Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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6 months of nothing but cliche lines
“You can’t fight my captain”
“I guess I’ll settle for #2”
“I’m in control of this fight”
“No I’m in control of this fight”

Just for a half chapter climax where Zoro probably says “Now to get serious” or “We’re in different classes”

Least amount of effort for a fight with two very popular characters


And that will scaling Gear 5 to Mr3 as well.
Lol talk sense.
Not all giants are relative in strength.
Vergo and roger are human.
Are they equal?
G5 pancaked saturn and kizaru, little garden clowns would be lucky to hold them for a few seconds.

Again, no one other than imu and BB scales to g5, luffy is a reality warper with imagination power.


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Yeah but Shi Shi Son Son takes no toll on Zoro at all tho and he pulls it anytime he wants?
How difficult it is for Zoro to perform a Shi Shi Son Son?
Yeah Shishi Sonson doesn't take a significant toll on Zoro, but it demonstrates Zoro exerting considerable effort as it was one of his strongest techniques at the time.

It's like current Zoro using Dragon Damnation; even if the battle is a oneshot and Zoro is not exhausted afterwards, that's still a high degree of effort on Zoro's part.
It is. Its the 1st attack used. And the fight is over
Clashes mean nothing.
Hyozuou did the same.
How can it be a oneshot if he’s been hit beforehand?

Shanks vs Kidd is the clearest example of a oneshot in OP

An extended fight where Lucci has taken damage with Zoro landing his final attack is not a oneshot

Otherwise almost every fight in One Piece has ended in a oneshot
Assuming the spoilers are true, IMO the truth is somewhere in the middle of what you both are saying.

Yeah, Lucci had some scratches here and there, but it was just Oda stalling for the plot.
The minor injuries were from these clashes.
There is no reason Hyozo, Apoo etc should've lasted long against Zoro either, but they did until Oda wanted plot to progress where he wanted it to be.

But one named attack and Lucci is out. Things will get cleared up when raws drop, but what likely happened is that most of the damage Lucci took probably came from the one named attack that landed.

In which case it isn't a one shot, but quite close to it. Lucci probably went from like 70% to 0 with that hit. Different from Luffy vs Kaido, Kata, Doffy etc. Where the damage was truly accumulating over time.

If spoilers are true, this is a low-mid diff for Zoro. Straight up low diff if no advanced Conqueror's.
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