Ouki couldn’t even defeat Kyou En. You see? I can twist shit too lmfao. Literally Renpa and 4 of the Qin 6 couldn’t defeat Kyou En.
Notice how when you point out that Renpa and 4 Qin6 couldn’t defeat Kyou En, we’ll see 6 different levels of mental gymnastics to justify this
But point out that Shi Ei killed 3 Fire Dragons and all the sudden the Fire Dragons are only Heavenly King level, which…if that were the case, Shi Ei would still have a far superior feat under his belt than the guys who could never defeat Kyou En lol
But no, Gokei is just far superior to the other Fire Dragons even though this has never been said,
And Tou didn’t really retreat from Rei Ou, you imagined that.
Oh what’s this? A panel where Hara claims the Qin 6/Zhao 3/Fire Dragons were all equals? Ignore that please!!!
When you subscribe to the 3GH Agenda but realize that Renpa is a 3GH