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Gorosei have some wild af entrances, looking forward to see their df and transformations.

Looks like they can summon one other at each other location.

No clue where things will be headed as of now. All 5 of them? Yeah good luck. But at least Luffy with the giants help and whoever else have to hold them off long enough until Vegapunk's message to the world finishes. I wonder how marines will react to that message. Imu's reveal at the end of Egghead?

How did Onigashima submerge btw?

Didn't it land on solid ground?
Maybe it caved in and landed undersea? Idk
What a chapter! Another twist in Egghead arc. Luffy destroying Kizaru and Saturn was great man!! He’s showing that he’s a yonko now. Saturn’s hax is really interesting. He doesn’t have much combat capabilities as it seems (maybe he’s not serious) but his hax powers is really interesting and great.

The final panel of Saturn summoning all other Gorosei and the black lightning effects wow!! Great panel that. SHs losing here again is possible and will give much needed hype for the Gorosei and Imu but it’ll dehype SHs and cheapen Kuma’s story?This arc gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Forget him, he just mad oda still wank the horn feat, flying dragon blaze carry more AP than anything in law arsenal, the attack that made yonko tell yonko to dodge is more iconic imo. A legendary moment that left his mark on the island of the strongest. To top it all it was itoryu zoro so not even rooftop zoro second strongest attack.
She was right, that was no ordinary sword. It had Oden's haki.


1110 - Oh, shit, these elder bozos are here and Nika has his hands full of 'em.
1111 - Anyway, here's Zoro's fight. Did you even still care about it?
1112 - Time for the truth to be revealed to the world!
1113 - And the truth is... !
1114 - But first a couple more nobodies' reactions...
1115 - Shit, the bozos didn't stop the stream and now the world knows!
1116 - Anyway, here's IMU nuking Egghead, elders included!
1117 - The SHs manage to escape: whatta surprise!
1118 - Obligatory inter-arc around-the-world reactions chapter. Hey, look, the bozos are actually fine, having tp'd away off-panel last chapter; did you fear for them?
1119 - Back to sea we go, and is this a new adventure I smell?
1120 - Huh. I guess this is where Kid rests in peace.
1121 - Elbaf, is that you? Haters still doubt your importance.
1122 - Back to the numerology chapters!
1123 - It's autumn already, since we cooked with too many breaks. Should we take a couple more to make the Halloween chapter coincide with some spooky big tree Elbaf filler?


Luffy would have smashed it to smithereens if Momo had not moved it out of the way. Remember, Luffy told Momo to move it out of the way.
That's like final G5 strongest attack.
Zoro did that with not even his top 5 attacks and pre adcoc. Lol
Honestly people shit on him but I am really curious what Kizaru will do for the next 10 minutes. I assume AFTER the message he'll possibly betray the WG, but before this is the real question. He isnt knocked out and clearly is conflicted.

To me he's still the most interesting character this arc because we dont really know how he truly feels about everything and what his mindset is currently.

Regardless if he actually starts trying to fight or just keeps this weak charade up until the message releases, I do think he's betraying them and possibly dying this arc. Like VP, i feel like his relevancy should technically end here for the most part.
I don’t get what Vegapunk could reveal that could make Kizaru turn against the WG. He’s already seen the CDs beat, rape, murder, and enslave millions of innocents and is still on their side
All they had to do was kill the snails to stop the broadcast :kayneshrug:
They would have to break all the snails all over the world. No, they need something like the ATT phone outage that happened last week but on a global snail outage level. Or simply find the source of transmission on egghead and destroy it.
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