Shibashou isn’t about to get jobbed on by Ousen’s guys.
Have faith in Hara, the man knows better

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚
Have faith in Hara, the man knows better

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚