How long will these 10 minutes take?

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I don't know how many rounds Luffy needs to defeat Kizaru...The giants are about to be sacrificed to give time for everyone to escape from the island
He hasnt defeated him not one instance has Kizaru been "KOed", and in the instance where he got knocked down, Luffy was fucking done for just as long.

He's only been hit one other time up until this chapter. Again, yall are judging text spoilers, wait for pics and, and even then, wait for more chapters.
Admirals are finished, now it make sense why sabo didnt waste time with them and was stopped by gorosei. nika also about to get gorosei diffed. if zoro block a combined attack from the 5 gorosei we will have another hakkai in our list.
Y'all stay forgetting the magic mink cocaine he took to fully heal to fight king. And then that zigga was halucinating the grim reaper after fighting a mere subordinate. TRAGIC
@Kurozumi Wiwi @EmperorKinyagi @Paperchampion23
The rest of the Elders being summoned really threw a wrench into everything.

I was always on the belief that both Kizaru and Saturn will be defeated but now I don't know anymore. Like maybe Kizaru can still get defeated and not Saturn I guess?

Or maybe neither of them actually gets defeated and maybe Oda still has Kizaru participate in the final battle against the Marines, maybe Fujitora does really switch sides and instead we have Zoro vs Kizaru in the final battle against the Marines.

Again I really have no idea what Oda is planning and at this point I give up lol.
They're getting summoned but I don't they appeared yet? Maybe they are this arc timebomb
@Kurozumi Wiwi @EmperorKinyagi @Paperchampion23
The rest of the Elders being summoned really threw a wrench into everything.

I was always on the belief that both Kizaru and Saturn will be defeated but now I don't know anymore. Like maybe Kizaru can still get defeated and not Saturn I guess?

Or maybe neither of them actually gets defeated and maybe Oda still has Kizaru participate in the final battle against the Marines, maybe Fujitora does really switch sides and instead we have Zoro vs Kizaru in the final battle against the Marines.

Again I really have no idea what Oda is planning and at this point I give up lol.
Idc anymore at this point bro. I haven't liked the protagonists in this story since early Wano, not really sure why I’m reading at this point


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Zoro stans will tell you that Luffy didn't defeat Lucci cos he stood back up and in the same breath tell you Zoro defeated Apoo in Wano even though the latter was seen having a chat with Drake mins later:milaugh:
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